Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 296 My hometown was taken away!Hurry up and go

Pika frowned and didn't answer.

I saw that Doflamingo suddenly stood up with a smile of "咈咈咈", and then said to the people behind him: "You wait for me, I will go over there and have a look!"

After all, Doflamingo stooped and flicked, walking in midair like a stepping green!

The target is the island of Vermeil No. [-], the training base of the East China Sea Navy!
At this time, there were not many creatures on the naval training base, and Doflamingo quickly searched the island.

After a while, they stopped at the tombstone that Vores had given to Rao G and Buffalo.

This is simply the intuition of a jackal!


Doflamingo looked at the tombstone, and there were still a few fragments of Lao G's clothes swaying in the wind.

"Hello! Silver Wolf Lloyd, hello, you are fine!"

He laughed more and more wildly, and then his eyes showed sharpness!

Doflamingo rushed to the sky above the naval training base, and then countless silk threads scattered from his body towards the whole island!


Countless silk threads fell around the naval training base, and then surrounded it tightly!

This change finally alarmed Cole and Major who stayed on the No. [-] island. They ran out of the office where they were discussing the training plan in amazement, and looked at the sky in a daze!
"what is this?"


The silk threads of the birdcage gradually began to converge toward one point, and everything they passed was cut in half cleanly!

"Whoosh, stab Lala!"

The sound of countless silk threads cutting through everything resounded!
Cole watched in horror as Major was cut in half, and his internal organs spilled all over the floor!

Cole yelled in horror!
"Puff!" There was a soft sound!
His arm was severed by the roots!

The entire island was destroyed under the bird cage, shattered into pieces, rolled up countless smoke and dust, and then slowly sank into the bottom of the sea!


Doflamingo, who was stepping on the silk thread in mid-air, opened his arms and laughed wildly, and then shouted: "Silver Wolf Lloyd, this is just a small gift for you, I will kill you next time! 咈咈咈咈咈!"

The sinking of the No. 2 island naval training base caused a huge shock, and the startled birds and seagulls circled in the sky non-stop!

The village head of the right prime minister tremblingly looked at the billowing dust and smoke left on the sea after the sinking of the No. 2 island from the main island of Vermaeu.

I felt a trace of fear inexplicably in my heart, what's going on?
"Your Excellency Cole is still on the island!!!"

The village chief's eyes dimmed a little.

"You must contact His Majesty the King immediately!!!"

Major Patrick on Nitpeter Island stood on the cliff and looked over with a binoculars!

"Get ready for the boat, let's go and see the situation!" Major Patrick ordered with some worry.

"But... it's very likely to be dangerous!"

The soldiers under him said in a somewhat tangled manner.

"Go, don't talk nonsense to me, hurry up and prepare, even if Cole and Major are dead, you have to give an explanation to Lieutenant General Silver Wolf!"

Major Patrick's heart sank involuntarily!

At this time, Lloyd, who came down from the "Spike Fang", didn't know about this kind of thing. He was a little anxious now and just rushed to Marlin Vandor to go to the theater.

Tina, who was waiting on the navy pier after contacting her, was very anxious. After seeing the "Spike Fang" and other warships docking, she felt a little better.

"Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, you are really fast this time!" Tina said with a sigh.

"What's the matter? Colonel Tina is making fun of me?"

Lloyd handed over his belongings to Mike, and walked up to Tina with a smile.

"When will the meeting officially start?"

Lloyd asked.

"This afternoon, there are still 4 hours!"

Tina looked at her watch and replied.

Lloyd nodded, then told Mike and others to wait on the ship, and wanted to go alone, after all, there might be a fight today.

In the end, Sharon didn't agree no matter what, she grabbed Lloyd's thigh and refused to let her go!
"Go back to me!"

Lloyd's eyebrows trembled twice, and he said viciously.

Sharon bit her lip and refused to speak, so Lloyd had no choice but to take Sharon to the Navy headquarters.

Not long after Lloyd left, Lloyd's phone rang in Mike's hand.


Mike picked it up with some hesitation.

"Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

The somewhat indistinct voice of the village chief, Prime Minister You, came from the phone bug.

"What's the matter? You keep talking slowly!"

A bad feeling suddenly emerged in Mike's heart.

Crockdale folded her arms and looked at Mike with a smile, while Recter's expression was dignified!

"The thing is like this, island 2 was destroyed. Deputy instructors Cole and Major are dead!"

The village head finished the matter extremely quickly.


Rickett's heart was shocked, and Voreth and the others all stood up "teng"!

The few people who had just dissipated their murderous aura all put on fierce expressions again!

"Which bastard is it? How dare he break ground on Tai Sui's head?"

After Ash finished his anger, he felt a little grateful that he transferred baby-5 to Sam Town with the Straw Hats before leaving.

"What should I do? I can't contact the teacher now!"

Wallace said, frowning.

"Ahem, cough, I know what happened."

First officer Macias pushed his glasses and said.

Rector didn't even pay attention to Macias, and said to Voorras: "It seems that we are going back early."

"What about the instructor?"

Du Barry picked up and put down the Long Xiao Dao in Dubali's hand.

"What can he do? It would be good if we don't tear down the Navy Headquarters, and we don't need to worry about it?"

Juss frowned and said.

"The most important thing now is Cole and the others!"

Randy narrowed his eyes and continued, "Although I don't particularly like the two hundred and five, he is a qualified soldier."

"Why don't we go back first according to my vice-captain's words?" Macias asked tentatively.

Rector immediately waved his hand and said, "Let's go back first, the instructor doesn't care about him, Machias, get ready and set off right away!"

After finishing speaking, he went to look for the Wolf Fang Group with a murderous look.

"I'm the deputy captain, don't you really need to consider my opinion?" Macias's mouth twitched.


The others glared at Machias and choked back everything he was about to say.

PS: Abba aba aba aba aba.

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