
Zhang Weishan greeted, and at the same time he was the first to rush forward.

Xiaoxi followed closely behind.

Seeing this, Chen Wen and other members of the archaeological team hurriedly packed up their things and followed.

The place Captain Qin and the others found was not far from where they were.

In just a few minutes, they saw other fighters lying in ambush in the grass.

In front, there was actually a large group of buildings hidden under the woods.

These buildings are very cleverly built.

All cleverly avoided the surrounding trees.

And only one floor was built.

Seeing these buildings, Zhang Weishan and others immediately thought of a question.

That's why the helicopters have been spraying insect repellants and desiccants these days.

But they didn't find this complex building.

The construction of these buildings can be said to be specially used for concealment.

All buildings do not exceed the position covered by the tree canopy.

Moreover, not a single plant or tree here was cut down, but a building was built between the trees.

And this kind of architectural shape, you can see it from the outside.

You can only see the dense branches and leaves of the big trees, but you can't see it at all.

But Zhelong Mountain was originally an inaccessible deep mountain and old forest.

So who would have nothing to observe it on weekdays?

Even if it wasn't for the accident in Zhelong Mountain this time, even the archaeological team would not have thought of coming here to excavate King Xian's tomb for a long time.

After all, it is very difficult to find the ancient tomb where the great treasure is buried.

In comparison, looking for ancient tombs with relatively good terrain is definitely the first choice.

"It's no wonder the helicopter has never found this place, these people are too stupid!"

Wang Bangbang couldn't help but said.

Xiao Wu on the side couldn't help sighing.

"I don't know how long these people have been here. I'm afraid there are quite a few animals and plants smuggled out."

"Looking at the condition of the grass here, I'm afraid it's at least a year old!"

Hu Yi said.

"Mr. Zhang, we are going to go in and have a look, do you see?"

Captain Qin asked.

Now that the base has been discovered, it is natural to go in to find out the situation.

Zhang Weishan nodded and said.

"Let Xiao Zhang go in with you!"

"it is good!"

Captain Qin nodded, and Xiao Zhang naturally had no objection.

Shen Wan on the side wanted to follow in, but before he could speak, he was stopped by Chen Wen.

Chen Wen said in a low voice.

"This is not the matter of the archaeological team. The other party is still armed. It's useless for you to go!"

"Don't do things that cross the line!"

Shen Wan nodded and didn't say any more.

The people in the warrior group were ready soon.

To be on the safe side, they let the drone approach the building first.

I turned around and made sure that I didn't find any secret whistle, and then I started to approach the building.

However, no one expected that when Captain Qin and the others approached the building, they gradually discovered that the door of the building was actually closed.

And most importantly, the gate of this building is actually made of pure metal.

You must know that in the area of ​​Zhelong Mountain, except for the wood and animals, it is difficult to get metal.

There is no way up the mountain, and it is no joke for these poachers to send such a large metal gate in.

Even if they don't care about the cost, once people find out, this matter will be completely exposed.

Therefore, it is incomprehensible that such a large metal door can be sent in without anyone noticing.

And this is just the metal gate, what if there are other metal products inside?
Taking a step back and putting aside these metal products, where did the bricks for these buildings come from?

There are simply too many hidden problems behind these things.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid the situation is not very good. This is a three-proof airtight door. It cannot be opened without the correct password!"

Captain Qin said.

Zhang Weishan heard the words and said.

"Broken window!"

"it is good!"

Captain Qin responded and immediately led a group of soldiers towards the window on one side.

The whole building has to be almost [-] meters long.

The height of the building is sacrificed, so it is natural to work hard on the length.

Many windows were also built on both sides of the building.

From the outside, these windows are equipped with anti-theft nets, but they didn't find out until everyone approached.

There are not only anti-theft nets on these windows, but there is even a layer of metal inside the anti-theft nets.

Captain Qin touched it, and his expression changed.

"Mr. Zhang, there is an interlayer inside this window, which is also sealed with thick metal!"

"Why are they all sealed?"

"Yes, this is simply a coffin in the shape of a building!"

"What should I do now? You can't use explosives!"

Everyone in the archaeological team talked a lot.

The fighter group had no choice but to wait in place.

Chen Wen looked at Zhang Weishan, seeing that he was silent, she didn't dare to disturb him.

In fact, this matter is no longer up to Zhang Weishan to decide.

If it's about archaeology, naturally he has the final say.

But now it has turned into arresting theft, which belongs to the criminal field. He knows that he has no right to speak, so he simply doesn't speak.

He didn't speak to the members of the warrior group, so naturally they didn't dare to act rashly.

The situation fell into anxiety for a while.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens started talking about it.

[Why don't you just use explosives to break the door? 】

[You don't understand, what if there is evidence in it?What if the explosion is gone again? 】

[Farting is not the point at all. The point is that we don't know if there is anyone in there. Once they cheated to death, wouldn't there be no way to interrogate them? 】

[Stop making trouble, the building itself is the evidence, it doesn't matter if it is bombed or not! 】

[When you look at the problem, you need to see the root cause. In fact, the most fundamental reason is that the higher-ups have not issued an order. The Great Master is archaeological and not anti-theft, so he doesn't want to participate in this matter itself. 】

【That's right, so let's wait patiently. When the order is issued, the action will naturally begin】

The people in the live broadcast room couldn't convince anyone, so they could only wait patiently, hoping that the higher-ups could give an answer as soon as possible.

10 minutes passed quickly.

However, no one expected that they hadn't waited for the reply from above.

The drone was the first to discover the situation.

Chen Wen hurriedly shouted through the drone.

"Captain Qin, there is something wrong here. There is something wrong with a window 100 meters to your left, go and have a look."

"it is good!"

Captain Qin immediately touched it with a few soldiers.

After a while, they saw that there was indeed something wrong with this window.

Because the inside of this window, the metal sealing wall, did not fall completely.

In other words, it should appear to be stuck on something.

Half of the windows that were supposed to be completely sealed were not.

If the anti-theft net outside can be broken, it is completely possible for a person to get in.

"team leader!"

The people in the warrior group looked at each other, obviously thinking that this was an opportunity.

It is not difficult for them to break through the anti-theft net outside.

Even Xiao Zhang can break open easily.

This kind of anti-theft net is like tofu in front of Yun Jian Wushuang.

The only thing that threatens the most is the thick metal inside.

Captain Qin nodded and walked through the drone.

"Mr. Zhang, we are going to break through from here, the sky is getting dark gradually, you see?"


Zhang Weishan nodded without the slightest hesitation.

Chen Wen added.

"Let the drone follow you!"

"it is good!"

"Then let's do it!"

Captain Qin greeted.

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