"Master! Come back quickly!"


The three of Wang Bangbang stood at the door of the tomb, constantly urging.

And Zhang Weishan didn't stop at the foot.

Seeing that the surrounding collapse is getting more and more serious.

The sea water has poured back up to waist depth.

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to pause for the slightest, when he reached the door, he beckoned everyone to quickly enter the tomb.

After Captain Qin died, he led the soldiers to re-seal the tomb.

However, this stone gate can't stop the penetration of water at all.

In the passage of the tomb, water has already seeped in.

Fortunately, the passage in this tomb goes all the way up.

By the time the valve fossils were located, the water flow had stopped.

Everyone walks through the fossils.

Zhang Weishan hurriedly asked Captain Qin to lead someone to close the valve.

At the same time, it was blocked with a waterproof cloth.

This valve will definitely stop most of the water from entering.

Captain Qin said.

"Captain, even this is probably not safe, the sea will definitely submerge this place!"

"I really don't understand, why don't we try to go back the same way?"

Zhang Weishan shook his head.

"Time is running out, the outside will definitely collapse before we go up!"

"Hiding here is a glimmer of life, and the tomb where Wang Zanghai is is not the end point here!"

"Let's go all the way up, don't stop, don't ask before time is tight!"

The crowd nodded.

Zhang Baldzi didn't see any trace all the way, so he presumably went deep inside.

Everyone continued to walk inside without delay.

Only then did I gradually discover that the passage inside is actually spiraling upwards.

And the geographical location is getting higher and higher.

They passed through three valve structures in full.

Only then did I realize that there was still a space of more than 60 square meters in Qianfan.

And Zhang Baldzi is here at this time.

But Baldy Zhang ignored them and pointed to the ground ahead.

On the ground closest to the front, there was actually a corpse.

The corpse has been completely weathered, and even has some signs of corpse.

The facial features of the whole person are almost indistinguishable.

But it can be seen that this is indeed the remains of a person.

"Who is this?"

Captain Qin hurriedly led people to surround the corpse, wary that it would cheat the corpse.

Bald Zhang said.

"He's not a human being, and he doesn't know how to cheat a corpse, so don't be nervous!"

"Can't cheat corpses? Captain, you see?"

Captain Qin looked at Zhang Weishan.

Zhang Weishan said while asking Wang Bangbang to put Xiao Zhang on the ground.

"It is indeed not a human being. You can find out by touching it that there are no bones in his body!"

"No bones?"

Captain Qin was puzzled, so he quickly put on his gloves and tried it.

Sure enough, it was found that there were no bones in the body of the corpse on the ground.

The whole person is like a pool of mud with only a human shape.

"Captain, what the hell is going on?"

Captain Qin asked puzzledly.

Wang Bangbang on the side was busy.

"The live broadcast signal has been restored, Professor Chen and the others have retreated!"

"The warrior group and others who came to respond were also washed out by the seawater pouring in!"

"They sealed the compass entrance and are on their way out!"

Zhang Weishan nodded.

Now that the live broadcast has resumed at this time, he can't hide many things.

Many people in the live broadcast room felt lucky for Zhang Weishan's remaining life after the catastrophe.

There were also many people who saw Xiao Zhang, perhaps because they didn't want to mention sad things, but none of them mentioned Xiao Zhang.

Zhang Weishan said.

"That corpse actually belongs to this tomb!"

"This tomb? What do you mean? Could it be that Wang Zanghai is a dove occupying a magpie's nest?"

Xiao Wu said hurriedly.

Zhang Weishan said.

"Yes and no, let Zhang Baldy explain the details to you!"

"He has studied here for so many years and knows more than me!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Weishan stopped talking, and only had Xiao Zhang in his eyes.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and they all looked at Baldy Zhang.

Baldy Zhang smiled this time and said.

"Captain Zhang is really magnanimous. I actually left all this revealing thing to me."

"Okay, anyway, I want to keep a low profile and I can't keep a low profile. If this is the case, then I will tell you!"

"Do you still remember that when you came to the underwater tomb, you encountered a ghost ship at sea?"

"Remember, isn't there an old snail under the ghost ship?"

Captain Qin said, everyone in the live broadcast room knew about it, but why Baldy Zhang brought it up all of a sudden.

"That's it. In fact, the tomb we are in now is a bigger old snail!"

"The size of this old snail is at least ten stories high, so you should understand!"

"You mean we're in a bigger old screw now?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Even Wang Bangbang and Xiao Wu were shocked, let alone Captain Qin.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

Hu Yiyi exclaimed.

"Think about it, how can something like a valve be so big, it must be the door for Lao Luo to save his life!"

"And with such a large valve, it is enough to see that the size of this old snail is unusual."

"Also, even if the structure of the old snail sinks into the bottom of the sea, there will be a space in the innermost part that will not be completely submerged by water."

"In this way, this corpse is probably not a corpse."

"He is connected to the old snail below, so it should be the predecessor of this old snail!"

"That's right for sure!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Zhang Bald laughed.

"As expected of the descendants of Mojin and Qianshan, you are right!"

"Wang Zanghai discovered this place when he was building an underwater cemetery."

"So I cut off the old snail's meat. The old snail's meat had been completely petrified!"

"He made a meat coffin out of old snail meat, and buried himself in it!"

"But I don't know what changed, causing the petrified old snail meat to grow flesh again inside."

"This may be Wang Zanghai's method."

"And the corpse here is actually the old snail itself, and this place is where the dragon veins of the seabed gather."

"This old snail is also greedy for the dragon energy here, and refuses to leave. He has already cultivated a human form, so he sent human bones, but ended up making a wedding dress for Wang Zanghai."

"But now Wang Zanghai has also received the retribution he deserves. This is the retribution that everything in the world has a cause and an effect."

Captain Qin didn't understand very well and asked.

"Elder Gao should be very interested in what you said, but we are still trapped here."

"How are we going to get out? Should the people above send the oxygen cylinder down after the sea water is poured back?"

Zhang Bald shook his head.

"This place is underwater and bears the pressure of [-] tons of water. It must not be stable for a long time!"

"So it all depends on the feng shui pattern here!"

"Now the feng shui pattern outside has been blown up by us, and it will collapse sooner or later."

"As long as the collapse outside is bigger, this old snail will fall off the mountain!"

"And when the time comes, whether it sinks to the bottom of the sea or floats to the surface, we will naturally be saved."

"But it's best for you to notify the people above and let them start searching our location, so as to avoid any more accidents!"

"it is good!"

Captain Qin nodded and hurried to make arrangements.

Baldy Zhang found a place to sit down and rest after he finished speaking.

But Wang Bangbang got up suddenly and came to him, looked at him and said.

"Who the hell are you? Say!"

Xiao Zhang's death hit Wang Bangbang hard, but Baldy Zhang was not an ordinary person, so he was unmoved at all, and said with a smile.

"Your master didn't come to ask me, why do you?"



Wang Bangbang was about to speak, but was stopped by Zhang Weishan.


Wang Bangbang looked at Zhang Weishan.

Zhang Weishan said.

"This matter will be handled by the teacher himself, and the first thing to do is to save people first!"

"You three brothers and sisters, come and help!"

"I want to start a live broadcast, save Xiao Zhang!"

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