[It can’t be said that way, if it wasn’t for A Jia and Xiao Zhang to venture up, would we have seen such a beautiful ghost seal? 】

[Just keep your fucking tongue right there, anyway, you're not the one who died! 】

[That's right, and now maybe not just one person can solve the problem! 】

[A group of keyboard warriors, don't ask the masters to help if you have the ability, if I were the masters, I wouldn't bother to point you out! 】

There was a lot of noise in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Shen Wan also clenched his fists tightly, staring at the screen for a moment.

Captain Qin didn't have time to get down at this time.

And once he left, Xiao Zhang and A Jia would really have no hope.

Besides, people need to check the situation on it.

Captain Qin shouted.

"Everyone cover me!"


A group of soldiers below were fully loaded and looked around the seventh floor vigilantly.

As long as there is a ghost who wants to get close to Captain Qin, he will shoot immediately.

However, although their firepower is fierce.

But at this time Captain Qin couldn't get close to the corridor on the seventh floor.

I saw that Ah Jia had been dragged into one of the large wooden boxes at this time.

The lid of the wooden box was snapped up immediately.

But Xiao Zhang still stood there, motionless.

Don't know what's going on.

Professor Li's eyes darkened when he saw this, and he almost passed out.

In a hurry, he was in tears.

He only scolded these young people for being so disobedient and causing damage to the archaeological team.

He hurriedly looked to the live camera for help.

[I implore Mr. Zhang to save me, thank you]

Speaking of this, Professor Li actually knelt down directly.

Seeing this, the people in the live broadcast room were all helpless.

To be honest, they also feel sorry for Professor Li.

But until now they haven't figured out what the hell it is, and they can't help but ask if the great god is there.

Ask God for guidance, what is this thing!

[This is the forbidden woman, she can't be beaten to death if she retreats quickly! 】

Finally, Faqiu Zhang's golden barrage finally appeared.

And seeing the message he sent, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Forbidden woman? What is forbidden woman?"

Countless people have such a doubt in their minds.

[Who knows what a forbidden woman is! 】

【Ghost knows, it might be a kind of old woman】

[Fuck you, old women don't have such long hair, they've become hairy! 】

[The Great God didn't say how to deal with it! 】

While everyone was discussing, another golden barrage flickered in the live broadcast room.

[Stick to the first floor, they will retreat soon! 】

Everyone was overjoyed when they saw the news.

Shen Wan couldn't help but her face was full of excitement, but she was very puzzled and said to herself.

"These forbidden women will retreat by themselves? Why?"

Zhang Weishan pretended not to hear, just staring at the studio.

These forbidden women are not to be feared.

Because according to his calculations, the self-protection mechanism of this ancient building should be activated soon.

These forbidden women will soon retreat.

At this time, what he cares about is why A Jia and Xiao Zhang are also trapped by the forbidden woman.

But Ah Jia has already been dragged back into the big box.

Only Xiao Zhang is still standing there, motionless?

What is he going through at this time?

Just as I was thinking in my heart, suddenly there was movement on Xiao Zhang's side.

I saw those hairs that were only wrapped around Xiao Zhang.

It was all scattered one by one.

At the same time, Xiao Zhang appeared.

What was shocking was that the shirt on his body was torn to pieces at this moment.

It showed very strong shoulders.

However, his whole face was pale, and it was obvious that his condition was not very good.

"Xiao Zhang! Come back quickly!"

Captain Qin shouted.

Xiao Zhang woke up like a dream, hurriedly ran towards Captain Qin, and then the two of them climbed the rope and slid down together.

Ah Jia is obviously hopeless.

So many forbidden women, unless they can kill them all.

Otherwise, if you want to go to the forbidden woman's den to save Ah Jia, I'm afraid you will pay a higher price.

And those soldiers found that their firearms couldn't kill these forbidden women at all.

The hair of these things is like a bunch of sponges, as many as they are punched in can be stopped.

The two of them just fell to the ground.

The forbidden women on the seventh floor chased down one by one.

The closest one has even climbed to the fourth floor.

Apparently they're not ready to give up just yet.

At this time, how could everyone have time to think about why Xiao Zhang survived death?
Everyone looked at the live broadcast room, begging the great god to quickly point out the way out.

However, Faqiu Zhang's reminder never appeared.

Captain Qin led people to stop the forbidden women from approaching.

At the same time, he looked at the time, and it was already [-]:[-].


Suddenly, just when the time reached ten minutes past nine.

There was a muffled sound in the entire Zhang family ancient building.

Almost at the same time, all the people in the live broadcast room and the scene were surprised to see it.

Those forbidden women seemed to be frightened one by one, and crazily crawled back towards the seventh floor.

Then one by one they honestly returned to their big wooden boxes.

It's just that Ah Jia never came out again, obviously he was killed.

Captain Qin and Xiao Zhang quickly returned to the ground.

Xiao Zhang looked pale, but his life was not in serious danger.

In addition, the sudden retreat of the forbidden woman at this time made everyone very excited.

But they knew in their hearts that these forbidden women must have given up killing them because they heard the noise just now.

But what does that sound represent?

Everyone didn't speak, just watched the live broadcast room.

Obviously, they are all waiting for the guidance of the Great God.

Shen Wan also clenched his fists nervously, as if he was afraid of missing Faqiu Zhang's words.

But at this time Zhang Weishan didn't think about it at all.

At this time, he found that Xiao Zhang's body was exposed on the back because of the torn clothes.

There are many lines appearing indistinctly.

not sure what it is.

The lines are not quite complete.

Some places are not shown.

But it looks very strange.

He was fascinated by watching, suddenly Shen Wan exclaimed.

"Then that is actually strong alkali water mist, how is this possible!"

"Why doesn't the great master come out? If he doesn't come out, Professor Li and the others will all die!"

Zhang Weishan reacted when he heard Shen Wan's exclamation.

I actually forgot about it.

Busy watching the live broadcast room.

I saw that countless water mist had been suppressed in the live broadcast room at this time.

This is the Zhang family's defense mechanism.

Alkaline mist!

As long as there is a little more delay, I am afraid that Professor Li and the others will all die here.

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly posted a few bullet screens in the live broadcast room.

[Quickly go near the second pillar on the left, there is an exit on the pillar! 】

[Do as I said, from bottom to top, knock one, three, five, six and four reliefs respectively, three, five, seven and two! 】

【speed!It's too late! 】

Professor Li at the scene had already started coughing violently.

Not daring to be negligent at the moment, a group of people hurried over.

Captain Qin began to follow Zhang Weishan's instructions.

He has strong execution ability, and quickly found the corresponding relief and began to strike.

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