"time to eat!"

Soon Camilla's shouts came from outside the room.


Bai Xingchen replied quickly.

Then the game went offline, and he left the room directly, and went to the living room to eat.

Looking at the food on the table, Bai Xingchen knew that Camila had researched a new dish.

Recalling a dish a few days ago, it was really a horrible dark dish.

Bai Xingchen can swear that Bai Xingchen himself will never forget the taste of that dark dish.

"I've tried all these dishes, don't worry."

Camilla seemed to see a trace of "timidity" in Bai Xingchen, and said quickly.

"Say it earlier!"

After Bai Xingchen finished listening, he sat directly on the chair and smiled.

Picking up the chopsticks that had been placed, Bai Xingchen began to taste.

After that, Bai Xingchen nodded involuntarily.

The new dishes researched this time all taste good!
If Bai Xingchen were to give a score, it would be a perfect score of [-].

Bai Xingchen is willing to give Camila ninety points.

Why not full marks?

Because the taste of these dishes is okay, but not very unique. . . . .

"I am full!"

Ten minutes later, Bai Xingchen finished most of the food on the table by himself.

Sometimes, Bai Xingchen couldn't help but suspect that Camilla did it on purpose.

If I don't eat it myself, let him eat it, trying to make myself fat.

"Then I'll pack it up."

Camila nodded and put away the dishes.

Since I bought the dishwasher, I couldn't help but feel a lot easier. I put the bowls and chopsticks in after eating, and after ten minutes, each bowl was washed very clean.

This dishwasher is really a great invention of mankind! ! !

--- (I am a cute timeline) ----

Time passed day by day, and one night, Bai Xingchen was looking up at the sky.

Suddenly, in the starry sky at night, a ray of light flashed, and then disappeared.

Bai Xingchen could see this scene clearly, the earth was once again descended by monsters.

To be precise, aliens! ! !
Creatures from other planets.

"In other words, the alien escaped the UDF surveillance satellite and came to Earth!"

Not long after, DASH and the others also detected the arrival of aliens. DASH captain Shigeru Dokata looked at the report and said involuntarily.

"Kaito, Ruixi, you guys drive DASH Alpha over there immediately, and report to me directly after the investigation is clear, understand?"

Dokata Shigeru looked at Kaito and Koishikawa Mizuki immediately, and said quickly.


Kaito and Mizuki Koishikawa got up and saluted.

After receiving the order, Kaito and the two of them also set off quickly.

DASH Alpha!
It is a special search car for DASH.

It has a very impressive high-speed performance, and can be used in various changes such as flight forms.

Overall length: 5 meters.

Overall width: 1.8 meters.

Maximum speed: 750km/h (civilization reminder: up to Mach 5 when jet boost is used)!
The two Kaito, driving DASH Alpha, are quickly rushing towards the target location.

From night to morning, Kaito and Mizuki Koishikawa finally arrived at the target location.

This is a large sports field, but there is no one in it.

"Kaito, let's move separately!"

Koishikawa Mizuki said quickly.

"Okay, you pay attention to safety!"

Kaito nodded.

The two separated directly and acted alone.

After searching around for a long time, Kaito and Mizuki Koishikawa didn't find anything in the next round.

"I'm Ruixi, there are no abnormalities yet! We are going to expand the search area!"

Mizuki Koishikawa turned on her communicator and reported to the command room.


Ellie replied.

Just as Kaito was about to get into the car, he saw a figure flash by, which must be the alien.

"You wait for me here for a while, go and come back!"

Kaito took out his weapon, looked at Mizuki Koishikawa and said, and then chased after him.

Soon, Kaito chased after that figure.

It turned out to be a security guard.

However, this security guard soon revealed his true face, and the appearance of an alien was directly revealed.

Kaito quickly launched an attack.

It's a pity that Kaito's attacks were all dodged by this alien.

The alien in front of Kaito is the high-speed alien Slan!

The Silanians have the ability to move at high speed!
Silanians can walk at a super high speed of 170km/h, and they can also walk on walls.

Its movements are so fast that its entire body cannot be seen.

It can also flexibly dodge the opponent's attack!

If Kaito hadn't been Ultraman Max, he wouldn't have been able to find the figure of the Silan Starman at all, because it was so fast that human naked eyes couldn't catch it at all.


Kuai Dou couldn't help shouting.

His own attack has no effect at all.

In the next second, a powerful radio wave enveloped Kaito and Mizuki Koishikawa on the other side, causing both of them to feel great pain, and they couldn't even move for half a minute.

Immediately afterwards, the Silan Stars used their skills to interfere with the radio waves! ! !
Cut off DASH Alpha and DASH HQ!
The entire huge stadium turned into a huge spaceship, and Kaito and Koishichuan Ruixi were captured into the spaceship.

"JT[-] area has high energy response!"

At this time, Ellie in the command room of the DASH base directly detected the abnormality and said quickly.

"Get out!"

Dokata Shigeru immediately issued the order to dispatch.

Shigeru Dogata, Kenjiro Kiba and Sheen White drove the fighter planes, quickly flew out of the base, and headed towards the target.

Soon, they discovered a huge spaceship in the sky.

Kaito, who was inside the spaceship, woke up slowly, looking at the unfamiliar environment, it seemed like a corridor, and Kaito didn't know where he was for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a screen appeared under Kaito's feet.

Kaito saw that the captain and the others were driving a fighter plane, approaching quickly.

In the next second, the picture under his feet disappeared directly.

"There is a human life reaction detected inside the spacecraft!"

"The vital signs are the same as Kaito's and Mizuki's!"

At this time, Ellie spoke.

"Kaito and the others are in that spaceship!"

Hearing Ellie's voice, Sean White was shocked.

"Wait for us, you guys will come right away!"

Kiba Kenjiro said firmly.

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