Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 32 My life is righteous, even if I die!Set off

"No! We are the Navy! This is our job, our duty, and our justice!"

"You still have more important work to do, disaster relief and rescue! This will become the last line of defense for Sam Town! Sam Town must not become a battlefield!"

"And I will lead my troops and become the sword of Sam Town!"

"set off!"

With a big wave of his hand, Lloyd led a few people towards the naval port.

The expressions of Worace, Rector, Ash, and Dubali also became serious, and Usses' legs, which were soft at the beginning, were also affected by the intense emotions of the crowd!




Shouts erupted from the crowd again, wild shouts, watching them leave slowly!

At this time, the keyboard warrior brought the navy soldiers to stop him, and said in a panic: "Lieutenant Lloyd, what are you doing? With 5 or 7 of your 8 recruits, you are going to defeat the Fire Rat Pirates? Major Mulla is contacting other branches for rescue, as long as we can hold on!"

Lloyd replied lightly: "It takes time to hold on, doesn't it?"

"Don't you...don't want to die?"

Lloyd was silent, and just nodded to Major Keyboard Man and said: "I live a righteous life, even if I die!"

My life is righteous, and I will die even if I die!

These words immediately hit Major Keyboard Man's heart, and his heart kept shaking!

Even the other people around felt as if they had been hit by a cannon in their hearts when they heard it!
Lloyd then said lightly: "I like Sam Town, and the recruits and veterans behind me also like Sam Town, so please don't stop us and do the work you can do now!"

Major Keyboard Man nodded with tears, and made way for Lloyd and the others together with the wounded sailors around him.

Lloyd walked in first, with very solemn steps!

Major Keyboard Man shouted loudly.

When Lloyd passed by, he whispered: "Remember my name, you have never called me correctly, my name is Patrick, Lloyd Ensign, if you can come back alive, please drink me!"

The wounded naval soldiers around tensed their bodies when Lloyd walked by, held up the military salute, and their eyes were filled with tears!
Because in their view, Lloyd and the others are going to die, to buy them time.

Lloyd walked halfway, and suddenly turned around and smiled at the people behind him and asked, "By the way, haven't I asked your opinion yet?"

Du Barry snorted, didn't give up her winking eyes, followed closely, and said, "It's such a time now, instructor, what are you talking about?"

Wallace walked up side by side with Du Barry without hesitation, but he didn't say a word.

Rector sighed and followed closely. The tragic situation in the town just now also aroused his anger, so his head became a little hot.

Yaxiu frowned and didn't speak. He thought Lloyd must have some plans!
Usses's legs finally trembled a little. He was terrified of even the legendary joint exercise of recruits, let alone let him go to the battlefield now. It's just that he is in a state of brain failure, and he is followed by everyone in a daze.

The six people finally walked through the long human-shaped aisle and came to the Navy Pier.

Turning around, Major Patrick and others were still giving the military salute!

Lloyd smiled and waved to Patrick, and then jumped on the mackerel head No. [-] first!
At this time Jusses finally reacted, and hurriedly shouted: "Fuck, I'm a recruit!!! Can the recruits understand? Do you understand? How can we go to the battlefield???"

Lloyd sneered and said, "Throw it over to that kid!"

Rector immediately grabbed Juss by the collar, threw him down with a bang, and walked down at the same time.

Wallace also came down and said with a snort, "You are so greedy for life and afraid of death, you actually embarrass the teacher!"

Usses immediately grunted from the deck, and said angrily, "Damn it, do you understand what's going on?"

Du Barry jumped off the boat, glanced coldly at Yosses who kept yelling, and just popped out two words, "Shut up!"

Yaxiu smiled strangely, and got off the boat too!
According to Lloyd's instructions, Cole and Mike found a craftsman to expand the mackerel head No. 2 in the past two days, adding a deck and a tail cabin, and now it can accommodate many people.

After all, all the warships of the 154th Branch of the Navy are under maintenance, and none of them are usable.

What surprised Lloyd the most was that Cole and Mike got off the boat too!
"set off!"

Lloyd saw that everyone was there, so he issued an order to set off.

Wallace and Cole continued to push the pedals without hesitation, the two of them were familiar with this job!
In the Colonel's office of the 154th Naval Branch, Colonel Mulla threw a phone bug with a "snap!", and the phone bug passed out with a bang.

Colonel Mulla kept cursing: "Damn it, this bastard Mengka didn't answer the phone!"

In fact, he has old injuries on his body, and now he has new injuries, so he doesn't have much fighting power now.

At this time, the herald knocked on the door and came in. Colonel Mulla rubbed his head and said, "Tell those who are able to move now to evacuate the wounded and the townspeople, if it is impossible, evacuate Sam Town for the time being!"

The herald whispered: "Instructor Lloyd is giving a speech in the town square at this time!"

Colonel Mulla: ? ? ?
"What does he want to do?"

At this time, another herald came in and said: "Report, Instructor Lloyd has led 5 recruits to the expedition!"

Colonel Mulla:! ! !
"Fuck, I thought he was just joking? How many people did he really take with him?"

The two heralds looked at each other and nodded silently.

"I still drove his mackerel head No. [-]!"

Colonel Mullah: .
Colonel Mulla hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and contact the editor-in-chief of Donghai Daily, whether it is victory or defeat, first block the news!"

Mackerel No. [-] slowly sailed away from the Navy Pier!
At this moment, a strong man with red long hair suddenly ran diagonally from the edge of the pier. His speed was so fast that he jumped when the mackerel head No. [-] was about to leave the shore.

With a "plop", it rolled onto the deck!

Before everyone could speak, Randy immediately raised his head and said first, "Take me! I'll go with you!"

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