"The monster that appeared this time is of the same family as the monster we met last time in the hot spring, but what appears now is the ultimate form of that monster."

Bai Xingchen couldn't help saying slowly at this time.

"This one is stronger than the previous one, but I think it's so weak."

Camilla said slightly.

After her strength improved, Camila's confidence doubled. Now no matter what monsters appear, she has the confidence to solve them.

"Well, I'll leave it to Meng Meng to solve it. Let's just sit on the sofa and watch quietly."

Bai Xingchen said slowly.

With the monsters that appeared now, Bai Xingchen had no interest in making a move at all, they were simply too weak.

It can only be unworthy of Bai Xingchen's shot.

Not long after, the three fighter planes of Team Lightning came over KCB.

"Every aircraft, start preparing to launch guided waves, and start attacking directly when the target appears!"

"We must destroy the monster before it falls to the ground!"

Captain Kajio said quickly at this time.


"Roger that!"

The other two members of the Lightning team replied directly.

They are all ready at this moment, as long as the monster appears, they can quickly launch a series of attacks.

"Report, a fluctuating life form has been detected above the city!"

In the command room, Dunzi quickly reported.

The fluctuating life forms that appeared this time, through data comparison, are obviously much stronger than before.

This fluctuating life form, like the one that appeared in the hot spring last time, looks like a jellyfish.

"Team Lightning, completely destroyed the target!"

Ten seconds later, Kai Caixiang said happily.

The moment the fluctuating life form appeared, the three fighter planes of the Lightning team had already completed the lock-on, and quickly launched a guiding wave to deal with it.

In this way, the interference wave will disappear.

Immediately afterwards, in the command room, Dunzi in the chief of staff began to communicate with the ground troops, preparing to issue a series of instructions.

However, the next scene made Dunzi a little unbelievable.

"Report, although the target has been eliminated, the interference wave is not what we imagined, but it has become more intense."

Dunzi said incredulously.

This is the first time she has encountered such a phenomenon, and it is really strange.

"Can you find out where the source of the interference wave is?"

Commander Shi Zhangxiong began to speak.


Dunzi nodded, and quickly began to operate.

Not long after, Dunzi quickly said: "It has been detected, the source of the interference wave is from the KCB building!"

Hearing this, it seems that the enemy is already lurking inside the KCB building.

Now, the battle plan can only be drawn up again.

The Flash was also called back to the airbase.

Ready to implement the latest plan.

"I think the enemy wants to spread the interference wave in a wide range and use the radio waves of KCB TV station to spread it widely, so that more humans can be controlled!"

Commander Shi Zhangxiong thought for a while, and seemed to have got the answer, and then said slowly.

Hearing the words of Commander Shi Zhangxiong, everyone understood the real purpose of the enemy, and they couldn't help being a little shocked and scared.

Fear, when all human beings are under control, and then hurt each other, human beings will perish.

Earth would also be in crisis.

At this time, my dream was to enter the KCB building.

When I came to an operating room and looked at everything in front of me, I couldn't help being shocked and said, "It actually wants to enter that electric wave circuit."

"Damn it, I won't let you succeed, the earth and mankind will be guarded by me!"


I Meng took out my transformation device and shouted directly.

In the next second, my dream turned into a ray of light, flew out of the KCB building, and flew into the wormhole from last time.

He became Ultraman Gaia and came to the hyperspace of the hyperspace wave monster Kuimezard.

Looking at this special hyperspace, I also felt amazed in Mengmeng.

However, in the next second of my dream, I directly attacked the monster Kuymezad.

All I want now is a quick fix.

End this battle in the shortest possible time.

Looking at Ultraman Gaia rushing towards him, the tentacles of the monster Kuimezard fired electric shocks one after another.

It hit Gaia directly.

The speed of the lightning attack was so fast that I could feel a pain in my dream.

But no problem.

Gaia continued to rush over.

A punch landed on the monster Kuymezad, and the huge force directly made Kuymezad retreat more than ten steps before slowly stopping.

"Selfish humans have shot missiles into the ground without authorization, and the burned monsters are mourning in pain, humans, can't you hear that?"

At this time, the monster Kuimezard began to speak using Dr. Inamori's voice.

Listen, my dreams are all feelings too.

I also know in my dream that it is wrong for human beings to do this, but I dream that human beings will definitely know their mistakes and then correct them.

Didn't give me time to dream about other things.

Immediately afterwards, the monster Kuymerzad created the phantom Agura Ultraman.

Looking at the Altman Aguru in front of me, my dream is also a little difficult to make a move.

Afterwards, Ultraman Aguru attacked my dream, and at this time my dream had to start to fight back.

My dream gradually gained the upper hand and suffered a lot.

Meanwhile, the rest of XIG is not idle.

The tomato base quickly manufactured a special bomb that could restrain the hyperspace.

It was quickly assembled on the Mir.

The Mir quickly set off and came to the sky near the KCB building.



This series of actions was done in one go.

The special bomb was launched directly towards it and hit it successfully.

A few seconds later, the monster Kuimezad felt incomparable pain, and the phantom Ultraman Aguru also disappeared directly.

The entire hyperspace became extremely unstable because of the special missile just now.

I dreamed that this is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

Start to display your skills [Liquidator (リキデイター / Liquidator)]
Ultraman Gaia gathered energy between his hands, and instantly made a red light ball, which was launched towards the monster Kuimezard.

After hitting, the monster Kuimezad exploded and died.

"Where is this place, why am I here?"

"Ah, rascal, did you touch Miss Ben's hand too?"

"Hi, this is my phone."

"It's strange, I'm obviously still working in the building."

"Ah, the concert is over. I've been waiting for that for a long time."

After the monster Kuymezad died, all the controlled people returned to normal, fell to the ground, and then slowly woke up, looking at everything around them, they didn't know what happened.

Controlled memories, they don't remember at all.

[ps: Sorry, the update is late, I encountered a lot of bad things today, and I feel a little uncomfortable. 】

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