There was silence in the studio.

A lot of people don't even know what's going on.

They just watched the two archaeologists fall into a pool of blood step by step.

【What the hell is going on here? 】

[I don’t know, can Brother Dong explain it? 】

[This place is full of corpses, obviously not a good place. Boss Zhang told them to stand still, so who can blame me for not listening? 】

[Even if there are corpses, it doesn't prove that this place is not safe, what if those monkeys dragged the corpses of various animals here? 】

[Impossible, monkeys are not carnivores, why drag the dead bodies? 】

[The monkeys also sneaked up on the archaeological team, and they were all wearing masks, obviously not ordinary monkeys! 】

[Damn, I don’t know, just ask Boss Zhang later]

[It's a pity, that's two lives! 】

The atmosphere in the studio couldn't help becoming heavy.

Although these archaeological team members were disobedient, it is no wonder that Zhang Wei came up to the mountain.

But they are human beings after all, raised by their parents, facing this situation at this time, who can really feel nothing at all.

on site.

Zhang Weishan also saw the situation behind, but he didn't care about it at all.

The monkey in front of him has already responded.

Several other ones also rushed over.

These monkeys seem to be very familiar with this place.

All the way to rush over unexpectedly no one had an accident.

Although Zhang Weishan also knows the way out of this place.

But he was still surprised that he knew so many monkeys.

"These monkeys are not specially domesticated to guard the tomb, are they just like the snakes in our Snake Marsh back then?"

Xiaoxi said suddenly.

Zhang Weishan nodded, these monkeys may indeed be domesticated.

However, he remembered that the aborigines in the ancient tombs of the Qinling Mountains had been extinct long ago.

Therefore, these monkeys may be able to raise the next generation by themselves.

This is the most terrible.

Zhang Weishan went to see the situation of the archaeological team while entangled with the monkey.

Perhaps it was the sacrifice of the two archaeological team members that made the others calm down.

Everyone stood there without daring to move.

However, the number of monkeys is simply too many.

If I can't resolve the battle as soon as possible, I'm afraid other people will still be attacked by these monkeys and lose their lives.

At this time, the warrior group was tired of dealing with the monkeys coming from behind, and they didn't care about them at all.

In desperation, Zhang Weishan became murderous.

Although monkeys are protected animals, he doesn't care about them when life and death are at stake.

After all, compared to human lives, the lives of these monkeys are still in the back row.

Zhang Weishan's eyes turned cold, and he kicked a wild monkey rushing from the side away.

Almost at the same time, the whole person went straight to the biggest monkey in front and rushed over.

That monkey was the fiercest and the largest in the group of monkeys.

Even if it is not the monkey king here, he is still the leader of this group of monkeys.

As for things like monkeys, as long as the most ferocious among them is dealt with, the rest will be scattered.

With calculations in mind, the speed at Zhang Weishan's feet increased to the extreme.

With the blessing of the semi-holy light body, whether it is skill, speed, or explosive power, it is extremely amazing.

Almost instantly, Zhang Weishan was in front of the monkey.

The monkey was also taken aback.

He retreated suddenly, but Zhang Weishan chased him even faster.

The soles of the feet exerted force suddenly, and the black gold god blade in his hand was like a stream of light, and it went straight to the monkey's head and slashed it.

In the live broadcast room, senior biologists like Gao couldn't help becoming nervous when they saw it.

Especially Gao Lao.

He was sure he had never seen this type of monkey.

This is definitely a major breakthrough for the biological world.

But now.
"Old Gao, you can't kill monkeys. Maybe it's protecting animals in the future!"

"Yeah, these monkeys can't be killed!"

"Old Gao!"

"To shut up!"

Elder Gao scolded.

A large group of experts and professors next to them shut their mouths immediately.

Elder Gao turned his head to look at these people, with a helpless expression on his face.

"I don't understand your feelings, but this is a matter of human life!"

"Are these people sacrificed in vain for scientific research?"

"I'm not Mr. Zhang, and I have no right to make decisions for him!"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself, why didn't we discover these monkeys first!"

"But Elder Gao, we"

The man wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back abruptly.

Because he saw it.

Zhang Weishan has already stopped.

On the black gold god blade on the palm, there are streaks of blood flowing down the blade.

This knife is as if it does not eat fireworks.

Any blood stains cannot stay on it for 1 minute.

Drop by drop along the blade fell to the ground.

Zhang Weishan held the knife with one hand, and glanced behind him.

The people in the fighter group also stopped their hands.

There are no other monkeys in the forest coming.

And the few monkeys at the scene seemed to be scared stupid.

One by one squatted on the ground scratching their ears and cheeks.

But he didn't dare to approach Zhang Weishan at all.

Zhang Weishan turned his head and said coldly.


These monkeys really seemed to understand it, and ran towards the forest one by one.

And beside them, the most ferocious monkey had already been separated.

"team leader!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw all the monkeys leave.

Captain Qin ran over immediately to check if Zhang Weishan was injured.

Zhang Weishan waved his hands to indicate that he was fine, and then greeted him.

"This place is dangerous, follow me first!"

After finishing speaking, he called Captain Qin and the soldiers to follow.

Zhang Weishan returned to the front to lead the way.

Everyone followed carefully.

It took nearly 15 minutes to walk out of this area.

But when looking back, everyone found out.

In these 15 minutes, the straight-line distance covered was only 400 meters.

He could even vaguely see the two companions lying in a pool of blood behind him.

Zhang Weishan told everyone to rest in place.

Then he called Captain Qin and Xiao Zhangdao.

"You two come with me and get their bodies back!"


"it is good!"

The two nodded.

After all, these two are also their companions, even though they are dead now, Zhang Weishan still can't do such things as throwing corpses into the wilderness.

Chen Wen's eyes were red, she had obviously cried, she stepped forward and bowed to Zhang Weishan, and said very sincerely.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry. I know you've tried your best. Every time, the archaeological team is holding you back. I can't argue with that. Please don't be angry!"

Zhang Weishan's expression didn't change when he heard the words, and said.

"Why should I be angry? My life is my own. Fear is a normal reaction for everyone when danger comes."

"If I didn't remind you, it's my fault, I'm not qualified as a team leader!"

"But I reminded you that if you don't listen, it's your choice. No wonder others. Professor Chen, please take it easy."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wei took the two of them and walked towards the original road without looking back.

In the past, he might still blame himself for not protecting the members of the archaeological team.

But now he won't.

After the incident with the undersea tomb, he also gradually understood.

Although I possess all kinds of strange arts, the ability of one person is too insignificant after all.

He is so small that he can only do so much, and he can only worry about the safety of a few people who are important to him.

As for the rest, just do your best and try to have a clear conscience.

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