[The death of so many precious wild animals is really a huge loss for our Huaxia Kingdom! 】

[Yes, someone must be responsible for this matter! 】

[We must catch those bastards! 】

[Killing a hundred times is not enough to anger the people! 】

【Damn it, I want to rush over and kill them! 】

[It's so pissed off! 】

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all angry.

Elder Gao asked in the live broadcast room.

[Mr. Zhang, I don’t know about this giant green-scaled python]

Zhang Weishan looked at the live broadcast room upon hearing this.

His eyes were a little cold.

Elder Gao is very smart and hurriedly said.

【Please rest assured, sir, we will not harm it】

[Our School of Biology will definitely protect it]

Zhang Weishan nodded but did not speak.

Xiaoxi on the side said hurriedly.

"Brother Shan said, it will go back tomorrow morning!"

[Thank you, thank you! 】

Elder Gao hurriedly said.

Netizens in the live broadcast room posted barrage one by one.

[I hope your Biology School can do what it says, these wild animals are messing with who they are! 】

[That is, people here are doing well, but they will suffer from this kind of unreasonable disaster]

[Yes, this snake has helped the archaeological team so much, if your School of Biology harms it, we can't stand it]

[Everyone, please rest assured, I, Gao Mingyang, guarantee that the School of Biology will never harm this big snake! 】

Elder Gao said solemnly in the live broadcast room.

It's just that everyone is in a bad mood.

The live broadcast room soon became quiet.

At night, Captain Qin arranged for a vigil.

In the middle of the night, a lot of poisons really appeared.

However, these poisons did not dare to cross the thunder pond.

After all, there is a giant green-scaled python guarding one side.

Even if those poisons are not afraid of death, they dare not come over.

The people on the archaeological team didn't know about this.

Seeing that the poisonous substances did not dare to come over, the warrior group didn't say anything.

Early the next morning.

The archaeological team continued to set off.

As expected, the giant green-scaled python was not following.

After the archaeological team set off, they left by themselves.

People from the Higher School of Biology will arrive at Zhelong Mountain at noon today.

As for their affairs later on, it is actually not important to Zhang Weishan anymore.

As long as they promise not to hurt the green-scaled python, it is actually enough.

"Mr. Zhang, there is news from the Security Bureau that the group of thieves are heading towards the hinterland of Zhelong Mountain. It seems that they are planning to leave from the back mountain!"

On the way, Chen Wen said.

Zhang Weishan took out the map and looked at it.

The terrain of Zhelong Mountain is very peculiar.

The entire Zhelong Mountain range is winding and twisting, like a natural moat stretching across the earth.

The side they came in was fine.

At least you can reach Zhelong Mountain through the jungle.

But the other side is next to a big river.

The only way to leave is by ferry.

And most importantly, the other side of Zhelong Mountain is steep.

It's hard to get down.

Even the locals are generally afraid to go that way.

Not to mention them outsiders.

"Walk two days and one road, isn't that just running?"

"Uncle, should we chase after him?"

Wang Bangbang asked beside him.

Zhang Weishan shook his head.

They are here for archaeology, not specifically to fight poachers.

We must take care of the ones we encounter, but it would be unnecessary if we ran long distances to find these people.

After all, if they really left from the back mountain, it would not be so easy.

The higher-ups must have made deployments on Zhelong Mountain.

Once they do pass, they are actually throwing themselves into a trap.

So they don't actually have to rush all the way there.

These people are now like ants trapped in a pot.

So it should be them who are really anxious.

"Uncle, where are we going next?"

Xiao Wu asked from the side.

People from the surrounding archaeological team also looked at Zhang Weishan after hearing the words.

Obviously they also want to know where to go next.

Although they did make plans before.

But the route is still unclear.

In fact, it's not just them, even Zhang Weishan himself doesn't know how to go!
Xiaoxi at the side knew this and said.

"I don't know the exact route yet!"

"But the current situation is still very clear, we are going to this place!"

Xiaoxi said and pointed to a place on the map.

Chen Wen mentioned this place yesterday.

Those were the two strangest places determined according to the positioning after the big cock was sent in.

The first place is the poacher base they found yesterday.

And this second place is smaller than the base on the map.

But both places have one thing in common.

That is, when the big cock comes to this place, there will be problems.

For example, here at the base, the big rooster can't get close.

Because there is a building in this place, they cannot enter the building.

And this second place, the big cock can't get close either.

But relatively, the scope of this place is much smaller.

Xiao Xidao.

"Brother Shan means, we need to check if there is a man-eating tree in this place!"

"He said that as long as he finds a place with a man-eating tree, he can determine the next route. As for the specific reason, I don't know!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously very puzzled.

Why can we determine the next route after finding this place?

It doesn't make sense!
Everyone looked at Chen Wen, but Chen Wen didn't intend to ask.

So everyone didn't dare to say anything more.

But everyone actually has a doubt in their hearts.

That is, has the Great God been here before?
Even the people in the live broadcast room began to speculate.

[The Great God has not been here before, has he? 】

[Won’t you know the route if you’ve been here? 】

[That's not necessarily the case, what if this route is really so difficult to find? 】

[Yes, the routes in many places are complicated. If you don’t find a fixed reference, maybe you can’t find it? 】

[Yes, there is such a possibility! 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room was talking.

The archaeological team looked at the live broadcast room, and then looked at Zhang Weishan, each of them felt a little bit drummed.

They even started talking in low voices.

What are you talking about, since you have been here before, why don't you dare to admit it?

Zhang Weishan naturally heard such discussions.

I also felt a little helpless.

I can only fabricate that Mojin Wang told himself these things.

He only said to find these places when entering Zhelong Mountain.

He didn't say the exact route.

Anyway, the pot was thrown on Mojin Wang.

As for whether the members of the archaeological team believed it or not, that was out of his consideration.

The archaeological team walked all morning.

Finally, we got a lot closer to our destination.

Along the way, there was no trouble.

Quite quiet.

At noon, everyone randomly found a place to rest.

Everyone was very tired and fell asleep shortly after eating.

Zhang Weishan is not in a hurry.

Prepare to let everyone rest for a while before starting.

Those in the warrior group are relatively hard-working, and they still have to be responsible for vigilance.

However, just when everyone was a little sleepy and drowsy.

Suddenly, a hurried whistle woke everyone up.

As soon as Zhang Weishan opened his eyes, he saw a soldier running back.


"It's not good, something happened ahead!"

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to neglect, got up immediately and followed.

Xiao Xi, Xiao Zhang and others also followed.

However, when they ran to the front, they couldn't help but froze.

In front of him, Captain Qin and several soldiers were standing guard with guns.

And in front of them.

A figure was standing there.

It was a man.

Can't tell the age.

But the clothes on his body are obviously modern stormtroopers.

An undrawn dagger was pinned to his waist.

But his whole body seemed to be sucked into blood.

The skin all over his body was shriveled, and he looked like a mummified corpse.

However, his eyes were still open, and he opened his mouth to speak as he watched the pain on the faces of the crowd.

In the end, there was only a sound of "babbling".

He stood there, as if he wanted to come over, but he couldn't make it at all when he moved.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Weishan hastily shouted.

"Don't shoot! He's alive!"

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