In the live broadcast room, a group of netizens discussed in full swing.

[Flooded?Wouldn't the members of the archaeological team have to hold their breath? 】

[That's right, the secret tunnel was so short just now, some people were almost deprived of oxygen, if this place is filled with water, many people may not be able to get through it! 】

[Almost, no wonder the great god would recommend the second one]

[I also prefer the second option, but if these bells are smashed, wouldn't all these cultural relics be destroyed! 】

【Why!Indeed it is]

The people in the live broadcast room are also very distressed about these cultural relics.

After all, it took so much to find out.

If you say shoot, shoot, those people in the live broadcast room still feel distressed.

Not to mention Professor Li and others who were on the scene at this time.

"Professor, this is absolutely impossible. These bells are also cultural relics. Once they are broken, it is impossible to restore them!"

"Yes, Professor, these are some bells. How can they hurt us?"

"Professor Mr. Zhang is very good at teaching us all the way, but this is a cultural relic. Isn't there a better solution?"

Sure enough, some people in the archaeological team strongly opposed it.

After all, they are all members of the archaeological team, and they came here to dig ancient tombs in order to find cultural relics and brilliant historical past.

But now facing these cultural relics, but they are going to be destroyed, they are naturally extremely reluctant.

"Everyone, I don't want to, but cultural relics are dead, but people are alive. Only by keeping the foundation of the archaeological team can we do more!"

"These bells."

"Professor, these bells are from before the Warring States Period, and all cultural relics of the Warring States Period are called national treasures!"

"The preciousness of these bells is even greater. They really cannot be destroyed!"

"Yes, professor, you must think twice!"

The people from the archaeological team tried their best to persuade them.

But Professor Li really couldn't help it.

Who would dare not listen to Faqiu Zhang's words!
Even he recommends the second option.

Obviously, even Mr. Zhang didn't have much hope for the archaeological team to dive into the water and leave.

Professor Li himself knew that not all members of the archaeological team were swimming champions.

It is very dangerous to let so many people dive in the past.

More people may die.

In comparison, smashing these bells is obviously the best way.

"Captain Qin, do you have a better way?"

Professor Li asked.

However, there is no better way for Captain Qin, he shook his head and said.

"No, I took a look just now, and the location of the agency on the other side that Mr. Zhang said is very tricky!"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to trigger it. This method of using water is probably hopeless!"

"Fortunately, we have enough bullets, and the second method is no problem."

"This is really inappropriate!"

When the members of the archaeological team heard that Captain Qin had said that, they couldn't help feeling even more desperate.

"Forget it, for the sake of the archaeological community, we must make a choice!"

"Captain Qin, let's do it!"

Professor Li sighed and didn't hesitate anymore.

As long as there are other ways, he will not be like this.

But now there is really no other way.

"Professor, you must think twice, although Mr. Zhang is right!"

"But he is still human after all, who can guarantee that these bells are really dangerous?"

"Yes, Professor Li, it's true"

Several archaeological team members are still trying to persuade.

However, Professor Li waved his hand to signal Captain Qin to do it.

No more hesitation.


Captain Qin didn't talk nonsense, as soon as he greeted, several soldiers loaded their guns and aimed at the bell in front of them.


With an order, the sound of rattling suddenly sounded.

The bullets were like rows of flames, smashing the countless hexagonal copper bells in front of them.

And in the live broadcast room, countless netizens felt distressed for it.

[It's a pity, these are all cultural relics before the Warring States period! 】

[Who said no, the hearts of those who watched it were broken]

[I think it's too hasty, isn't there a compromise?For example, keep half and smash the other half]

[If there is a master, he must have said that these bells should be very dangerous things]

【Danger?Oh sorry I really didn't see it! 】

[I don’t know how the great god saw it. 】

Some people in the live broadcast room began to question Zhang Weishan's advice.

But Zhang Weishan naturally didn't care, he was still resting on the bed at this moment.

At the same time, in the camp outside the archaeological team.

Seeing that the archaeological team still acted according to Faqiu and Mrs. Zhang's instructions, Chen Wen relaxed a little bit.

She took out her mobile phone and called Mr. Mu.

"What's wrong with Xiaowen?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Elder Mu asked.

"Mmm! Elder Mu, I want to introduce someone to you! This person's name is Zhang Weishan, and he is Xiaowan's father's employee!"

"He seems to be very good at appreciating ancient cultural relics!"

Chen Wen said hurriedly.

However, Elder Mu was obviously taken aback when he heard this.

"What did you say? What's his name?"

"Zhang Weishan, what's the matter?"

Chen Wen was taken aback.

Elder Mu was silent for a moment, then said.

"Xiaowen, just now I received a call from the cultural relics department, and a young man named Zhang Weishan handed in a cultural relic this morning!"

"That's the kind of bell!"

"Do you know the character of this man?"

Elder Mu asked.

Chen Wen was taken aback for a moment, she knew very well that the cultural relics handed in by someone were the same as those found in the live broadcast room.

This matter is no small matter, and may even be taken away for investigation.

But Shen Wan is her student, and according to what she said, Zhang Weishan is her father's employee.

So this thing is very likely to be Zhang Weishan's.

"Old Mu, I think there is a misunderstanding in this matter!"

"Zhang Weishan is an employee of Xiaowan's father, and her father is in the antique business!"

"So, Xiaowan's father may have found this cultural relic, and Zhang Weishan just handed it in on his behalf!"

"I heard from Xiaowan that this Zhang Weishan is very powerful and a rare talent!"

"Old Mu, we can't lose talents, you know that, I think it is necessary to send someone to meet this Zhang Weishan!"

Elder Mu nodded, he was also very clear.

Now is the time when the archaeological community needs talents.

It cannot be because someone handed in a cultural relic, which is the same as the one discovered by the archaeological team.

It is not rigorous to say that people have problems.

What's more, this Zhang Weishan may also be a talent in the archaeological field.

"Anyway, this Zhang Weishan has already caught my attention!"

"I will send someone to meet him as soon as possible. If he is a talented person, he will naturally be recruited into our archaeological world!"

"As for whether the question he handed in has a wrong source, someone will check it out!"

"By the way, Xiao Zhang is all right, you must make sure he comes out safely!"

Elder Mu reminded.

"Old Mu, don't worry, Mrs. Qiu and Mrs. Zhang have already reminded you just now!"

"And let me tell you, Zhang Weishan had already mentioned how to deal with Ling Ding before he sent Qiu and Mrs. Zhang!"

"It's exactly the same as Faqiu Zhang's, which is why I highly recommend Zhang Weishan!"

"Elder Mu may also be very powerful, we must cherish talents!"

"Well! I see, I will arrange it as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Mr. Mu hung up the phone.

First came the Faqiu Zhang family, and now there is another Zhang Weishan.

It seems that the archaeological world is expected to revitalize!
Elder Mu was also very excited, and hurriedly asked people to look up the information about Zhang Weishan.

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