Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 723 The level is 3 meters, and there is a heartbeat in the soil?

Xiao Wu and Yiyi didn't say much, there must be something dangerous down here.

The two of them are the weakest in skills, and to be honest, staying on top is the best choice.

This is not the time to be competitive, everything is for saving people.

Surprisingly, Shen Wan didn't refute, and stood by without saying a word, which was his acquiescence.

Captain Qin and his men ran back from the forest with a black box in less than half an hour.

The black box is the mountain detector that was dropped in by air.

Only Xiao Wu and Hu Yiyi know how to use it here, and they set up the equipment without talking nonsense.

Then the probing began.

The others have already put on their equipment silently and are waiting to set off.

Although it is impossible for the mountain detector to understand the detection of the entire mountain in a short time.

But they didn't need to investigate so much.

Xiao Wu and Hu Yiyi aimed the main target of the detector at the robbery hole they dug and the nearby destination.

Only detecting these two positions saves a lot of time.

The detector started from the bottom of their robbery hole and began to detect all around.

Soon the detected ripple pattern appeared on the detector.

These ripples are drawn from the reflected detection information.

There will be varying degrees of change due to different soils.

But generally there will be no obvious ripples, it looks like a straight line, outlining the situation below the mountain.

Probing continued until the 5th minute.

Suddenly, the detector issued a warning sound.

Everyone and the people in the live broadcast room saw it almost at the same time.

It is about 13 meters horizontally on the west side of the robbery cave.

A huge circular ripple appeared.

One by one hurriedly explained.

"With such violent ripples, this area should not be soil!"

"Normally, voids make this kind of ripple!"

"You mean this is an interior space? The place we're looking for?"

Hu Yiyi shook his head.

"Not completely sure yet!"

The current detection area is still too small.

"It's like a blind man touching an elephant. We only touch the elephant's legs, but we don't know how big the elephant is!"

"The deep pit is connected to the space where the female corpse is, so there must be a passage between the deep pit and the space of the female corpse!"

"And the space we detected is located on the other side of the female corpse space, so it should have nothing to do with the deep pit!"

"If we expand the detection range, as long as we can confirm that the deep pit is above this, then we can prove from the side that this space is the space of female corpses!"

"Too much trouble!"

Wang Bang Bang said.

"Why don't we go down first? Since there is space on the west side of the robbery cave, no matter what, it's better to dig there first and have a look?"

Xiao Xi asked after hearing the words.

"How long will it take to detect all the mountains?"

"About five hours!"

Hu Yi said.

This is already the fastest speed.

Xiaoxi shook her head.

"It's been too long, let's go hand in hand!"

"Let's go down to find that space first. If it's really a female corpse space, then take the inner alchemy directly!"

"If not, we are waiting for news from you!"

"But sister Xi, what if something happens? Actually, it's been several days, and it's not five hours away!"

Hu Yiyi was a little worried.

Shen Wan at the side patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Let them go!"

"It's about this time, we should understand her!"

Hu Yiyi pursed his lips and said nothing.

Xiaoxi took Captain Qin and others out of the tent and walked towards the entrance of the robbery cave.

After 5 minutes, everyone set off.

They also brought the Mausoleum Armor of Chuanshan Cave, so that the excavation speed can be much faster.

Soon there were only three or four left behind soldiers in the camp, and Xiao Wu and the other three.

Hu Yi said.

"I know it's right or wrong this time, although I really want to save Master!"

"But we have been ignoring a problem all this time!"

"If there is really something comparable to the Ten Thousand Years Corpse Pill in that woman's body, will it really be something we can contend with?"

Xiao Wu heard the words.

"This question is meaningless. It's like an exam. You know that you haven't studied hard on weekdays, so you must fail the exam!"

"But can you still not take the exam?"

"It's like, like shopping, when you fall in love with something, you know it's not that valuable, but you still buy it because you really like it!"

"This is actually a truth!"

"If you do it, maybe the result will not satisfy you, but if you don't do it, the result will only make you more unhappy!"

"But can't I wait for these hours? I just want to make sure everyone is safe!"

Hu Yi said.

Hearing this, Shen Wan patted her on the shoulder and said.

"The more this is the case, the harder it is for those who care to stay rational!"

"Maybe she just doesn't want to be so idle, it's easy to make people think wildly."

"Okay, we still have work to do, let them know the situation in time!"

Hu Yi nodded, and the three immediately got busy.

The netizens in the live broadcast room have been staring at the live broadcast room.

The drone followed Xiaoxi and the others into the robbery cave.

One was left in the camp above.

So everyone can clearly see everyone's situation.

Xiaoxi and the others were very fast this time, and they reached the bottom of the robbery cave in less than 10 minutes.

At this time, Hu Yiyi's voice came from the live broadcast room.

"Sister Xi, we just detected that behind the space 13 meters to the west is solid!"

"So you can find out if that place is your destination first!"

"We will turn around and probe the length of that space!"

"If the length is limited, it may be the main tomb of the female corpse!"

"If the length is very long, and other spaces may be discovered during the period, it may be a Yongdao!"

"Understood, you continue!"

Xiaoxi nodded.

In fact, to put it bluntly, although Hu Yiyi and the others got the terrain detector, it was because time was too tight.

So they have no way to find out the destination at once.

They could only guide everyone to find the space where the female corpse might be buried, while looking for other places.

Just do what you say, and everyone will not talk nonsense at the moment.

Wang Bangbang led two mountain-piercing mausoleum armors, and immediately cleared the way ahead.

With these two pangolins, the speed at which they dug the burrow was so fast.

The horizontal distance of 13 meters may be a 5-minute journey for them.

As the soil layer is dug section by section.

Everyone is also quickly approaching that space.

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters.
After 5 minutes, it could be seen on the detector.

The distance from that space is only less than two meters.

"Come on for me!"

Xiao Zhang stepped forward to take the mausoleum armor from the Chuanshan Cave, and continued to dig.

Wang Bangbang moved to the back to rest.

Two meters, one meter, half a meter!
When the distance was only half a meter away, Xiao Zhang stopped.

After handing over the armor of the Chuanshan Cave Mausoleum to the soldiers behind him, he took out the Meteor Sword Wushuang and began to dig inch by inch.

I don't know what's going on in this underground space, so we must be more careful.

Otherwise, it may cause a chain reaction, and if the time comes, the entire robbery hole and space will collapse.

Then they will be completely buried here.

The soil was peeled away inch by inch.

When the detector showed that they were less than ten centimeters away from the space.

Suddenly Xiao Zhang stopped.

"Why don't you dig? What's the situation?"

Hu Yi asked hurriedly.

Everyone was watching expectantly, but why did Xiao Zhang stop suddenly.

Xiao Zhang swallowed and said.

"The situation is wrong! Why is there a heartbeat in this soil!"

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