Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 354 Zhang Weishan Takes the Lead, Appreciating the Corpse Transformation Process

"Go back!"

Zhang Weishan also saw that in the coffin next to him, the corpse's Feng Yu also fell out.

Everyone hurriedly left the seven coffins.

But Chen Wen and the others also received news almost at the same time.

"Mr. Zhang, the entrance has appeared and we can enter the fourth floor!"

"Why don't you come back first!"

Chen Wen was a little worried.

Once Feng Yu falls, these corpses are likely to be fraudulent.

Although Zhang Weishan is very skilled, who can guarantee that his shoes will never get wet when he often walks by the river?

Zhang Weishan is only human, he is not a god.

Xiao Zhang looked around and found that the corpse in the coffin was bleeding out of blood.

Obviously, something might happen to these seven corpses.

"Captain, go?"

Xiao Zhang asked.

Zhang Weishan frowned.

"Yi Yi and Xiao Wu get out first!"

"If these corpses are fraudulent, they have to be dealt with, otherwise we will still run into them when we come back!"

The two nodded, and retreated directly to the door of the tomb without delay.

Once the situation is wrong, I will go out immediately.

Xiao Wuhe looked outside more carefully, and then reminded.

"Master, the tomb passage outside here has not changed, it seems that the tomb chamber on this floor will not be moved!"

Zhang Weishan nodded.

At this point they have reached the third floor.

There are only two floors left below.

How this tomb is changing is actually meaningless.

So the mechanism here should only need to crack the upper two layers.

These burial chambers will not change anymore.

Everyone stared nervously at the seven coffins.

But in those seven coffins, nothing changed.

People in the live broadcast room were also talking about it.

[This corpse is not really going to be a fraud! 】

[It’s still a question, sure, don’t all the zombies you see on TV have bloodstains and are about to start fraudulent corpses]

[You are not talking nonsense, that is TV, can this be the same as the archaeological site? 】

[Oh, stop talking, watch it quickly, maybe you missed the wonderful moment of cheating the corpse while typing]

[Damn, cheating corpses is still exciting! 】

[I think the above is right, but why it has been so long, these corpses are not fake corpses]

[The corpse I went to this year is a bit lazy, does it take so long to cheat a corpse? 】

[That's right, this Dou Dizhu can fight a circle, why hasn't he cheated on the corpse yet!Transformers stuck? 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room is asking.

At the scene, Xiao Zhang's people also felt very strange.

At this time, 10 minutes have passed, why are these corpses still showing no signs of fraudulent corpses?

Zhang Weishan also felt strange, so he stepped forward to have a look.

Then he saw that although the corpse in the coffin was not fraudulent, it began to change.

I saw the female corpse inside, but now the skin began to become very tight.

Her skin was also very good before, almost the same as before death.

But at this time her skin actually started to become somewhat transparent.

And her whole body seems to be shrinking!
Instead, the hair on the head is actually growing.

It looked like a corpse that had been buried for thousands of years, suddenly born, undergoing rapid changes.

The people in the live broadcast room were all taken aback when they saw this situation.

Chen Wen is busy.

"No, I'm afraid these corpses will be destroyed. It's such a pity!"

"When I was archaeological in Nanjin, there was a corpse in the tomb of a princess that was very well preserved!"

"But after opening the coffin, within 10 minutes, the corpse turned into powder!"

"It's a shame!"

【What?Professor Chen means that these corpses will not be fraudulent? 】

[I'm going, just to dissolve it?That would be a pity, I still think the first female corpse is quite beautiful! 】

【Yeah, fortunately I took a screenshot, and I will go online to order an inflatable one later】

【Damn, buddy, your taste is too heavy, isn't that enough for Dominic?I still want to make a female corpse]

[Perverts, you guys! 】

[That is, a group of perverts, they just do it and send it out, in case others don't know that you don't have a girlfriend? 】

Hearing that these corpses would not be fraudulent, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room began to relax.

However, at the scene, Zhang Weishan's face was not so relaxed.

He stared at the changes in those corpses, and already thought of something in his mind.

Xiao Wu hurriedly asked.

"Master, what's wrong? Your face"

Zhang Weishan waved his hand and said.

"You all better come and see!"

"These corpses are not dissolving!"

"Isn't it dissolving?"

Everyone was stunned.

This time, not only the netizens in the live broadcast room, but even Xiao Wu and others at the scene were confused.

"Master, what do you mean?"

Hu asked one by one.

Zhang Weishan didn't answer directly, but looked at Xiao Zhang and said.

"Do you still remember the corpse pill you saw in the tomb of the Warring States Period?"

Xiao Zhang nodded.

In the tombs of the Warring States period, he had seen corpse kings crawling out of the heads of blood corpses.

In Tiangong and later in Snake Marsh, he also saw those corpse pills.

Zhang Weishan said that in every corpse pill, there is a corpse king sealed.

"I also know about those corpse pills, but what does that have to do with this place?"

Xiao Wu asked.

Zhang Weishan smiled and said.

"That thing was actually researched by Wang Zanghai, the elixir of life!"

"It's a pity that longevity cannot be achieved only through medicine!"

"He obviously failed. After taking this corpse pill, there will be side effects!"

"That is to become a forbidden woman!"

"And the process of transforming from a human into a forbidden woman is called corpse transformation!"

"He will directly omit the death process in the middle!"

"And the people in these seven coffins should have eaten corpse pills before they were alive, and then their seven orifices were sealed and buried here!"

"Because they sealed the seven orifices, the process of turning into a corpse began after the seal jade fell off!"

"This process of cadaverization is very rare, and it is luck that we can see it!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were all stupid.

[Damn, this is good luck? 】

[Boss Zhang, do you have any misunderstanding about good luck? 】

[Yeah, who likes to watch the process of corpse transformation?Let me take a look at the spring chapter of Animal World, isn't it good? 】

[The love action chapter is also good, who is okay to read this?]

【My God, I just want to know, wouldn't the masters in these seven coffins all turn into forbidden women in the end? 】

[Yeah, this is about to become a forbidden woman. Boss Zhang is still in the mood to appreciate their process of becoming a forbidden woman? 】

[You are so bold, who gave Boss Zhang the ability to control the soul? 】

【that's true! 】

It was only then that everyone remembered that they came all the way, and the forbidden woman and the little aunt followed.

This control of a forbidden woman is control, and a group of people is also control.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this level is really not that difficult.

No wonder Zhang Weishan is still in the mood to appreciate the so-called corpse transformation process.

"Master, with so many forbidden women, are you sure?"

Xiao Wu asked.

Zhang Weishan smiled and said.

"How do you know if you don't try? But let's take a look at the process of corpse transformation first!"

"I'm afraid I can only see this once in a lifetime."

Xiao Wu nodded, although the process of turning into a corpse might not look good.

But what Zhang Weishan said is right, I am afraid that this is the only chance in this lifetime.

Do not look white do not look!

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