"I dare not look at it."

Bingbing was so frightened that she directly covered her face, not daring to look at it.

"Ah! It's terrible!"

Liu Mou was so frightened that he hid directly behind Yi Shangtian, taking a sneak peek from time to time, and Yi Shangtian kicked him in anger.

Although Zhuang Yan is the god of war in a country, seeing this bone-covered and endless scene, he was also very frightened, and his heart was pounding.

"I really don't know what kind of state of mind Chen Xuan is in! Faced with such a terrifying scene, his expression is as indifferent as water, without being affected at all! It's amazing!"

Master Bei also nodded straightly when he heard the sound: "The scariest scene I have ever experienced is no more than one-tenth of what is here. If I were to enter this kind of place, I am afraid I will give up this expedition directly! However, Chen Xuan But he is still going forward without hesitation, I have to admire Chen Xuan's courage!"

Hearing this foreigner praise Chen Xuan, the people of Longguo present felt full of pride.

But at the same time, I was a little worried about Chen Xuan!

Stepping into the cemetery alone, the surrounding environment is completely unknown, and no one can be sure what kind of variables will appear next.

But everyone still believed in Chen Xuan!
The hard power is there, as long as it is not too evil, Chen Xuan can definitely handle it with ease.

Just when everyone's mood just calmed down, the picture suddenly changed!
Right in front of Chen Xuan, some scattered green will-o'-the-wisps floated up from all directions, slowly gathering towards a position in front of Chen Xuan!
*What the fuck!It can't be rot insects, can it? ! *
*Wow~ What a beautiful firefly!Green, shiny, so beautiful. *
* Nima!You call this thing so beautiful? ! *
In the live broadcast screen, after those green will-o'-the-wisps appeared, they quickly gathered into a skull, burning with raging flames, baring their teeth, showing a terrifying face, and floating in front of Chen Xuan!
*WTF? !hell? !There are ghosts here! ! *
* Ghost! !Ghost! ! Mom! Mom!*
Not only the people of Longguo, but also many foreigners who were waiting for Chen Xuan's embarrassment in the Longguo live broadcast room were also scared to pee at the moment.

In this era of airplanes flying everywhere, as a modern person in the new century, who can believe that such mysterious things will appear in human society? !
If they run into each other, they will definitely be scared to death on the spot!

Liu Mou hugged Yi Shangtian's waist.

"Go to my death!"

Yi Shangtian slapped him away with a big mouth that directly disliked him, and then went up and kicked him twice!
But now no one is paying attention to their situation here, and everyone's attention is on the will-o'-the-wisp skull.

This scene is just like the flame head of the Ghost Rider, terrifying and weird!

However, Chen Xuan was indifferent.

Chen Xuan has long been familiar with ghost things!

In Hawkeye's world, he lives on a ghost island and deals with ghosts every day. Will he be afraid of a flaming skull?

Not long after, the skull moved!

It circled around Chen Xuan a few times, focused on the wreck of the artifact around Chen Xuan's waist for a few seconds, and then returned to Chen Xuan.

"Who are you, why do you have the aura of our princess! And why do you have the remains of our artifact!"

The skull said this in an extremely weird and terrifying voice, as if it were a ghost in hell.

The audience watching the live broadcast was terrified.

However, Chen Xuan's face was indifferent, knowing that the other party was talking about a little girl.

"I found this thing suppressing her in an ancient tomb, and I rescued her."

Chen Xuan replied truthfully with a face as calm as water.

The other party was stunned for a few seconds, and his tone obviously brought a hint of joy: "Saved her?! Since that's the case, I can give you a fortune."

"Can I go in? There's something I'm interested in."

Chen Xuan asked lightly.

The flame skull stopped for a few seconds, and then said in a hoarse voice: "I have a story, would you like to listen to it?"

Chen Xuan, who had just taken two steps, stopped slowly.


Chen Xuan didn't want to waste any more time here with this skull.

But think about it, the other party is a member of the elf clan, and judging from the performance just now, he should also know the little girl. This story may have something to do with the little girl.

"tell me the story."

Chen Xuan stood with his chest folded, looked directly at the other party, and waited for the other party's answer.

The other party was stunned for a few seconds!

A powerful flame emanated from around its head!

The surroundings are lit up in all directions!
Ghost figures as white as mist stood out from the sea of ​​millions of skeletons.

*Hold the grass! !What a ghost! ! *
The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly howled in fright.

This kind of unnatural and unscientific things appearing on a large scale will greatly impact a person's worldview, and even seriously affect the spirit of younger people. The senior officials of Longguo are even considering whether to close the live broadcast room. .

Fortunately, under the repeated suggestions of many viewers, the high-level executives did not close the live broadcast room and continued to broadcast.

on the screen.

The flaming skull, after the extreme bloom of flames, quickly restrained itself!
The surrounding brightness was reduced to between the two, and only the faces of the two could be clearly seen.

Slowly, the skull began to narrate.

"Millions of years ago, here was a harmonious and peaceful elf forest. The elves lived in harmony with nature and lived a peaceful and happy life without worrying about food and clothing!"

"One day, the Undead Demon King came with an army and broke the peace!"

"Relying on its powerful power, it burned, killed and plundered, and soon carried out a brutal massacre of the elves!"

"The king of the elves was forced to have no choice but to invite the clan artifacts of the elves to compete with the undead demon king."

"The power of the artifact is powerful! The Demon King suffered heavy injuries, but due to his old age abroad, he has not exerted much magical power. Although the Demon King suffered heavy injuries, he has no worries about his life!"

"Later, the princess' king father was killed, and her mother was brutally eaten by undead monsters. The elves suffered a catastrophe! Millions of elves were thrown into this mass grave and buried alive to death!"

"The princess of the elves is the symbol of the spirit of the twelve ethnic groups on the other side. Under the rules of the gods, they cannot be killed."

"The devil thought of a way to shatter the artifacts of the elves, use the power of the undead, erase the memory of the princess, and seal it up, so that my elves can never be resurrected!"

"Young man, since you can break the seal and wake up the princess, it means that you and the princess have a great fate! Will you help the princess, collect all five pieces of the artifact, destroy the devil, and revive my elves?"

The story is over.

A beep sounded.

[Congratulations to Dragon Country player Chen Xuan for triggering the forbidden mission! 】

[Mission: Annihilation of the Elves]

[Mission Objective: Collect all five artifact wreckages and reassemble the artifact!Restore the memory of the princess!Destroy the Undead Demon King! 】

[Quest Reward: Unknown]

Seeing this, the whole live broadcast room is boiling!

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