"That's not Ye Mingzhu, what are you thinking about!"

Xiao Zhang opened his mouth and said.

"Isn't it Ye Mingzhu? What is that? It can't be two."

Wang Bangbang joked.

Zhang Weishan ignored him, got up and came to the place between the big snake statue and the female corpse.

He found that the coffin platform where the female corpse was located was connected with the big snake.

That is to say, the coffin bed cannot be taken away.

If you want to take the female corpse out, you can only take out the layer of ice crystals that wrapped her.

According to his understanding.

The ice crystals outside the body of this female body are accumulated by Daheitian, and they must not be broken.

Otherwise it will be buried here.

At the same time, the entrance to the ancient tomb will also be blocked.

But this is only the first case.

The second situation is, token!
If there is no token, even if they really took the female corpse out.

That didn't work either.

After all, where is the entrance? It doesn't appear just by taking the female corpse out.

According to the normal situation.

The Demon Kingdom left this entrance, if it is for the priests of future generations.

Then future generations will never come to steal the female corpse.

So be straightforward, if you have a token, you may not need to touch the female corpse at all to find the entrance.

This female corpse is extremely precious, it is better not to damage it.

If such a precious thing is damaged too much, it will be detrimental to morality.

Thinking about it, Zhang Weishan shouted at the drone.

"Send the king's head down!"

"it is good!"

Soon Xiaoxi's voice came from above.

In less than 2 minutes, a bag was lowered.

Inside it was the head of King Xian.

Zhang Weishan took out King Xian's head, and found that the facial features on it had disappeared a lot.

This head looks more and more like a round ball.

"Look for a place to put this thing!"

"There is no sacrificial altar here, I'm afraid the mechanism to open the entrance is very clever!"

Zhang Weishan said.

Xiao Zhang and Wang Bangbang heard the words and started to look for it.

The white-haired wolf king squatted aside without any movement.

One eye kept looking at the giant wolf statue in front of him, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

The netizens in the live broadcast room are not interested in finding the entrance.

Everyone is discussing the female corpse.

[I said, this is really different, it looks beautiful]

[How beautiful is it? 】

[This is not nonsense, everything is beautiful, and this ice crystal is much more transparent than the one above]

[Old color criticism, but I like it! 】

[Hey, to be honest, although the ice crystals are more transparent, have you noticed that the body of this female body is foggy, as if wrapped in a layer of tulle. 】

[Yes, I felt it too, I thought I was short-sighted. 】

[This is not as good as the first floor. Although the sisters on the first floor are fake, at least they don’t wear them. Although this sister is real, it’s boring to wear tulle.]

[Yeah, I still think the sister on the first floor can get along, she really doesn't wear it! 】

[Roll, how many years have you guys never seen a woman? A dead body can drive a car]

[The car should be driven frequently, otherwise it will be damaged, and I don’t understand anything]

Happy chatting in the live broadcast room.

But at the scene, Zhang Weishan and the three searched for a long time but couldn't find a place to put the token.

There are many potholes, but they don't even know what the token is.

Don't tell me to find a place to put the token.

Even Xianwang's head was tried by Zhang Weishan's dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Who can guarantee that this thing will really work?
"I said, Master, didn't people in ancient times like to make alliances with blood?"

"Do you think this token is the blood of the people of the Demon Kingdom?"

Wang Bangbang asked.

Hearing this, Zhang Weishan thought for a while and said.

"You can see if there is any blood on the crystal corpse!"

"If not, then not!"

Wang Bangbang hurriedly ran to look, then shook his head and said.

"Not really!"

Just as Zhang Weishan was about to speak, he suddenly saw something different about the giant snake statue in front of him.

This giant snake statue has a huge snake head.

I don't know why, but the one behind the snake's head is empty.

There is only one cavity, Zhang Weishan took a photo and there is nothing inside.

Instead, he could put King Xian's head in it.

Holding the attitude of trying, Zhang Weishan stuffed King Xian's head into it.

Didn't expect it to be the right size.

With the head stuck in.

I only heard the crackling sound of "bang bang bang".

Almost at the same time Xiao Zhang shouted.

"Captain, there is a secret door here!"

Zhang Weishan was also overjoyed, and just wanted to go and have a look.

Who knew that King Xian's head fell off.

Zhang Weishan quickly caught it, put it away and then ran over.

On the opposite wall, there was indeed a gap.

It can make a person bend over and get in.

As soon as the flashlight shone in, they were immediately shaken so that they couldn't see clearly.

It took them a moment to find out.

There is no stone in this passage.

It was a series of white ice crystals.

It was completely a channel dug out in the ice crystal layer.

As soon as the lighting tool is shone in, the light shakes back and forth, which is very dazzling.

Wang Bangbang touched the ice crystal layer and said.

"This can't be jade veins, master, we are about to develop!"

Zhang Weishan touched the ice crystal layer, shook his head and said.

"This is definitely not an emerald jade vein, the texture is very brittle, you can't use strong force, otherwise it will definitely collapse!"

"Let the people above come down first, let's go there one by one!"

"it is good!"

Wang Bangbang nodded, and was about to call for someone immediately.

However, when he looked up, he was almost scared to death, only to see a head protruding from above.

He was smirking at him.

Wang Bangbang scolded Gou Niang just as she was about to copy the guy, only then did she realize that the long face turned out to be that of a thin monkey.

"You can't fucking get down, what are you lying on top of to watch!"

"I am not afraid, I will get off now"

The thin monkey said that he was about to come down.

Who knew that the white-haired wolf king, who had been silent all this time, stood up.

Zhang Weishan and Xiao Zhang were also taken aback.

I saw the white-haired wolf king coming straight to the entrance.

He looked inside, then turned his head to look at Zhang Weishan and the two of them.

And its huge body blocked the entrance, and a wolf's eyes became cold and stern.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhang wanted to draw his sword, but Zhang Weishan stopped him.

"You don't want us in?"

Zhang Weishan asked.

The white-haired wolf king didn't make a sound, but nodded his head, as if he really understood.

"So that's your bottom line?"

Zhang Weishan continued.

"You don't hesitate to destroy one of your eyes to break the bet!"

"I don't want to attack us, so I followed us all the way to see if we can find the entrance!"

"If you can't find it, you let us go, but if you find it, you have to take care of it, right?"

The wolf king didn't respond, but apparently acquiesced.

Zhang Weishan turned his head to look at the huge white wolf statue behind him, then sighed.

"So in the end you chose the same fate as your ancestors!"

"Is there no other way?"

The wolf king didn't respond.

Zhang Weishan knew in his heart that this might be the final bottom line of the Wolf King.

It won't let people like itself go in.

But Zhang Weishan also has a reason to go in.

He looked at the wolf kingly.

"I like you very much, I don't want to kill you!"

"As long as you go back now, I promise I won't hurt your wolves!"

"But if you really want to obstruct us, then you and I may really only have a fierce battle."

The wolf king looked at Zhang Weishan, and unexpectedly squatted down slowly.

It seems that this is the answer it gave Zhang Weishan.

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