Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 459 Don't talk about riding a big conspiracy, a weird artificial dark river

"A kind of iron chain? What kind of problem is this? Are there many kinds of iron chains?"

"Naive, I think your brain is confused by alcohol, go to bed early!"

Lao Wang said that he was about to go to bed.

In broad daylight, Old Wu couldn't help cursing.

"I told you not to go to that kind of place, you are not afraid of getting sick!"

"Hurry up and let me be serious, don't even think about it, how can the iron chains in these two positions be the same!"

"If it's the same, something went wrong!"

Lao Wang turned around and said.

"Why did something happen? Besides, it's not normal for us to have accidents. If Zhang Weishan really dies, it means that he didn't have a fortune in his life, so there's nothing to say!"

"Can you fucking hear me out!"

Old Wu was speechless, and at the same time lit a cigarette while smoking.

"Not to mention that Qi came later, but She Kingdom has existed for how many years!"

"The time difference between this is not short, even the mainstream smelting techniques in the world at that time are very similar!"

"But at least there must be a cultural difference. The ten fingers are not the same length when stretched out!"

"Why do the two iron chains seem to be exactly the same!"

"Don't you think it's a little strange?"

Lao Wang laughed when he heard this.

"Perhaps you remember wrongly?"

Old Wu shook his head.

"Impossible, I remember very clearly the appearance of that chain!"

"The archaeological team has released photos of Master Shan and others along the way in the past few days. I have compared them, and they are absolutely identical to the iron chains I saw in the bronze tree!"

Pharaoh really dozed off, asked.

"What does that mean?"

"Supposing that even the rider entered the inside of the bronze tree without saying anything, and they set up iron chains themselves, is there any problem?"

Old Wu laughed when he heard this.

I don't believe in coincidence, I only believe in reasoning.

"Hypothesis! I'm an assumption!"

"Assuming that the iron chains in the bronze tree were really put on without speaking, then this matter will have an earth-shaking conclusion!"

"You and the little brother were not there at the time, so let's start from the beginning!"

As he spoke, Old Wu began to speculate.

Strictly speaking, this matter has to start a long time ago.

Back then, Lao Wu and his friends went to Qinling to rob tombs.

I ran into a group of outsiders on the road, and learned that they had something called Hemuji in their hands.

And this thing is left behind without saying anything.

Bu Yan Qi is a group of dumb troops who cannot speak.

Specifically looking for ancient tombs, marking the spots, and then sealing them up.

It is good for raising military pay in the future.

And Qinling is the place where this group of silent riders came.

The route that Old Wu and the others took back then was surprisingly the same path that Master Shan and the others took.

It is also the route to enter the Qinling Mountains without saying anything.

Needless to say, cavalry are an army, so their behavior is different from that of grave robbers.

The iron chains they left along the way serve as markers and guide the route into the ancient tomb.

It will facilitate the excavation of ancient tombs in the future.

Old Wu and the others saw these iron chains at the bottom of Huangquan Waterfall.

So he knew very well that these things were absolutely true.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and he did not connect the iron chains in the bronze tree with the iron chains in Huangquan Waterfall.

After so many years, when he heard about Qinling again.

Just recalled all of these.

Thus discovered the problem.

Hypothetically speaking, if it is true that the iron chains in the Huangquan Waterfall and the Bronze Tree are one kind.

Then the problem is coming.

Not to mention why did Qiqi help the people of Sheguo and hang up the amber female corpse?
Old Wu also entered it back then, so he knew what was inside.

The only difference is that he didn't reach the bottom of the bronze tree.

You know, in Old Wu's impression, Bu Yanqi and the descendants of She State once fought a battle.

It was in the kerosene pit where a large number of corpses were stored.

So it goes without saying that it is absolutely impossible for Qi Qi to cooperate with the people of She country.

But why don't you say that riding will help build the iron chain?And it's for the goddess of She country?
There's only one explanation for this, and it could be a huge conspiracy.

