Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 58 True FLAG! 1 into the soul

Du Barry stood in a dull military posture with her head down.

She came out with some regrets, this is completely torture!
I hope that guy Lloyd will stop coming up with any strange training methods!
I can bear it even if I accompany you at night, but he doesn't do it, it's really hateful!

after awhile.

The sea was still calm, and the swim bladder didn't even move, just when Lloyd wondered if his [God-level Fishing Technique] was a fake.

Suddenly the sea rolled violently, and the hull of the "Mula" also violently turbulent!

"What's going on here?"


"Don't be a sea king anymore, what are you kidding?"

The officers and soldiers on board screamed loudly.

Mike was thrown and rolled around!
Sharon clung to the fence tightly and kept calling Lloyd's name!

Lloyd jumped onto the railing of the bow of the "Mula", frowning as he looked at the turbulent sea.

I silently thought in my heart, I just want to eat sashimi, so I shouldn't set up a [God-level Fishing Technique] FLAG, right?
Really. One shot into the soul?
"Bang!" A sound.

A huge monster rushed out of the sea.

Waves of sea water rolled up into a huge whirlpool, and the "Mula" was carried around and floated around!

"Run away!"

"Squid-type Neptune!"

"The whole ship will be destroyed, turn around quickly!"

There was a burst of yelling on the "Mula", and the officers and soldiers of the branch stared wide-eyed at the huge tentacles of squid-shaped sea kings that kept slapping the sea surface, and their hearts were extremely nervous!

Lloyd was delighted when he saw it, this thing is good!

This is much fiercer than the king squid!
The squid-shaped Neptune's eyes were red, staring fiercely at the "Mula", several tentacles opened fiercely, and the huge suction cups were shaking!

It looks scary!


Lloyd immediately glared, and an invisible aura spread around!
Several officers and soldiers on the "Mula" who were close to each other were stunned unconsciously!

The squid-shaped sea king was the first to bear the brunt, and the domineering impact of the domineering color made its head dizzy for a while!
Just when he was about to slow down and completely destroy the small broken boat in front of him, he saw a little guy flying towards his big eyes with a "boom boom boom"!

Lloyd squinted his eyes, touched the eyes of the squid-shaped Neptune and said, "Hey, baby, don't move, I'll just take a few tentacles, and go home in a while, ah, darling, you will grow up in a short time, be obedient!"

The squid-shaped Neptune's eyes flicked around for a while, and finally chose to give up resistance in front of the cold eyes of this little guy in front of him.

"Smart!" Lloyd touched the squid-shaped Neptune's dog's head in satisfaction, a figure flashed, and the Dragon Saber struck out with lightning!

"Tear" a soft sound!
Then "Bang bang bang!"

After a while, it flew back to the deck of the "Mula", with the front end of a squid-shaped sea king's tentacles on its shoulders!

The squid-type sea kings were in a trance for a while, and they went back to the sea silently in a daze. On the way, they said to the same kind: "The sea is dangerous, I want to go back to the bottom of the sea!"

"Wow! The Silver Demon is so fierce!"

"Silver Devil Lloyd!"

"Silver Devil Lloyd!"

The officers and soldiers around let out bursts of cheers. Although they already knew that Major Lloyd was in a mess, they still admired the man who could subdue the Sea Kings!
There was a burst of light in Sharon's eyes, and she shouted excitedly!

Mike looked at Lloyd who had returned triumphantly, hurriedly got up and ran over to pat Lloyd's justice coat, and said quickly: "Master Luo is indeed alive and mighty, shining on everyone!"

Dubali rolled her big eyes and cast a contemptuous look at Mike!
Lloyd laughed loudly and said, "Everyone is eating it today! Who will compete with this squid when it comes out?"

As soon as Mike heard this, he immediately asked Lloyd what he needed to prepare, and then quickly ran towards the kitchen of the "Mula"!


There were bursts of "stinging, stinging" sounds on the deck, and the rich aroma spread all over the place!

"That's right, that's it, sauce more!"

"Bake it for a while longer, and it needs to be baked on both sides!"

With his hands behind his back, Lloyd lightly instructed Sharon and Mike how to make the iron plate squid. Although this thing is not technically high, it takes a little effort to do it well!

"Yes, yes, that's it, the time can't be too long!"

"And you, Du Barry, cut it for me quickly! The length, length, and width must be the same! As a good hand with a knife, how can you do this if you can't do this well?" Lloyd yelled at Du Barry with his eyes wide open.

Du Barry was very wronged.

Really. There is no reason to go, it is very good that it does not need to be exposed to the sun, but what is going on when it suddenly becomes a small job?
Still so demanding?

Du Barry grinned, wanting to cry aggrieved.

Seeing that there was nothing to do with him, Lloyd hurriedly took the fishing rod and went to the bow again!
The people in the boat were so scared that they all jumped up to a height of 3.14 meters!

"I'll go, Master Luo, please don't come again!"

"Yes, yes, I can't finish eating this!"

"Master Luo, you can't let us all eat the iron plate squid that you directed!"

"Ah, it smells delicious. Master Luo is really not simple!"

The people below persuaded him for a while, but Lloyd turned a deaf ear to it, no, no, I haven’t eaten bluefin tuna in this life, and I haven’t eaten it in my previous life, so there must be some in this sea!
Now that you have time-traveled, why not be a little willful!

Otherwise, I'm sorry for myself!
Lloyd's mouth curved into an arc, and the bait in his hand flew out with a "swish" sound!

Everyone: .! ! !

Then they all ran to the other side of the deck!
Only Sharon: (o▽)o!Looking forward to it!

After a while.

The sea fishing rod in Lloyd's hand shook violently!


There must be nothing wrong this time!

Lloyd spat out his hand, and a big fish was pulled up from the sea in an instant!

Three meters long bluefin tuna!
Really hit the soul!
Lloyd was very excited to carry the bluefin tuna over, and everyone gathered around to watch the fish and praised it.

This fish looks fat, it must be delicious!
Lloyd greeted Dubali again with a smile, pointed at the bluefin tuna and said, "Chop towards the head, cut along the bone seam, yes, yes, let the blood first! That's right! Then cut into pieces, the width should be the same, pay attention to the structure of the meat in different parts!"

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