Watch the live broadcast and point out the archaeology, and get a unicorn tattoo at the beginning

Chapter 320 Surprised change and being swallowed up, the whole network is in grief

The whole network looked nervously at the live broadcast room, fearing that there would be another disturbance in the live broadcast room.

And Xiao Wu and others could see that Zhang Weishan was still in the water through the sonar imager.

At this time, nearly one and a half minutes had passed since Zhang Weishan fell into the water.

You know, the time for a normal person to hold his breath underwater will not exceed 50 seconds!

For slightly better people, 1 minute is the limit.

It is said that divers and some people with special physiques can reach up to 3 minutes.

Without oxygen for 3 minutes, this is absolutely impossible for most people.

Even if Zhang Weishan has a special physique, he will never hold his breath for more than 5 minutes.

Even about 4 minutes is the limit.

After all, as long as there is a human being, there is no one who does not rely on oxygen to survive.

Those who don't need oxygen are dead!
Just as everyone started emergency rescue.

Zhang Weishan, who fell into the water, had already calmed down.

It's just that the water temperature is a little cold, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

It was late at night again, and the water was pitch black, and nothing could be seen at all.

Even if Zhang Weishan has excellent eyesight, he can only see a rough outline.

That is the trace of the ghost ship.

At this time, the ghost ship was not under him, but in front of him, parallel to him, about three or four meters away.

Zhang Weishan felt that he couldn't hold his breath for much longer.

I looked up and looked at the top, the sea level is not far away, and I can go up in less than 20 seconds.

Even if you are ready to surface first, then you can talk.

However, at this moment, Xiaoxi suddenly spoke.

"Be careful, that big conch is coming towards you!"

Zhang Weishan couldn't speak at this time, he turned around to look.

In the dark sea in front of him, a black shadow like ink pressed towards him.

The black shadow was huge, like a hill.

Zhang Weishan's heart sank, he wondered to himself if he had run into a man-eating snail?

There are records in Wanchonglu.

The technique of snails is good at swallowing pearls. It opens and closes on a full moon night, and the bright pearls reappear, corresponding to the moonlight.

It can be seen that the beauty is lying in the clam shell.

If a person enters it, the clamshell will fall, and the person will die.

It means that in the sea, the old scorpions and old snails that have become fine have a pearl in their bodies.

People who pick eggs (pearls) often do it on the night of the full moon.

Because at this time, the snails will open their hard shells and practice cultivation towards the moon.

And at this time, it is common to see beautiful figures wriggling inside the shells.

Once a curious person goes in to check, they will be swallowed by these snails.

This is to hurt people's lives.

But the pearls in the snail's body are of extremely high value.

Especially in ancient times, there was a saying of wearing pearls and paying tribute.

Some of the big heads are called night pearls.

So at that time, the egg pickers almost finished picking the old snails and old snails in the coastal area.

It is rare to see such a large head.

It's rare to see anything the size of a suitcase these days.

Unexpectedly, this time, he actually ran into such a big old snail.

I'm afraid I have to live in the sea for hundreds of thousands of years.

Once this kind of old snail is entangled, it is too difficult to escape.

Zhang Weishan didn't dare to neglect.

Immediately struggled to swim towards the surface of the water.

And the people in the live broadcast room can also see clearly through sonar.

Can't help but sweat for Zhang Weishan.

[Damn, this old snail is going to eat Boss Zhang! 】

[Nimma, then I will never eat snails again! 】

[This is two different things, okay? 】

[I don't care, I won't eat it, how can I find it? 】

[Hey, do you still say this is useful?I'd better pray that Boss Zhang doesn't get into trouble! 】

[Boss Zhang is sure to be fine, Mother Snake can't do anything to him, I don't believe that a lump of rotten meat can kill Boss Zhang! 】

Everyone in the live broadcast room was tense.

And on the spot.

Xiao Wu also hurriedly informed Captain Qin and others of the situation.

"Captain Qin! The old snail of Captain Qin is approaching Master, please support as soon as possible, please support as soon as possible!"

Everyone was anxious.

But in water and not on land.

How can it be so fast.

Just when everyone was nervous, Zhang Weishan had already checked the water surface.

Breathed the fresh air outside.

However, just when he was about to swim towards the destroyer first.

Suddenly, his feet seemed to be entangled by something.

Suddenly his body sank, and he was dragged into the water again.

Xiaoxi also exclaimed almost at the same time.

"Why is it a big ball of hair? I've never heard of a conch growing its hair!"

"Why are you old snails in this sea area different from my life in Tarim!"

Zhang Weishan couldn't open his mouth even if he wanted to explain.

Where there will be old snails with long hairs, they will not be fine.

There used to be rivers in the Tarim Basin.