Bu Yanqi found Qin Ling.

And modified Qin Ling, as to whether it was used at that time or for future use is unknown.

But it can be seen by them replacing the iron chains in the bronze tree.

They seem to be planning something.

But what exactly is this thing?

Old Wu couldn't figure it out.

But he could feel that if his guess was right, then such a secret might be the deepest secret buried in Qinling.

And this secret may only be known by Bu Yanqi and his group so far.

Others, may not know.

Including Lao Wu.

Xiang and Lao Wu hurriedly took out their mobile phones, sent a call from a buddy and called.

The phone was connected quickly with a familiar voice.

"Boss, are you back?"

someone on the phone asked.

Old Wu is busy.

"Not yet, do me a favor. I've been watching the studio for the past few days. Whenever Zhang Weishan shows up, let me know immediately!"

"If the archaeological team or rescue team also enters the bronze tree, please notify me!"

"Okay, good boss!"

The other side said.

Old Wu nodded when he heard the words, and then hung up the phone.

In the viewing and live broadcast room, the rescue team is still working hard to repair the cable bridge.

Old Wu only felt that he might be very close to Qinling's secret, but he didn't know when it would be fully revealed.

after an hour.

When Zhang Weishan woke up, Xiaoxi was sitting aside and watching him.

Seeing that Xiao Xi woke up earlier than himself, Zhang Weishan was not only speechless.

This girl only said that she is good at water, which is too good, she was so disturbed that she was unconscious, and she was fine.

"When did you wake up?"

Zhang Weishan asked in embarrassment, at the same time he realized that he was still soaking in the water.

"I'm not in a coma, okay, you've been in a coma for almost five or ten minutes!"

"If I don't wake up, I will prepare to go by myself."

Xiao Xi laughed.

Zhang Weishan was speechless, this was definitely blatant contempt.

"Speaking of which, you are a desert country, how can you have such good water quality?"

"And didn't you know to pull me ashore before leaving?"

"How many times have I told you that there were rivers around the Queen Mother of the West back then!"

"I'm good at water, you just don't believe it. As for pulling you ashore, please tell me how heavy you are, and you're still submerged in the water. Do you think I'm a soul body like before? Can I still pull you up?"

"What if you accidentally exert too much force and have a miscarriage!"

Xiao Xi laughed.

Zhang Weishan was very speechless, especially what to do if this round had a miscarriage.

Although this sounds like a compliment to himself, why is it so awkward?

Zhang Weishan looked at Xiao Xidao.

"I know I'm great, you don't have to remind me every time!"

"If it is true, I, Zhang Weishan, am not an irresponsible man!"

Said Zhang Weishan climbed up from the water.

Xiaoxi smiled and said nothing.

Zhang Weishan lay on the ground, seeing the towering mountains around him, asked.

"Where is this? Where have we been washed by the water?"

Xiaoxi pointed to the distance.

"At the foot of the Qinling Mountains, it may take three days to walk!"

"We walked for an hour by water, and it seems to be the nearest village below!"

"What should I do next? I have nowhere to go, so I'll just wait for you to take me away!"

Xiao Xi laughed.

Zhang Weishan stood up helplessly and looked down.

Sure enough, a small village could be seen.

The condition does not seem to be good and the house looks dilapidated.

But there is smoke from cooking, which means it is not a dead village.

Zhang Weishan wrung out the water on his body, took out a mirror and took a look at it, and found that the lines on his body were still intact, he was helpless.

Xiaoxi said suddenly.

"By the way, I will tell you a strange thing. When we were washed out by the water, I found a lot of big iron chains in the underground river!"

"And there are still many traces of artificial excavation. The underground river we came out of seems to be artificially dug!"

"Dug out manually?"

Zhang Weishan was taken aback for a moment, his whole body was a little confused.

Who would dig an underground river under the bronze tree? It's too strange.

Zhang Weishan couldn't figure it out.

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