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Chapter 548 Exploding the female corpse, presenting the king's anger

"We can't blow up here, if we blow up, we will all fall!"

Shen Wan shouted from behind.

The passage they were in was originally open above their heads.

And it's slanted upwards, which means that their position is not far from the top of their heads.

Once the explosives blow up the entrance, the entire passage may collapse instantly.

Then they still have to fall.

Zhang Weishan said while preparing the explosives.

"So why don't you run away!"

"Hurry up and run in, get to the bottom of the wall on the left side, and continue to explode!"

"The way out is five meters to the left! Hurry up and find the exit!"

Song Zuo and the others didn't care so much when they heard the words, they turned around and ran away immediately.

Shen Wan looked at Zhang Weishan.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me, you'd better think about yourself!"

"Go quickly!"

Zhang Weishan shouted.

Seeing that the white fog below is getting more and more.

Shen Wan had no choice but to grit his teeth and follow.

"one two Three."

Zhang Weishan counted silently in his heart.

According to the speed of this white mist, it should last for three to five minutes.

And once he threw the explosives out, at least half of the passage would collapse.

The part that goes deeper into the wall at the back should not collapse.

In other words, he wanted to fight for these three to five minutes for Shen Wan and the others.

As for himself, he still has a way to escape.

Zhang Weishan squatted at the entrance.

Watching the white mist below rise little by little, I was also calculating the time in my heart.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes.

Finally, when the time came to the 4th minute.

The white mist below the entrance is already approaching the entrance.

Seeing that the white mist was about to come in, Zhang Weishan knew that he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he directly lit the fuse and prepared to throw the explosives down.

However, no one expected that at the moment when he was about to drop the explosives.

Suddenly, a human face popped out of the white mist.

Zhang Weishan really didn't know whether he should call her human or not.

Because that face is just too scary.

When I looked at it from a long distance before, it made people feel chills, not to mention that it was face to face at this time.

The human face protruding from the white mist was almost less than five centimeters away from him.

The pale flesh on his face made him swallow.

Because of the sutures in the mouth, even the flesh has collapsed under the force.

Zhang Weishan could even see some stinky blood oozing from the split flesh.

And the strangest thing is that this face should be very flat.

But now it has become wrinkled, like the face of an old woman who is over fifty years old.

Think of the white and flawless skin before, and look at the face that looks like old bark now.

Zhang Weishan couldn't help but think of the awesome sentence before.

"Xian Wang, your wife is leaking air!"

It's really appropriate, this is not a leak.

From a young girl to an aunt directly.

"Hurry up!"

Shen Wan's voice suddenly came from inside.

Zhang Weishan came back to his senses, and saw that the female corpse had started to squeeze towards Rui's entrance.

The mouth sealed by the rope also wanted to open several times.

With her tossing around, many of the surrounding white mist poured in from the entrance.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Zhang Weishan didn't dare to delay any longer.

Immediately pulled out the little kamikaze, and cut towards the mouth of the female corpse.

I don't know how long it will take for the explosives in my hand to explode.

But if it is left like this, I am afraid it will be of no use.

In desperation, Zhang Weishan directly cut the line on the female corpse's mouth with a small kamikaze with a dagger.

Then he stuffed the explosives in his hand into the mouth of the female corpse.

Before the female corpse could react, Zhang Weishan kicked her up.

The next moment, the female corpse was kicked by him from the entrance and fell down.

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to delay, got up and ran towards the passage.

At the same time, he also activated the digger climbing mountain armor on his body.

With a jump, the whole person was lying on the top of the passage.

Relying on the countless steel nails on the body, it is firmly fixed on the top of the head.


A loud noise came from below.

Zhang Weishan only felt that his ears were about to explode.

There was even a rumbling sound all around.

There were also bursts of dust rolling over.

He lay tightly on top of his head, not daring to move.

After a full 3 minutes, the surrounding movement became quieter.

He vaguely heard someone calling him not far away.

Zhang Weishan looked up, and in the dust, he saw a figure not far away standing in front of a broken cave, waving at him.

After taking a closer look, he realized that this person was none other than Shen Wan.

"Come here quickly!"

"Come here quickly!"

Shen Wan shouted at him.

Zhang Weishan shook off the gravel and dust from his body, then crawled over there.

The impact of the explosion dispersed the white mist below a lot.

However, the white mist did not disperse, and it had already gathered upwards again.

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to neglect, and under the influence of Digger's Panshanjia, he crawled forward.

Along the way, I don't know how many gravels and debris cut open on my body.

But at this moment, he couldn't care less about it.

I can only bite the bullet and climb all the way forward.

And he saw that, except for Shen Wan, there was no one else at the entrance, and Song Zuo and the others had no idea where they went.

From time to time, there were debris and debris falling around, but it was much less.

But he didn't see the female corpse reappearing, and he didn't know how the bombing made her.

It's just that as the saying goes, don't be afraid of [-], just in case. If the thing is not dead, it will only be more troublesome.

In fact, there is one thing Zhang Weishan did not tell everyone.

That is, this female corpse actually belongs to the same body as Xian Wang, so when they found this female corpse, they basically met Xian Wang.

It's just that these two people are located in the two acupoints of Aconitum, so they cannot meet under normal circumstances.

Maybe he met a female corpse here, but the real body of King Xian is still inside the mountain.

But no matter what, both of them belonged to Wutou meat coffin, so even if they blew up the female corpse to death.

But it can also be regarded as exposing his position.

The fact that the female corpse can be here means that King Xian must have a passage from here.

As for King Xian's arrival here, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time.

The reason why Zhang Weishan didn't tell Song Zuo and the others about this matter was mainly because he was afraid that they would be in chaos if they found out.

They were already frightened, and if they were told these things again, the situation would become even more difficult to control.

While speaking, Zhang Weishan was already approaching the entrance.

Shen Wan stood inside and stretched out his hand to pull him.

But at this moment, the entire entrance was shaking, and a lot of rubble and debris fell down again.

Shen Wan said hurriedly.

"Why did it shake again, Song Zuo and the others won't detonate the explosives!"

Zhang Weishan shook his head.

"Impossible, the power of the explosives will not be so small."

"And we don't feel the tremor here very strongly. The tremor came from somewhere else!"

"I'm afraid it's King Xian! It seems that the female corpse was blown to death!"

"Offering the king?"

Shen Wan was also taken aback when he heard the words, didn't Zhang Weishan imply that King Xian was angry?

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