Fortune of Nations: Start as Hawkeye Mihawk

Chapter 89 The Dilapidated Elves

* Grass grip?Daddy Xuan is going to the Elf tribe?Are you going to meet your parents so soon? ! *
*God sees the parents!Father Xuan just wanted to observe the current situation of the elves!After all, Father Xuan shoulders the mission of reviving the elves! *
*Why bother Father Xuan?Just push the map all the way, won't it be enough to get the reward at the end?Why bother yourself so much. *
*upstairs!Are you still human? !Are you as heartless as Xuan's father?Is the "Bi'an flower" of the elves eaten for nothing? ! *
*that is!My Chen Xuan husband will not be like you stinky men who take advantage of others and just pat his ass and leave! *
*Upstairs, something is wrong with you! *
*666!Drive on this broken road! *

In forbidden land.

Before setting off, Shirley took out a cloth bag and put several large pieces of grilled snake meat into the cloth bag.

This detail was seen by Chen Xuan.

"Didn't you say that elves never eat meat before? Why did you bring snake meat back?"

Chen Xuan couldn't help asking questions.

If not eating meat is the ancestral motto of the elves, wouldn't it be more trouble for me to bring meat home?

However, Shirley did not answer this question, but her face was a little ugly.

But seeing that the other party was unwilling to answer, Chen Xuan didn't ask any further questions.

Soon, a group of people walked out of the cave and went straight to the elf tribe.

On the way, Chen Xuan and Shirley learned a lot about this land and the elves.

The name here is Dead Wasteland, not bad!
It was also a place where the undead ruled millions of years ago.

But millions of years ago, the undead shrunk and migrated to the interior.

Without their pollution, the place has naturally recovered to be lush and lush, and is now occupied and ruled by the "beast race".

"Since it is the territory of the orcs, how did you elves settle down?"

Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Shirley replied: "According to the ancestral records, my tribe set foot on this land millions of years ago! The beast tribe didn't welcome us at first, and then my ancestors spent a lot of money to beg the beast tribe to accept us!"

"Although we are allowed to live here, the orcs only gave us a limited amount of land. The land is very thin, just enough for our people to barely survive, so we have to pay land taxes to them every month..."


Speaking of which, the elf tribe arrived without knowing it.

The tribe is very similar to the primitive tribe in ancient times.

On a piece of land in Pyongyang, there are grass houses one after another.

The periphery is a few thin farmlands!

A few aged elves were lying on the farmland, digging carefully.

Occasionally, a bean sprout-sized grass root will be pulled out, and it will show joy, and then put it into the basket.

The clothes worn by the elves are also tattered.

It can be seen that the elves are not living well here.

When Chen Xuan and his party walked in, the busy elves stopped one after another and looked at them with strange eyes.

Shirley seemed to understand what they meant, and hurried up to explain to them.

A group of elves suddenly turned pale with fright!
"Her Royal Highness! It's Her Royal Highness!"

"Oh my God!! Her Royal Highness is resurrected! Her Royal Highness is looking for us!!! Clansmen, come out quickly!!"

Following a few exclamations, a group of skinny and elderly elves rushed out in a swarm!
"See Her Royal Highness!!"

All the elves knelt down towards the little girl.

Their faces were pious, as if they were meeting a god, and everyone had endless joy on their faces.

Chen Xuan looked away, and saw that each of these elves was very old.

Shirley was right.

She is really the only young elf in the elf tribe.

Of course, there are some three or four-year-olds, but they are too young to help share many things.

All the burdens are on Shirley.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also surprised.

*Why are these elves so old?very strange!I remember what Shirley's wife said just now, the lifespan of an elf is about [-] years old!The age of these elves is almost two hundred years old, right? ! *
*Elves are starting to age too!Shirley's wife has to raise more than 30 elves alone!Distressed! *
*Is there a problem with the elves' fertility? *
*Hold the grass!God damn there is a problem with fertility!Have you all forgotten?If there are too many elves, it will trigger the flash of the artifact and attract the strangling of the undead!It's not that they can't give birth, but they dare not give birth! *
*Damn it!That's too bad!Not only dare not have children outside the forbidden area, but even inside the forbidden area! *

After the elves learned about the situation of Chen Xuan and the little girl, they quickly invited them to the thatched house. They were still very enthusiastic about Sheng Bin, and the whole group surrounded them.

Not long after, some "wild fruits" wrapped in leaves were brought up by a few children.

"Come, come, princess, benefactor! Come and eat!"

The old patriarch warmly entertained Chen Xuan and his party.

Shirley said with an embarrassed face, "Dad, we've eaten outside, so we're not hungry."

As soon as he said this, he was immediately reprimanded by the old elf: "You child! You don't even look at who this is! Is this when you feel sorry for something?!"

Shirley closed her mouth helplessly.

"Thank you, old man."

The little girl is still young, holding something like an apple, she ate it with big mouthfuls.

Sitting on the stone pier, Chen Xuan looked at those poor wild fruits, but he lost his appetite.

Although these fruits are not good things, they should be the best food for the elves now!
Very rare.

Some elves around didn't even dare to look directly.

A few young elves salivated greedily, lying on the table and staring at the wild fruit on the plate.

"Uncle, can I eat a small red fruit?"

An elf bit her finger and looked carefully at Shirley's father.

Before he finished speaking, he was dragged away by his mother, who was still talking about the child's ignorance.

Chen Xuan couldn't help shaking his head.

Just a few wild fruits have become rare treasures.

It can be seen how scarce the survival resources here are.

It's no wonder that when Shirley ate snake meat before, she devoured it so voraciously, as if she hadn't eaten for several days and nights.

"Why is this happening? Since the food grown on the land is not enough to eat, why don't you ask the orcs to apply for more land?"

Chen Xuan looked at the old elf and couldn't help asking.

The old elf lowered his head, and seemed a little reluctant to answer this question.

In the end Shirley quietly told him the answer.

As one of the twelve ethnic groups, the "elf clan" is an exterminated clan in the eyes of the world.

It can be said that it has almost lost its survival status.

According to Shirley's words: "It's good enough for the orcs to give a group of bereaved dogs like them a place to stay. How dare they expect an extra piece of land?"

"Shirley, come here, I have something to tell you..."

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