When approaching Snake Island, everyone saw countless fireworks exploding over Snake Island.

Blossoms are incomparably dazzling.

"Master is setting off fireworks on the island? I'm sure no one will take care of it here. If it's in the city, the city management will come!"

Wang Bangbang laughed.

"Master, are you all right? Are you still in the mood to set off fireworks?"

Xiao Wu also laughed.

"Hurry up, I can't wait!"

Hu Yiyi also laughed.

Everyone speeded up, and after half an hour, they finally saw Snake Island.

And they saw it from a long distance, on the edge of the Snake Island by the river around the island.

There is a table filled with all kinds of food and drinks.

Zhang Weishan and Xiaoxi watched the fireworks with their backs turned to them.

Just looking at the back view makes one can't help but sigh, what a couple of gods and gods.

When everyone saw this scene, their eyes turned red.

Wang Bangbang couldn't hold back even more, and immediately stepped forward to give Zhang Weishan a bear hug.

But just as he ran over, he saw Zhang Weishan turn around.

There was a strange feeling on that familiar face.

Zhang Weishan seemed to be a different person.

His cheeks were a little pale, and there was no trace of blood on his lips.

There was a sense of helplessness in the smile that was revealed.

And his temperament has also changed.

From the high-spirited youth at the beginning, he became a little disillusioned with the world.

Looking at Wang Bangbang, he just squeezed out a smile.

But this smile is like weather-beaten.


Wang Bangbang didn't dare to hug Zhang Weishan, instead he said timidly.

Zhang Weishan smiled, and hugged Wang Bangbang into his arms.

Only then did Wang Bangbang feel that the familiar person seemed to be back.

"He just woke up, and his body still needs to recover!"

"Don't try too hard!"

Xiaoxi reminded.

Wang Bangbang nodded hurriedly.

The people behind looked at Zhang Weishan with tears in their eyes.

The two let go, Zhang Weishan looked at the crowd and smiled.

"Thank you these days, especially Captain Qin, I'm sorry!"

"I wanted to come to the door to thank you in person after I recovered!"

"Where is this, we are old friends, this matter is nothing to worry about!"

Captain Qin laughed.

Zhang Weishan smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down.

Captain Qin is a bold person, if he mentions this matter, he will seem a little petty.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank heavily, Xiaoxi reminded Zhang Weishan to drink less, after all his body has not fully recovered.

Hu asked one by one.

"Master, sister Xi, where did these fireworks come from?"

"I went to town to buy it in the morning!"

Xiao Xi laughed.

"I haven't seen fireworks since I grew up. I'm happy today, so let's watch it."

"There's no one in charge of this place!"

Hu Yiyi smiled.

Zhang Weishan was chatting with Captain Qin about the latter's mechanical arm.

When he saw the mechanical arm in Captain Qin's hand, he couldn't help feeling emotional.

In the world after time travel, technology is indeed advanced.

It's just that this historical fault is serious.

This allowed me to walk along the way and gradually integrate into this world.

"Master, today is New Year's Eve, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Xiao Wu suddenly asked.

This question stumped everyone.

It seems to be asking about tomorrow, but in fact it is asking about the future.

People have to face these problems in their lives.

Nowadays, the updates on the Internet are too fast, and they haven't shown up for only half a year.

It's like disappearing for several years.

What Xiao Wu said was also to ask Zhang Weishan what plans he has in the future.

Zhang Weishan said with a sigh.

"There's so much going on these days!"

"My body has not yet recovered, and I have more than enough heart but not enough energy!"

"I thought I'd visit everyone after I recovered from my injury!"

"Unexpectedly, you have been guarding the Devil City."

"I'm sorry about Captain Qin, but I'm also sorry about Shen Wan!"

"Master, do you know everything?"

Everyone was a little surprised, they didn't expect Xiaoxi to tell Zhang Weishan all these things.

Zhang Weishan nodded.

In fact, it is impossible to hide these things.

After all, the trip to Ping'er Mountain was broadcast live at the beginning.

Although no one saw the conversation in the building later.

But there are still videos of Shen Wan's accident.

In addition, there are still many topics about Shen Wan's disappearance on the Internet, so it is not difficult to find these.

Xiaoxi did not choose to hide this.

"Do you have any news about Shen Wan?"

Zhang Weishan asked.

The crowd shook their heads.

"Sister Wan hasn't seen her since she left the village!"

"I don't know her."

Hu Yiyi said with reddened eye circles.

Zhang Weishan couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Some things, some people always make people don't know how to face them.

In order to save himself, Shen Wan went to Ping'er Mountain.

In order to save Bangbang, he was swallowed by a female corpse and got angry.

This debt of friendship will not be very comfortable for anyone to bear.

"If you have a chance, help me find her!"

Zhang Weishan said.


Everyone nodded, but there was some helplessness in their hearts.

In the vast crowd, it is so difficult to find someone who wants to hide.

"Shen Wan is a catastrophe in my heart, I hope to see her again in my lifetime!"

"In addition to this matter, I actually have a lot of things!"

"You all know now that we have evil consequences, so this pace cannot be stopped!"

"It's fine if I'm the only one responsible for this evil, now Xiao Zhang Xiaoxi and Xiao Xi's unborn child!"

"I can't stop walking!"

"Since you are all here, I want to ask you, or you can help me find out!"

"Who has ever heard of the place called mirage return!"

"Mirage returning home?"

Everyone was stunned.

They have never heard of this place.

"Master, are you going to find this place? Then I'm afraid you have to go to the Academy of Archeology to ask!"

Hu Yi said.

Zhang Weishan shook his head.

"I talked to Mr. Mu on the phone, but they don't know either!"

"It's also a good thing that the Internet doesn't care about us now. I want to investigate this place secretly!"

"This place has the revelation of the divinatory disk!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and they couldn't understand.

Seeing this, Zhang Weishan laughed.

"I'll explain it to you later when things get more complicated. Just help me find out about Shen Wan and this mirage's return!"

The crowd nodded.

It's not that Zhang Weishan doesn't want to tell them, it's the trip to Ping'er Mountain that makes him a little scared.

I really don't want to involve so many people.

If he could find Mirage and return home this time, he might choose to go by himself.

Xiao Wu heard the words and said.

"Master, if you want to find out about Miss Shen Wan, I'm afraid you have to go back to West Lake City. After all, most of our contacts are there!"

"Secondly, our Wu family can be regarded as some sources of news in the local area. If we want to inquire about the return of this mirage, I am afraid we have to go to West Lake City!"

"Why don't you come with us to West Lake City for a few days? You can relax during the Chinese New Year."

"That's okay. It just so happens that Xiaoxi has never experienced the New Year, so how about we go to West Lake City tomorrow morning?"

Zhang Weishan asked.

Xiaoxi nodded, now Xiaoxi has already looked away, as long as Zhang Weishan is around, it doesn't matter where he goes.

After finalizing the itinerary, everyone will stop talking about these troublesome things.

Drink happily and chat freely.

After drinking for three rounds, everyone found a random place and slept on the ground.

The weather is really nice tonight.

But Zhang Weishan who was standing by the river was staring at the lake in a daze.

Xiaoxi came over and said.

"It's getting late, go to bed earlier!"

Zhang Weishan showed a wry smile and said.

"Show me the baby!"

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