So it's not surprising that Xiaoxi has seen a conch.

It's just that I've never seen one this big.

Zhang Weishan was also puzzled at this time.

This old snail doesn't grow meat, why does it grow a pinch of hair!
He has already felt that there is a large group of hair wrapped around his legs.

It feels like hair.

Zhang Weishan just touched it, and suddenly his heart sank.

This is an old snail, this is probably a forbidden woman!
Think of things along the way.

Zhang Weishan suddenly confirmed it.

This is definitely the forbidden woman not running away!
The three predecessors of that year had entered the tomb under the sea.

And according to the memory of his previous life, the last three seniors blew up the dome of the undersea tomb.

The sea water poured in, and they took the opportunity to escape.

That is to say.

I'm afraid all the forbidden women inside have come out!
It's just that I don't know how many forbidden wives are there in the undersea tomb!

No wonder Zhang Baldzi said that since 30 years ago, this sea area has been often haunted.

I'm afraid it's the ghosts of these forbidden women!
Thinking of this, Zhang Weishan couldn't help but feel horrified.

Is he afraid of forbidden women?

But that thing is really too penetrating.

In other words, if a toad climbs onto the feet, it won't bite you to death, you're disgusting!

It's better for him to go and see some beauties than to see the forbidden woman!

Zhang Weishan immediately drew out his dagger and was about to cut off those hairs.

However, at the same time as he started.

The hair on his ankles suddenly tightened.

It actually pulled him towards this side and dragged him over.

Zhang Weishan secretly said badly in his heart.

Speed ​​up now.

But who knows, at this moment, he suddenly felt his feet loosen.

The hair that tied him suddenly shrank back.

Zhang Weishan was taken aback for a moment, still not understanding what was going on.

Suddenly, I felt that the sea water around my body seemed to have exploded. ,

It was actually spinning and spinning him up.

Then the whole person was like a cockroach in a toilet, with a large ball of water, and he didn't know where he rolled in an instant.

His whole body was turned upside down.

I only heard Xiaoxi shouting there.

"You're going to be swallowed!"

At this time, in the cab of the destroyer, everyone was still nervously looking at the sonar imager.

Everyone above saw that Zhang Weishan had surfaced smoothly.

Immediately excited.

The people in the live broadcast room haven't sent out the barrage yet.

In an instant, Zhang Weishan's black shadow was dragged into the water again.

Immediately following, it actually merged with the large group of black old snails behind it.

Then it's gone!

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts immediately turned cold.

The live broadcast room was also instantly quiet.

The world seemed to have become dead silent at this moment.

Countless people understand it in their hearts.

Zhang Weishan is... swallowed!

The three of Xiao Wu burst into tears immediately.

Wang Bangbang immediately picked up a harpoon and was about to rush out to fight Lao Luo desperately.

Hu Yiyi hurriedly stopped him.

"You can't beat him!"

Wang Bangbang cursed with red eyes.

"Then I'll blow it up, get out of the way and I'll blow him up!"

"You calm down!"

Xiao Wu held down Wang Bangbang.

"Master is still inside the old snail, if you blow it up, can Master still live?"

"Then what do you say!"

Wang Bangbang's anxious tears were about to fall.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, a group of netizens also posted bullet messages one after another.

【Don't be in a hurry, who will save people if you are in a hurry! 】

[That's right, does the old snail have teeth? He can't bite people to death. Boss Zhang still has a chance! 】

【Captain Qin and the others are already approaching?Hurry up and kill this old snail first! 】

【it's useless! 】

Suddenly, Elder Gao's ID popped up.

Everyone fell silent when they saw him appear.

Elder Gao made another sentence.

[There is a bony opening and closing baffle at the entrance of the old snail, once any prey is swallowed! 】

[The shutter is closed! 】

[Even if the baffle is opened, it's full of snail meat! 】

[It's too difficult to find Zhang Weishan! 】

Seeing this, the netizens in the live broadcast room became uneasy.

【fart!Then don't care? 】

[That is, if you want to see people, if you want to see people, if you want to see corpses! 】

[Boss Zhang will definitely not die. If he dies, I will eat conch every day from now on, and I will eat conch to extinction! 】

[Damn it, I want to eat it too, eat them to death! 】

[Can you stop making trouble?Those who know you are angry, those who don’t know think you are idiots! 】

[Boss Zhang will definitely be fine, definitely not! 】

Although everyone in the live broadcast room said so, everyone knew it in their hearts.

It was swallowed by such a big old snail.

Zhang Weishan's hope of surviving is actually very slim.

Among other things, just suffocation can suffocate him to death!

The whole network is in grief.

Countless people watched the quiet live broadcast in the live broadcast room.

For a while, no one was talking.

Just staring at the screen, hoping for a miracle.

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