Xiaoxi said that no matter how the mechanism here works, it will eventually stop.

Mojin Wang and the others had been here before, and had seen this ghostly baby.

In other words, if there are no outsiders disturbing the institutions here.

At the end of the agency's operation, the four tombs must return to the first floor.

But Xiaoxi meant much more than that, according to what Xiaoxi said.

Even if this mechanism is in operation, it will still be like this in the end.

And what this means may be a little difficult to understand, but the principle is actually very simple.

Simply put, it is the principle of the connecter.

For example, in a stable state, the balance is the same height on the left and right.

You put a rock on one side.

Then the scales will tip.

But if you put an opposite water belt under the balance at this time.

Because it is the opposite, the water will rush towards the upturned side.

This returns the balance to a symmetrical position.

As for how to do the opposite, it is actually very simple, and it can be done through some means, so I won’t talk about it here.

And the principle of the whole seabed tomb is like this.

Among the four tombs, only one of the tombs has water pools. In fact, these water pools are used to balance the operation of the entire tomb.

These principles are not very easy to understand, and Zhang Weishan is not going to explain them, otherwise it will take a long time to explain them.

"Go and move some stones and put them in the other three tombs!"

Zhang Weishan arranged for it.

Immediately, Wang Bangbang and the warrior group began to attack.

Except for the one with the coffin, stones were placed in the other three tombs.

The stones placed in each tomb weigh no less than one hundred catties.

This is also the weight of the Sim.

Put the stone away, Zhang Weishan said.

"The mechanism activation is nothing more than weight and machine expansion!"

"No one here will actively trigger the mechanism, so it must be the weight that activates the mechanism!"

"But there is one more thing. Apart from weight, there is one thing that people are different from stones, that is, people are alive!"

"If nothing changes when the stone is put in, then we've got to be a master!"

"Master? What do you mean?"

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard it.

"It means, let someone replace the stone trigger mechanism!"

Wang Bang Bang said.

"Let someone go? Wouldn't that mean we're going to be separated from everyone!"

"Yeah, isn't it too risky for Captain Zhang to do this?"

"That's right, once we separate, wouldn't we be sure to die if we encounter any problems?"

The faces of the members of the archaeological team changed upon hearing this.

Hu Yiyi was very dissatisfied when he saw this.

"My master didn't say that you must go, there are three of us brothers and sisters!"

"What are you doing?"

The members of the archaeological team were all embarrassed when they heard this.

But in the face of life and death, who wants to be the one who takes the risk?

"Miss Hu, you can't say that, although what happened in Snake Marsh last time was the fault of the archaeological team!"

"But the situation is different this time. There was no way last time!"

"There are obviously other ways this time, and we don't want to take risks easily, either!"

"That's right! Isn't it just a fool to take the initiative to seek death?"

The members of the archaeological team talked a lot.

The people in the live broadcast room didn't say anything.

This time the situation is indeed different.

Last time you said that the members of the archaeological team left Zhang Weishan alone, it was indeed too selfish.

But this time it was clear that everyone was fine, in order to verify the authority, someone replaced the stone.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

Everyone's life is life, and it's understandable that the archaeologists don't want to take risks.

Zhang Weishan didn't count on these people at first, so he didn't bother to talk to them.

After waiting for a while, everyone looked at the three tombs again.

Sure enough, these stones couldn't activate the mechanism at all.

The three tombs are still the same three, without any change.

Now, the atmosphere became more tense.

Wang Bangbang saw that no one spoke.

He was also angry, and opened his mouth.

"Master, let's not count on these people, they have more success than failure!"

"How do you arrange it? Just treat me like a stone. Where do you say to go? If I have half of the word "no", I will write the word "wang" upside down!"

"Isn't your Wang character upside down or Wang character?"

someone muttered.

Just as Wang Bangbang was about to get angry, Xiao Wu hurriedly stopped him.

"Does Master want us to stand in three chambers?"

"Do you think it's okay? Bangbang and I count as two. It doesn't matter if the junior sister is a girl, Brother Zhang should be willing too!"

"Or just the three of us!"

Xiao Wu said.

Hu Yiyi heard the words and got busy.

"Although I'm a girl, I also know what loyalty is. Brother Zhang is not a master's apprentice after all. We have no reason to ask him to be like us!"

"I can too!"

Zhang Weishan looked at them and said helplessly.

"This is not something you can do on impulse!"

"Once people enter the tomb, the organ will be triggered, and you will be separated from the main force!"

"I don't know where it will appear at that time, you may have to persevere alone for a long time!"

"If you don't have a strong heart and the ability to deal with emergencies, accidents will easily happen!"

"First of all, Xiao Wu, you can't do it, you are too weak!"

"If you really want to choose, I will replace you one by one!"

"Only Yiyi's skills are better than yours!"

"But isn't Master not enough manpower now?"

Xiao Wu also said helplessly.

"I can go!"

Xiao Zhang stood up.

"Master, then follow what you said, I will be with Senior Brother Wang and Brother Zhang!"

Hu Yi said.

