The Longguo live broadcast directly exploded.

*Hold the grass!What kind of shit forbidden land!Play word games!How can there be an A-level creature as a welfare monster? *
*Depend on!Doesn't it make it clear that you don't give it? ! Level A is now the ceiling for all players to encounter monsters! *
*It's obviously a welfare monster, you can give it an F grade, or an E grade at least!What does your whole A level mean? *
*This shit is equivalent to giving me a 500 yuan Lamborghini coupon, is there any use for the bird! *
*Welfare!Benefit your grandma's size!I pissed on your face! *
All the audience were cursing, not only from Longguo, but even the foreigners were furious.

They thought their players could rely on welfare monsters to gain a wave of boosts!
It turned out to be such a hand!
The entire A-level monster is a welfare monster!
How can you play like this? !
Isn't this cheating? What is it? !

Dragon country live broadcast room.

Master Bei: "Hold the grass! There really is a centaur! New species! I don't know his meat..."

"Why do you still want to eat?!"

Liu Mou, Qin Baichuan and others all gave him big white eyes.

"Now Chen Xuan has encountered a monster stronger than the tomb guard! It is bound to be a fierce battle!"

Yi Shangtian analyzed seriously.

Qin Baichuan nodded: "War is inevitable! Next, let's see how Chen Xuan will deal with this A-level monster! According to the previous practice, Chen Xuan must surprise us again!"

"I think Chen Xuan should avoid the edge!"

"I think it should be a tentative attack!"

The two of you talked to each other, carefully analyzing the situation, and looked like something was going on.


The live broadcast room was also boiling.

*Really been waiting!Will Xuanshen show Yidao's terrifying strength again this time? *
*Second kill ah!Spike! !Just cut it off with a single blow! *
*A grade!Last time the gravekeeper was an A-, and it was a dead body!This is a living centaur! *
*Damn it!It really is!This is a living A-level!Last time the cemetery guard said he was A-, but his actual strength was greatly reduced. *
*Can Daddy Xuan still reproduce the shock of Brother Yidao?No matter how you say it, it is also a real A-level creature! *
*etc!What is Father Xuan doing?I Cao!How did he go out!Show up! !What is he going to do? ! *
on the screen.

Chen Xuan saw that the centaur did not draw out his sword to fight it.

Instead, he put away the knife, pushed away the weeds in front of him, and walked towards it slowly!
*Is Father Xuan not afraid at all? !That shadow centaur is more than three meters tall!I was scared to pee through the screen. *
*he!He is really not afraid!look!Daddy Xuan has met the centaur!Still walking slowly! *
Seeing this scene, foreign audiences climaxed instantly!
*court death!This kid is definitely looking for death! ! *
*Yaoxi! !This kid is too frivolous!He didn't pay attention to an A-level creature!The proud soldier must be defeated! *
*He wouldn't really think that it would be so great if he slashed an A-rank monster?That A- is only C+ in my opinion! *
*Going so unsuspectingly close to a Grade A creature, he'll pay for his arrogance! ! *
*This kid from Longguo doesn't want to get closer, wait for the centaur to take the initiative to attack, find a flaw and then make a move, right? *
*Not impossible!The power of long-distance sword energy is far inferior to the power of direct chopping!This kid is probably not sure!I want to fight that centaur close to me! *
Just when everyone was surprised and talking, something even more surprising happened!
Chen Xuan came in front of the centaur.

No sword was drawn.

He didn't even intend to use force!
He just slowly put his hand on the head of that A-rank centaur, and touched it gently!
*I Cao!How dare he? ! *
Everyone's eyeballs almost popped out.

*Damn it!He was touching the head of an A-level creature? ! *
* Numb!I'm numb!Father Xuan is gone! ! *
*Father Xuan really doesn't treat A-level creatures as human beings!The majestic A-level creature is touched like a dog! *
*Where is the dignity of A-level creatures? ! *
【Ding! 】


A prompt pop-up window pops up!
[Welfare missions open! 】

[Task requirements: Make the A-level welfare creature "Shadow Centaur" feel "fear" to get rewards! 】

[Task time: 10 minutes. 】

[After the time passes, the welfare creatures will disappear automatically, and the mission will be automatically voided. 】

The audience who saw this scene were stunned.

What about the agreed-upon A-level biological warfare?

Why did you jump out of the mission? !


It was the people who reacted.

This welfare creature is really a welfare! !
Although it is an A-level creature, it has no intention of attacking the players!
"It turns out that this "welfare" is played like this!"

"Ah! A false alarm! A false alarm!"

Bingbing patted her chest, took a deep breath, and finally let go of her hanging heart.

Wei Dong scratched his cheeks and looked at the two experts, Yi Shangtian and Qin Baichuan: "What about the agreed-upon World War?"

When the two "experts" heard this, they felt as if they were electrified.

It's so frightening to be afraid of anything!
They analyzed for a long time just now, saying that Chen Xuan will have a battle with the centaur.


Chen Xuan went to touch the centaur's head, how harmonious it is!

What a slap in the face on the spot!
I lost my face!
Zhuang Yan lowered his voice and whispered to Wei Dong: "Ahem, Wei Dong, please don't say a few words, save some face for the two experts!"

The two experts blushed even more when they heard this, and dared not say a word for a long time.

"Strange! When Chen Xuan approached the centaur just now, he probably didn't know that this A-level creature was not aggressive?"

In order to break the awkward atmosphere, Bingbing quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah! It's really strange! Before the pop-up window popped up, he must not know that A-level monsters are not aggressive! How dare he pass by so calmly?"

The two experts quickly chatted and changed the subject, as if nothing had happened just now.

Although the audience felt sorry for the cheekiness of the two experts.

But I can't help feeling a little curious about their thinking!
*yes!It stands to reason that Father Xuan should not have known in advance that the centaur was not aggressive!Why did you walk over so calmly? *
*It must be because of strength!How can you be calm without hard power? ! *
*Hold the grass!No way?Could it be that a purebred A-level creature can't make Father Xuan feel a little bit afraid? *
*6666!Father Xuan is invincible!You have the strength to be so confident!Love love love! *
* How does Father Xuan complete this task?It is not an easy task to scare an A-level creature! *
*yes!Want to scare a Grade A creature!At the very least, it must have the strength of A + level or even S level, right? *
*Damn it!Think about it carefully, this task is really not easy! *
* How about Father Xuan beheading him directly?I don't believe it didn't show a trace of fear before it died! *
*The centaur has always been a symbol of meaninglessness!Charge into the battle, even if you are killed, you will not be afraid!Make it scary, hard! *
The curiosity of the audience was raised again.

As the saying goes, it's easy to kill, but hard to attack!
I want to fear a shadow centaur with A-level strength and a symbol of fearlessness!

One can imagine the difficulty!

The Dragon Country audience scolded their mothers again angrily.

*Grandma's! *
*If you don't want to give this benefit, just say so! *
*It's so difficult, what a joke! *

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