Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 73 My First Mate and 2nd Mate Finally Arrived

The spirits of the six people were about to fail, and they looked up at the sun and fell into deep self-doubt.

In addition, I haven't eaten yet, and I'm so hungry that I suddenly feel that life is not exciting.But Yinwei, who was photographed by the Silver Demon, still started doing push-ups slowly!
"Count it up, tell me how many times you have done!" Lloyd glared angrily, and the silver hair had no wind and automatically!

At this time, the counting sound of "four, five, six" sounded in the field.

A few people cursed in their hearts while doing it, the weather in Nima is cold, let's just say it if you want to play to death!


At this moment, the phone rang, and Lloyd picked it up. It turned out that Colonel Mulla asked him to go to the office.

After Lloyd agreed, he put down the phone bug, and said to Mike: "Mike, you boy, keep an eye on them. You are absolutely not allowed to steal and play tricks. You learn from Cole, find a notebook and write it down for me!"

Mike immediately stood still and gave a military salute and shouted: "Yes, Lord Luo, please rest assured! I promise to complete the task!"

The strength of the spirit makes the six people who are doing push-ups so angry that Mike is even more difficult to deal with than Cole in some respects!
Cole sometimes talks a little bit of humanity, and Mike is a loyal dog!
Dog legs are the most difficult to deal with!
Inside the Colonel's Office of the 154th Naval Branch.

Lloyd knocked on the door excitedly and came in. He had agreed with Colonel Mulla last time, and asked Colonel Mulla to find someone to be his first mate. He said that he was the first mate, but in fact, the work he did was equivalent to the combination of Nami and Jinbei, that is, the combination of navigator and helmsman.

Could it be that Colonel Moura found a good man so quickly?

This is good news!

After Lloyd entered the door, he saw a green-haired man with glasses standing in front of Colonel Mulla's desk with a serious face.

Colonel Mulla suddenly beamed and said: "Lloyd, what you asked me to do last time is finally solved!"

Lloyd was also very happy, so he immediately said: "That is really thankful to Colonel Mulla, is this the one?"

The young man nodded at this time, saluted Lloyd and said, "Hi, Major Lloyd, my name is Macias!"

Colonel Mulla also smiled and said: "Lieutenant Macias was still working in the 153rd branch before. He is a top student who graduated from the Naval Academy. This time, he joined our branch because of you!"

Lloyd's eyes suddenly lit up, directed at me?That's good, there is another dog leg, and finally I have the company of Cole and Mike!
Lloyd hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Macias's hands tightly, saying: "Comrade Macias, thank you for joining our team, let us imagine a better tomorrow together!"


Machias looked confused, coughed in embarrassment, then slowly withdrew his hand from Lloyd's, then pushed his glasses, and said with a straight face expressionlessly: "Major Lloyd, let's not talk about other polite words, there is something I want to discuss with you now!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" Lloyd put his hand down, feeling a little embarrassed.

Damn, this person is too serious, it doesn't make any sense at all!Lloyd vomited in his heart.

Macias's eyes reflected a little light, and then said: "I have just been to Nitre Island. I looked at our ship in advance. I feel that the style is a bit novel. I need Major Lloyd to explain it to me. I also asked Kevin. I heard that Major Lloyd named this ship 'Shenlong Dreadnought'. I don't think it's good. The style is too low, and it doesn't fit my aesthetic sense!"

Lloyd's mouth twitched a little, and he asked strangely: "The quality is too low? In your opinion, what kind of name should it be given?"

Macias finally grinned a little, and then said: "Spike! The name of the ship must be concise and powerful, so that it can be invincible!"

Lloyd frowned, and then thought about it for a long time. The name felt familiar, so he said uncertainly: "This name is also very good, just"

"No! It's definitely better than Shenlong Wuwei! My sense of beauty has always told me so!" Macias said firmly.

"That's no good, I'm the captain, so I have to listen to me, and I'll consider your opinion on the next ship!" Although Lloyd didn't dislike such serious people, he couldn't give in on matters of principle, although he felt that the "Spike Fang" was a little bit higher than the "Dragon Intrepid"!

Macias smacked his lips, gave a "Qi", then pushed his glasses and said, "One more thing, I want to confirm with Major Lloyd. The salaries of more than 40 staff and sailors including me and the second mate Husky are paid by Major Lloyd. Is there any problem?"

Lloyd was shocked immediately, and looked at Colonel Mulla suspiciously. Colonel Mulla looked at the sky outside the window, coughed and said, "Recently, there are really difficulties in finances!"

What the hell, you just took over the vast majority of Nitpeter Island, and you actually said that there is a financial problem?

"It will take time to transform the resources of Nitpeter Island into Berry!" Colonel Mulla's voice floated over again.

"Besides, you sold that little thing for 500 million Berry, which is too profitable. Don't ask the branch for this salary~" Colonel Mulla laughed a little bit.

Um, how did he know so clearly?
There must be spies around me!

Colonel Mulla is really hiding something!
At this moment, Lloyd thought to himself, um, Colonel Mulla is a bit unkind, although he is a pretty good person
Ain, why haven't you come back yet?Otherwise, I will be in financial crisis. In just two hours, Lloyd deeply missed Ai En.

She is so beautiful. No, their NEO Navy should be really rich. After all, they have been doing this job of exterminating pirates for a long time, and they have a lot of treasures!

Colonel Mulla then laughed and said, "Machias just asked Kevin, and said that the launch ceremony will be held in two days. This is a major event for our 154th branch. If your ship is useful, I will dismantle my 'Mula' later!"

Well, you have money again, right?
Lloyd glanced at Colonel Mulla, and suddenly realized that he had miscalculated. But Macias looked very capable, and he hoped to rely on a little bit of information, but the second husky was unknown.

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