Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 720 There Is Space Underground?Angry chicken stumbles and dies tragically

[Damn it, why are there so many mummies here? 】

[It seems that these mummies were probably put in during the construction! 】

[Sure, the question is why put so many mummy? 】

[Ghost knows! 】

[To be honest, if you have nothing to do, watch the archaeological live broadcast more. I feel that everyone's knowledge has increased a lot, and they all know that this was put in during the construction! 】


The people in the live broadcast room talked a lot.

At the scene, Xiao Wu controlled the drone and approached one of the mummy.

I saw that the clothes on the mummy had an obvious warlock style.

It doesn't look like some high-ranking official, but more like some alchemist who asks for alchemy.

"It is rumored that Pingshan is a mountain of medicine, and it is a place dedicated to refining the elixir of immortality for several generations of dynasties!"

"The clothes of these people are in line with the clothing style of alchemists. Could it be that this is the place where those who made alchemy in Pingshan are buried after death?"

Hu Yiyi said.

Their understanding of Pingshan is really limited.

The only materials that are left are also left in Mr. Hu's notebooks.

I only know that this place was breached by a great general in the Yuan Dynasty.

Later, in order to suppress the people nearby, the general of the Yuan Dynasty was buried here.

And this great general of the Yuan Dynasty was later called the Millennium Corpse King.

But it was solved by Hu Yiyi's grandfather back then.

If the general didn't know that there was a well of this size here.

That makes sense.

But the person who built this Yin Well had designed the structure of the Yin Well long ago.

Or did it come out by mistake?
The corpses of these alchemists are somewhat strange to be placed here.

"Keep watching!"

Xiao Xidao.

Xiao Wu nodded, and immediately controlled the drone to continue in-depth.

And as the drone continued to go deeper, they discovered that there were far more corpses on the walls around the pit than they had imagined.

According to the calculation of more than 20 corpses in a circle.

At this depth, there should be at least a dozen laps.

At least there must be more than 200 corpses.

With so many corpses here, it's almost like a corpse pit.

But the strange thing is that the air in the whole space is very dry, and there is not even a smell of corpses.

The air circulation here still seems to be very good.

I don't know how deep the entire pit is.

When the drone penetrated 36 meters underground.

Finally, in the footage of the drone, the situation at the bottom began to appear.

The entire pit is inverted trumpet-shaped.

Wide above, narrow below.

The closer to the bottom, the smaller the space.

When the drone landed on the ground.

The diameter of the entire space is less than eight meters.

And there are no dead bodies at all around here.

The drone turned around, and everyone saw that there were no secret doors or other entrances on the surrounding walls.

In other words, this deep pit ends here.

This is a little strange. Is it true that digging such a big hole is just to put the corpse?
Where is the legendary female corpse?

"What's the matter with father?"

Hu Yiyi asked in the live broadcast room.

The current situation is really incomprehensible!

Lao Hu looked at the screen in the live broadcast room and sent out a few bullet screens.

[The layout here does meet the needs of Yinjing! 】

[According to the structure of Yinjing, it must correspond to Ping'er Mountain. You can look at the ground, if you can't say no, there is an entrance to go deeper]

[If the female corpse is really dirty here, it must be buried at the bottom of the entire pit! 】

[And according to the situation here, I speculate that there is still space under the ground! 】

[The female corpse should be in this independent space! 】


Seeing this, Xiao Wu controlled the drone to fly up and patted the ground.

The unevenness of the ground is not large, but it is not flat either.

The strangest thing is that the ground is covered with things like barbs.

You say it is a plant, but it doesn't look like it.

But those barb-like things are only as long as fingers, and the thickness is about the same as a needle.

When blown by the wind of the drone, it will shake back and forth.

On the contrary, it looks like the fine hair on the surface of the human body, but the fine hair is too long.

"What's the matter with these hairs?"

Wang Bangbang looked a little disgusted.

It's as if there is a huge porcupine under the ground.

Its back blocked the entrance below, which looked very strange and incomprehensible.

"Throw a stone down to see?"

Wang Bangbang said.

Surprisingly, no one objected.

Seeing this, Wang Bangbang picked up a brick and threw it down.

After about a few seconds, only a loud bang was heard.

The bottom was smashed and a cloud of dust floated up.

Wait for the dust to disperse, in the drone screen.

He actually saw a brick gap smashed into the ground.

The gap turned out to be empty.

And the whole ground is like an empty shell, only about as thick as the palm of your hand.

Sure enough, there is still room below.

"I really have it, now I have to go back and get the rope!"

Wang Bang Bang said.

It seems that the old nonsense is right, the female corpse is probably in the space under this layer of empty shell.

"Or throw some more stones to smash the empty shell completely, maybe you can see the coffin!"

Wang Bangbang suggested.

Xiaoxi shook her head this time.

"If the whole shell collapses, the coffin will surely be buried too!"

"And what if the coffin is smashed and the female corpse escapes!"

"It's better to go back and get the rope, and come down tomorrow to check!"

The crowd nodded.

Wang Bangbang didn't say much, and got up to find a way to go up.

But who would have thought that when he just got up, he actually startled Nu Qingji next to him.

The Nuqing chicken squatted next to Wang Bangbang at some point.

At this moment, the whole chicken jumped up, flapped its wings and flew out.

Nuqing Chicken is also a chicken, and it will not fly for a long time.

As soon as he flew out of the edge of the platform, the fat man secretly thought it was bad.

This chicken is probably going to be sacrificed.

Sure enough, the Nuqing chicken had no place to stay, flapped its wings twice, bumped into a corpse below, rolled and fell into the deep pit.

Everyone saw that the mummy turned into powder in an instant.

And the Nuqing chicken even crashed all the way down.

From time to time, the corpse was packed into powder, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.

His gaze turned to the drone.

A moment later, the sound of the Nuqing chicken falling from above was heard.

Until there was a muffled "bang", the Nuqing chicken was completely dead.

The whole body fell to the ground, it was too light to smash through the ground.

However, when everyone saw the appearance of the angry chicken, they couldn't help but froze.

I saw the Nuqing Chicken who was still high-spirited when he was alive, but now the feathers all over his body turned white.

The skin on his body was shriveled like a corpse.

It was as if the blood was sucked out in an instant.

The feathers all over the body fluttered from time to time, and after being shattered, they fell off one by one.

In the end, the whole chicken body was in the undetectable wind of the drone.

was blown away.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Shen Wan said hurriedly.

"How did this happen? It only took less than a minute. Why does it seem to have been drained of blood!"

"What happened in the middle?"


Hu Yiyi is also in a hurry, there is clearly a situation down here, if they go down tomorrow like this, wouldn't something happen to them too!
Lao Hu quickly posted a few bullet screens.

[Sure enough, the female corpse must be below, and the power of the alchemy in her body is extraordinary! 】

[The structure of this place is like a magnifying glass, magnifying the effect of the inner alchemy! 】

【You can't go straight down from here, or you will be sucked dry before reaching the bottom】

[You have to think of a way, go around from other places! 】

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