Zhang Weishan nodded helplessly.

This is really impossible.

It is impossible for him to ask people from the archaeological team to go. These people themselves are not willing to go, and their skills are not very good.

If you go there, you might have to wait for yourself to save him.

In comparison, Wang Bangbang and Xiao Zhang are suitable candidates.

"and many more!"

Just as Zhang Weishan was about to make a decision, Captain Qin suddenly spoke up.

"I really can't stand it anymore. Everyone is a whole. Every time there is a danger, either the fighter group will be at the front, or Captain Zhang and the others!"

"Our warrior team is ordered to protect the archaeological team. I have no complaints, but you can't let Captain Zhang's people take risks every time!"

"One by one girl, you all have the heart to watch and let her go? Where's your conscience?"

"Still a man?"

Captain Qin was very angry.

"Captain Zhang, I respect you, I will replace Yiyi!"

"I really can't see a girl being wronged like this!"

"Brother Qin!"

Hu Yiyi was a little touched.

Captain Qin waved his hands.

"Needless to say, am I still afraid of staying in the tomb of the dead for a while as a retired special soldier?"

"I was also the one who slept on the grave mound back then!"

"It is enough for the archaeological team to have the protection of the remaining warriors!"

Yiyi wanted to say more, but Zhang Weishan stopped her.

Captain Qin is willing to help, that is naturally the best result.

"Okay, that's it!"

"The three of you each enter a tomb, remember, no matter what happens outside, don't come out!"

"I'll have three flashlights over the graveway!"

"When you see the light of the flashlight outside, it means that you have returned to the first floor!"

"Come out again at this time, everyone take a flashlight, and go back to the basement of the pool the same way!"

"We'll be waiting for you there!"


The three nodded, and immediately entered one of the tombs.

Then Zhang Weishan looked at the people of the archaeological team.

Bald Zhang was also among them, but this guy seemed to be afraid of being called out, so he kept his head down and dared not speak.

Zhang Weishan didn't count on him either.

opened his mouth.

"All now go back under the pool and wait!"

"Also, get me a tarp and duct tape!"

"At the same time, put a video camera in the tomb with the coffin!"

Chen Wen hurriedly sent tarps and tapes, and at the same time put a video camera in the tomb with the coffin!

Then the crowd left three more flashlights.

After lighting up, it was placed on the graveway.

That's when they all leave.

However, everyone did not expect it to be.

Just as they left, they looked at the tomb behind them, and it was already empty.

Xiao Zhang, Wang Bangbang and Captain Zhang have long since disappeared!

The organs of the three tombs have obviously been activated.

Exit the catacomb, on your way back to the bottom of the pool.

In the live broadcast room, someone suddenly asked a question.

[It looks like Boss Zhang is planning to lure that ghost baby here! 】

[But in this way, the ghost fetus can only come up in one of the three tombs of Xiao Zhang and the others! 】

[It's very dangerous, why doesn't Boss Zhang go by himself? 】

[Yeah, I have to lead them anyway, why doesn't Boss Zhang go by himself? 】

[This is not nonsense, a ghost baby is here, who will deal with it?If it doesn't go back into your coffin, who will you let it deal with? 】

[Even if you go back, if you don't seal the door, won't it have to look for it if it runs around? 】

【Amount seems to be like this】

[Stop talking nonsense, Boss Zhang must have his own considerations, and you need to eat carrots here and worry about it]

Zhang Weishan didn't read the netizens' comments.

Looking at the live broadcast room, he turned on the voice function and said in the live broadcast room.

"Xiao Zhang Bang Bang Captain Qin, the ghost baby will randomly enter the tomb of one of the three of you!"

"Turn off your personal lighting now, cover your mouth and nose! Don't move!"

"Otherwise the ghost fetus will find you!"

"Wait until it goes out, or you see the light of the flashlight outside the tomb, and then come out!"

"Be sure to keep quiet during this time!"

Zhang Weishan hung up the voice after talking, and all the next experiences will depend on the three of them.

Zhang Weishan sent the archaeological team and others back to the bottom of the pool.

Then he explained to the second in command of the fighter group.

"The archaeological team will be handed over to you!"

"You, Mr. Zhang."

Chen Wen didn't feel very good.

Zhang Weishan said.

"I have to go back and stand in front of the door. There is only one chance. If the ghost baby finds out, there will be no chance at all!"

After Zhang Weishan finished speaking, he turned around and walked back to the original road.

The ban woman stayed with the archaeological team.

Go back to the tomb door soon.

Zhang Weishan didn't bother with the other three tombs, when he got to the tomb with the coffin, he made it in the corner of the wall.

Hold the tarp in one hand and the tape in the other.

At the same time whispered.

"Xiaoxi, cover me with your dead energy!"


Xiaoxi nodded, and the next moment, Zhang Weishan was enveloped by a cloud of black air.

In the entire tomb passage, there was not a trace of the breath of a living person.

The tomb passage also became quieter.

Zhang Weishan could vaguely hear it.

The subtle sound of the operation of the underwater tomb mechanism was so light that he could hardly notice it.

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