within the channel.

Zhang Weishan walked very slowly.

The gap between the passage in front of them and the passage they came in before is not so big.

The whole passage is wet.

From time to time there will be drops of water dripping from the top of the head.

At this time, not only Zhang Weishan, but also other people felt very strange.

It was as if entering the Water Curtain Cave.

Shen Wan followed beside him, a lot of drops of water were already hanging on his hair, but he didn't care to take care of it at this moment.

Song Zuo followed behind without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Scar opened the mouth.

"Mr. Zhang, do you grave robbers often encounter this kind of situation?"

"Is this ancient tomb leaking?"

"How to speak?"

Shen Wan turned his head and glared at him.

"We are archaeologists, we have evidence, what is tomb robbery! Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!"

"And if there is such a large amount of water vapor in the ancient tomb, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago!"

"This place should not have reached the range of the ancient tomb!"

"Oh! Sorry!"

Dao Scar smiled and said, if it wasn't for Song Zuo's attitude towards them suddenly becoming polite.

He will not give Shen Wan a good face.

Zhang Weishan suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Song Zuo and the others couldn't help but lift their hearts.

Zhang Weishan raised his hand and wiped it on the wall beside him.

There are drops of water on the walls here too.

But strangely, there seem to be less drops of water here.

Zhang Weishan raised his hand and touched the wall, it was very hard and there seemed to be no problem.

Wipe the water droplets off the wall with your hands.

The palms are also wet.

Nothing weird.

Just put it in front of your nose and smell it, and the water drops have a fishy smell.

It smells bad.

"How about it?"

Shen Wan asked.

Zhang Weishan shook his head.

"It's weird, but I don't know what's going on at the moment."

"Go ahead!"

Everyone nodded and continued to move forward.

What they didn't see, though.

They just left for 2 minutes.

A strange scene unexpectedly appeared at the place Zhang Weishan touched.

A total of slap-sized places, half of the surface has a lot of water droplets.

But on the other side, nothing appeared.

At the same time, within the half of the range where the water drops emerged.

Unexpectedly, a black thing appeared faintly, as if it wanted to come out of the wall.

But soon he disappeared.

Everyone walked for 10 minutes.

In this passage, there is no fork in the road.

It seems to be going all the way to the dark.

However, Zhang Weishan noticed that the atmosphere in the team began to become more and more depressing.

Scar suddenly shouted.

"My lord!"

"This place looks haunted!"

"I, I, I seem to see someone in this wall just now!"

"What nonsense! How could there be someone in the wall!"

Song Zuo scolded.

However, another subordinate at the side agreed.

"My lord, I... I also feel someone!"

"Several times I felt like someone was staring at me!"

"Don't you feel it?"

"I have this feeling too, I thought I was too scared, so I didn't dare to say it!"

"I have that too!"

"My lord! This place is not really haunted!"

Several other subordinates also spoke one after another.

Hearing this, Song Zuo couldn't help feeling chills down his back, and hurriedly looked at Zhang Weishan.

Zhang Weishan's face was ugly.

He felt that way too.

But with his keen sense, he didn't see any ghost at all.

It just felt as if someone was indeed watching him.

And this feeling is not very clear from time to time.

"Could it be that you walked too long in the closed passage?"

Shen Wan reminded.

Zhang Weishan frowned and shook his head.

If it is said that others are too nervous and have hallucinations.

What about him?
With his strength, it is impossible for this to happen.

But how to explain the weird situation in this passage?

"Old Guai! Where's Lao Guai?"

"My lord, the old crutch is gone!"

Suddenly someone in the team shouted.

Zhang Weishan turned to count the number of people.

He and Shen Wan are only two people.

As for Song Zuo, there were 15 people in total.

Five of them, including Song Zuo, are people he trusts more.

The other ten exist like death squads headed by Scar.

But looking over, there was indeed one person missing in their team at this time.

"Boss, this place is really haunted!"

"Yes, boss, let's go out first!"

Song Zuo's subordinates began to panic.

However, he had seen strong winds and waves after all, so he looked directly at Zhang Weishan.

He really didn't hesitate to follow Zhang Weishan closely and still have an accident.

Could it be that he really dared to take his own life?

"Call people over and gather together, be alert around you!"

Zhang Weishan greeted him.

At the same time he shouted at the drone.

"Xiaoxi! Show me the video data after checking in, and see what's wrong!"

"it is good!"

Xiaoxi responded, and soon posted some suspicious videos.

Zhang Weishan stood on the spot and looked carefully.

Determining that a person is missing is actually very easy to find.

Just look at the video clip to see if the person is there or not.

As long as he is in time, he can push back, and vice versa, and it is easy to lock in the approximate time of the accident.

In less than 2 minutes, Zhang Weishan saw a strange scene in the video.

Song Zuo et al. also saw it.

when they were just moving forward.

At the end of the line, there was a faint shadow of a person shining on the wall.

I can't see where that person's body is.

All they could see was that someone was actually following them for several minutes.

Later, when they stopped to rest, they could still see Laoguai.

Laoguai leaned against the wall to rest.

However, in the next second, in the video screen, Laoguai disappeared suddenly.

disappeared without a trace.

It was as if the world evaporated in an instant.

Zhang Weishan watched the video three times.

Unable to find a single flaw.

A very large person seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

Shen Wan suddenly pointed to the video channel.

"Look at the ground here, Laoguai seems to have dropped something!"

Zhang Weishan looked and found the time in this second.

There really seemed to be something extra on the ground under Laoguai's feet.

"Go and see!"

Zhang Weishan greeted him.

Immediately a group of people started walking back.

The place where the accident happened was not far from them.

In less than 2 minutes, they returned to the place where the accident happened.

Zhang Weishan saw it before he got close.

Sure enough, something fell on the ground.

Zhang Weishan went forward to pick it up, and found that it was actually a bag.

Seeing this bag, Song Zuo said.

"This is what I equip them for, everyone has it!"

"Contains a high concentration of insect repellent!"

"You also know that there are a lot of insects and ants in this Zhelong Mountain, and it is impossible to work without this thing!"

Zhang Weishan didn't speak, just stared at the bag.

The bag should have been tied directly around Laoguai's waist, and everyone else did the same.

But the rope that tied it was completely broken.

Instead of being untied by someone, it looks like it was cut off directly with a dagger.

Zhang Weishan's face was ugly, and he raised his hand to touch the wall in front to see if there is really a problem.

However, the palm is not yet attached to the wall.

Suddenly, Scar next to him exclaimed.

"Why is there another person missing?"

"Boss, K is gone too!"

Hearing this, Zhang Weishan hurriedly went to count the heads, and sure enough, there were only fifteen people left in the team of 17 people.

Minus Ah Guai, there should be sixteen.

But now there is one less person here!

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