【You people, forget about the pain when the scar is healed. How many times did the Great God say before, don't run around! 】

[Which accident was not caused by your disobedience, and now you are still here to fan the flames, it is not you keyboard warriors who lost their lives in an accident, right! 】

[Who are you talking about upstairs? Are archaeologists still afraid of sacrifice?Don't study archeology if you are afraid of death! 】

[Although there will be sacrifices in archeology, it does not mean unnecessary sacrifices]

The live broadcast room was divided into two factions, arguing so loudly.

In fact, it is difficult to judge who is right and who is wrong.

In fact, everyone is also thinking about the archaeological community.

It's just that there is still no consensus on whether to go to the seventh and eighth floors to see this topic.

Zhang Weishan looked at the live broadcast room, and didn't intend to remind him.

At this time, it was still early for the final departure time.

And he knows very well that if these people don't listen to him next.

There may be even fewer people who can get out alive.

If I speak now, I am afraid that I will also be involved in this controversy.

Inside the Zhang Family Ancient Building.

Professor Li has arranged for most of the archaeological team to start packing their luggage.

Prepare to leave later.

But one of the young men in a jacket ran over and said seriously.

"Professor Li, I hope you can seriously consider my suggestion!"

"We have enough supplies now, it's a waste of time to go out, there are still many secrets here that have not been solved!"

The young man who spoke was named Ajia, and he was also a very experienced person in the archaeological team.

Although this person is not a student of Professor Li, he is also very hardworking in archaeology.

After graduating, he stayed in the archaeological team to work, and occasionally gave lectures at the Academy of Archeology.

In the future, he may also become a character like Professor Li.

It is said that he is preparing to apply for the title of professor.

And this time, he was one of the people who didn't want to leave, and he was also the most persistent person.

"Ah Jia, we only have half an hour left!"

"Also watch the words of the Great God all the way, for everyone's safety, we have to leave!"

Professor Li obviously believed in Faqiu Zhang's words without any hesitation.

Ah Jia didn't think so.

"Professor Li, I admit that Faqiu Zhang is very powerful, but he is always behind the scenes. We still have to rely on us for these excavations!"

"And we are on the scene, is there anyone who knows the situation here better than us?"

"I think you must listen to Faqiu Zhang's words, but there is no need to be so solemn!"

"I thought about it for a while, I can make a concession, wait 10 minutes before the time is up, I will go to the seventh floor to have a look!"

"Professor Li, think about it, can you feel relieved until the work here is finished?"

"I'll just go up and have a look, and prepare more materials for the next excavation when I come in!"

"I promise that if there is a problem, I will return it immediately!"


Ah Jia spoke very seriously, obviously very unwilling to go back like this.

However, Professor Li was determined to disagree.

Seeing this, Ah Jia said a little angrily.

"Professor Li, I know that you have lost a few students and you are very sad!"

"But none of us are ready to sacrifice our lives for the cause of archaeology at any time!"

"You can't do that to archeology!"

Professor Li said angrily.

"What do you know! Do you think I only love my students? What I love is human life!"

"Those people will all be junior talents in the archaeological world in the future. Do you want the archaeological world to break down again?"

Professor Li was obviously angry too.

However, as the saying goes, good words are hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die.

At this time, Professor Li obviously couldn't persuade Ah Jia.

Ajia looked at Professor Li and finally said only one sentence.

"I must go to the seventh floor, the last 10 minutes, I only want the last 10 minutes!"

"This is also my bottom line! You can't protect us forever, we have to take that step by ourselves!"

After finishing speaking, Ah Jia stopped talking and turned around to prepare.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Weishan felt very helpless.

He didn't remember who said a word to him.

The most unpredictable thing is the human heart.

Although the cause of archaeology is very noble, who can guarantee that there is no selfishness in archaeology?

Professor Li may consider the safety of the entire archaeological team.

But for Ajia, perhaps going to the seventh floor is the most important thing.

This may affect whether he can successfully get the title of professor after he goes out.

And this may be why there have been so many brothers killing each other in the tomb robbery business since ancient times.

After all, people are separated from each other, who knows what is the truest thought in the heart of their companion?

Shen Wan looked at the live broadcast room, but surprisingly, he didn't speak.

He just seemed worried and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ah Jia obviously made up his mind to go.

After being silent for a while, Professor Li called student Xiao Zhang over.

Among the few students that Professor Li came this time, only Xiao Zhang survived.

So this incident hit him very hard.

But he was getting older and wanted to go to the seventh floor to toss again, obviously he was already a little bit powerless.


Xiao Zhang looked at Professor Li with a very calm expression.

"You'll have to work hard later, follow Ah Jia up to have a look!"

"The teacher knows that you are calmer than him, so you must keep yourself safe!"

Professor Li patted Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and said.

Xiao Zhang nodded, but his expression didn't change at all.

Seeing this, Shen Wan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Professor Li asked Xiao Zhang to follow, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

"Even if there is really trouble, you can still know the situation on the seventh floor!"

Zhang Weishan said in surprise.

"Oh? Is Xiao Zhang very powerful?"

He has met Xiao Zhang several times. The last time Professor Li brought three students into the ancient building of the Zhang family at the bottom of the lake, he was there.

He is also the only one among Professor Li's many students who survived.

But Zhang Weishan didn't pay much attention to him before.

Hearing what Shen Wan said, it seems that this little Zhang is a little different.

Shen Wan nodded and explained.

"Xiao Zhang is indeed different from others!"

"Because Xiao Zhang is not a student of the School of Archeology, he is a local person that Professor Li met when he was on a business trip!"

"I brought it back later and accepted it as my student!"

"Even about archeology, he only learned it in the last two years!"

"But when it comes to this person, many people suspect that he may be a tomb robber!"

"But he doesn't remember anything about the past, and our archaeological community doesn't reject people who are from tomb robbers!"

"As long as he can contribute to the archaeological world, he is our comrade in arms, so he joined the archaeological world!"

Speaking of this, Shen Wan felt that he still couldn't fully explain the specialness of Xiao Zhang, so he thought for a while and said.

"I don't know how to describe it, anyway, this little Zhang is very special!"

"Professor Li works on the front line all year round and encounters many dangers!"

"But no matter what the danger is, as long as Xiao Zhang joins the team, even if all his teammates are dead, he will still come out safely!"

"From my perspective as a girl, he seems to have a natural feeling that makes people feel very safe!"

"It's a pity that I don't know what his life experience is like!"

Zhang Weishan nodded when he heard the words, and unconsciously paid more attention to this little Zhang.

If I want to carry forward Faqiu Tianguan in the future, it is absolutely not enough to rely on myself.

So if there are good seedlings, he will focus on cultivating them.

This little Zhang can observe more.

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