Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 492 The Whole Network Was Shocked, Can't Explain It Clearly

"Nani? What kind of method is this?"

Song Zuo looked at the screen in the live broadcast room, his whole face turned green.

Scar on the side said hurriedly.

"My lord, this seems to be the snake control technique in the oriental legend!"

"This kind of technique has been lost for a long time. I didn't expect this Faqiu Zhang to use it!"

"Snake control?"

Song Zuo was very angry when he saw it, and said angrily.

"Send the order down, let's go!"


The man with the scar is busy making arrangements.

And Song Zuo looked at the live broadcast room, his whole face was extremely ugly.

If they had this ability, they wouldn't have failed to capture the giant green scale python here for several months.

It also cost so many people in vain.

in the live room.

Everyone looked at the big blue snake and didn't know what to say for a while.

There was a long silence in the live broadcast room.

It wasn't until Zhang Weishan opened his mouth that everyone reacted.

Just listen to what Zhang Weishan said.

"It's injured, and it's not light, drive the bamboo raft in!"

"Isn't that going to trigger the mechanism?"

Xiaoxi hurriedly asked.

Zhang Weishan nodded.

"It is to trigger the organ, it needs food!"

"After entering, follow me!"

"it is good!"

Xiaoxi didn't ask any more questions.

Immediately, the bamboo raft turned around and rowed towards the animal's mouth.

Sure enough, the moment the bamboo raft entered the beast's mouth.

Only a crisp sound of "click" came from the bottom of the water.

Almost at the same time, the bamboo raft had already entered the beast's mouth.

Zhang Weishan pulled Xiao Xidao.


Xiaoxi immediately discarded the bamboo pole, followed Zhang Weishan and jumped directly onto the rock on the side.

And the bamboo raft is going down the river, going straight to the lake in the middle of the space and paddling across.

At this time, Zhang Weishan took out a flare.

He didn't load it into the flare gun.

Instead, he pulled out the small kamikaze dagger from his waist.

Then he threw the flare out.

At the same time, the little kamikaze came out immediately.

He threw it towards the flare.

All of a sudden, there was a muffled "bang".

Immediately, the flare exploded with dazzling light.

As a result, the next moment, he was directly nailed to the wall not far above his head.

The light emitted by the flares instantly illuminated the entire space.

Only then did the people in the live broadcast room see clearly.

This large area of ​​water is actually the size of a football field.

And at the position where their head hangings were hung, there were densely packed corpses.

The corpses hung upside down one by one.

There are old people with children and women, which look very cruel.

Moreover, the surface of these people seemed to be covered with a layer of soil.

The facial features of the whole person looked very blurred.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked by this scene.

Although the drone captured these pictures last night.

But the lighting range of drones is too limited.

Compared with the whole space being lit up now.

The results were simply worlds apart.

Especially looking at so many mummy hanging on it.

It makes people not only feel a little chilled, but also feel worthless for that person.

At that time, human life was really worthless.

[Even the children are not spared, is this King Xian still human? 】

[Man, I think he is a beast! 】

[Damn, don't insult the beast, okay?This is simply scum! 】

[I'm stupid, I can't help but want to open this old man's coffin! 】

[I'm so pissed off! 】

[Anger is anger, but the key is that the great god said to feed the big snake, what the hell is it? 】

[Yes, it seems that the big snake disappeared as soon as it came in. 】

[Hey, what's on the left? 】

[Damn it, that big snake is actually on the left of the Great God! 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

They saw that the huge green-scaled python was lying on the left side of Zhang Weishan.

Lying on the ground motionless.

As quiet as a pet dog.

Zhang Weishan didn't care about it either.

This harmonious scene stunned everyone in the live broadcast room.

But soon, only the sound of "plop" and "plop" falling into the water sounded.

Following the crowd, they saw the corpses hanging above their heads falling down one after another.

Like a torpedo entering the water, they all fell into the water.

The originally calm surface of the lake began to ripple.

And the giant green-scaled python even raised its huge head high.

His eyes were piercing, looking at the lake below.

It seems to be a little ready to move.

Zhang Weishan patted the snake's head and said.


The giant green-scaled python seemed to understand it.

In an instant, he dived directly into the water.

Then the lake exploded.

While the water was tumbling, insects emerged from the water.

And the green-scaled python seemed to be looking for food, swallowing and drinking water in big gulps.

It made the water ripple continuously.

Zhang Weishan came to the side, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and pointed to a mummy in front of him.

"I know you are very puzzled!"

"I'll just say it once while I have time, and watch the replay if I can't remember!"

"First of all, the mechanism at the entrance is to control the hanging corpses here!"

"Hanging corpses are full of insect eggs, which will be born when they touch water. What grows out is a kind of aquatic creature, a water hornet!"

"This kind of thing is rich in high protein, it is the food of this green scale python!"

"Normal tomb robbers come in, even if they can't touch the Qingling python, as long as they trigger the mechanism!"

"Water hornets will appear in large numbers, attach to the bottom of the boat, and overturn the boat!"

"And these corpses are all victims of the King Xian technique!"

"When they were alive, they were forced to drink alcohol, and then sealed Qiqiao!"

"Mummy is full of eggs, that's how mummy is done!"

"The situation here is basically like this. If you have any doubts, you can study it yourself in the future!"

"As for what the School of Biology wants to study, send someone yourself!"

"I do not have time!"

"In addition, this giant green-scaled python is rare. It's best to come here to study it. It will die if you catch it back. Don't even think about making a specimen!"

"I won't help you!"

"That's no different from killing it!"

After speaking, Zhang Weishan finally looked at Xiao Xidao.

"Take a break, go out in 10 minutes!"

"it is good!"

Xiaoxi responded without talking nonsense.

However, what Zhang Weishan said made the live broadcast room fall into a full minute of silence.

It was Elder Gao and Elder Mu who were the first to speak to break the silence.

[Remember Mr. Zhang's instructions, our School of Biology will send people there immediately, absolutely not to harm this giant green-scaled python! 】


"Appropriate anesthetic is enough, but food must be replenished in time!"

Before Elder Gao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Weishan.

[Thank you, Mr. Zhang! 】

Elder Gao was very excited.

The barrage of the Academy of Archeology followed closely.

[Thank you, Mr. Zhang, we will send people over there immediately, these mummies are definitely the best antiquities for researching the art of offering kings! 】

[We will cooperate with the School of Biology to protect this place, and we will definitely not harm this giant green-scaled python! 】

Zhang Weishan nodded and didn't say any more.

In the live broadcast room, a group of netizens quickly reacted.

[Damn, although these contents are very exciting, isn't the most exciting thing about snake control? 】

【Yeah, this snake control technique is too awesome】

【Grandma, from now on, don’t you walk sideways where there are snakes! 】

[The Great God is a real bully, you can't accept it! 】

[The god is a bull, how can we explain it to foreigners? 】

[What's so rare about this, I'm playing with snakes in the mountains? 】

[It should be called, the Dragon Catching Technique of the Mysterious East! 】

[Hey, why did a foreigner quit the live broadcast room? 】

[Haha, I can't take it anymore, Tony quits the group chat]

[Inoue quit the group chat!Smecta quit the group chat! 】

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