Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 291 Breaking into the square!Unforgiven

The black-armored soldiers of the Spike Regiment have appeared a hundred feet away from the square!
Through the unique marching pace, the Spike Group has been continuously accumulating aura. Usually, they don't have any time to rest. They are in training or fighting all the time. The rare beasts of Island No. [-] are constantly becoming their dead souls under their knives or guns, and now they have accumulated a murderous aura!
Now that they are gathered together, their murderous aura seems to be vented.

"what is that?"

"It's those hateful human navy!"

The pirates in the crowd continued to clamor and incite!

Rector took a step, took out a loudspeaker, and said in a deep voice: "We are the Spike Corps of the East China Sea Navy, which belongs to the United Kingdom of Ereville. Because our kingdom is a cooperative relationship with the murlocs, we are specially ordered to come here to quell the rebellion! If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

"Crack Kacha!"

As soon as Rector's words fell, more than 40 rifles had already opened their safety, and their muzzles were aimed at the crowd. The remaining soldiers of the Spike Corps also raised their red-tasseled swords!


There was another commotion among the crowd!
"What are you talking about?"

"Fuck off Nima's broken kingdom!"

"Fight them!"

The crowd was excited, and when they turned their heads, they met the neat and solemn Spike Group!
It's just that despite the large number of people, the unmoved majesty of the Wolf Fang Group still made many people's hearts beat a small drum!
"Da da da da da!"

Vores took the lead and picked up a Gatling and launched it towards the sky!
There was a burst of "da da da" sound in an instant!

Rector took the opportunity and shouted: "Everyone retreat quickly, if you don't, you will be killed!"

"Kill or kill!"

The Spikes roared in unison, the murderous aura formed over the past few days is now surging into the sky like substance!

Some people in the protesting crowd hesitated, especially the group of guys who joined in the fun. They looked at the well-trained legion on the opposite side and moved slowly.

"Don't be afraid, they are just a bunch of paper tigers!"

A crisp voice erupted from the crowd!


Under Rector's signal, Dubali tapped his feet twice, and instantly appeared in front of the guy who was hiding in the crowd and instigating!

Long Xiao Dao raised his sword and fell!
Cold light flashes!
Countless blood and viscera spurted out, and that guy instantly turned into two halves, and slowly fell down!

The crowd was frightened immediately, and blood was splashed on many people around them!


A scream came out from the crowd.

The protesting crowd looked again, and the murderous woman disappeared in an instant, and when she came back to her senses, her figure had returned to the black phalanx.

Hody Jones sneered in the distance: "Hmph, do you think it's so easy to solve this matter by killing someone?"

Vander Daken IX also echoed: "Yes, don't they know that doing so will add fuel to the fire?"

Sabo on the other side frowned and said: "If there is chaos later, let's take the opportunity to leave!"

Rector immediately shouted: "This person is a pirate, instigating and abetting rebellion, everyone must keep their eyes open and retreat quickly!"


"It seems that he is really a guy from the New Murloc Pirates!"

The panicked protesters were shocked.

"Retreat quickly!"

"Otherwise shoot and kill!"

The Spike Group once again broke out in orderly shouts!
The prince of Shark Star was a little dazed, he looked at Lloyd who came out and asked: "Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, is it not good to do this?"

"Any change is impossible without bloodshed, the eldest prince does not want the kindness of a woman!"

Lloyd smiled.

"But...there are so many people, what if there is a conflict?"

The Prince Shark Star said with a sigh.

"Hmph, this means that in their eyes, no matter how many people there are, these guys are all the same chickens and dogs!"

Lloyd replied lightly.

"Rush rush!"

"Fight them!"

"This group of guys who are trying to destroy our homeland are all damned!"


A chaotic clamor broke out among the protesting crowd, and many pirates took advantage of the chaos and threw stones at the Spike Group, with swords mixed in among them!
The sound of "ding ding dong dong" kept ringing!

But no matter how much force he used, the black-armored monster on the opposite side didn't even move his footsteps, throwing a sword on it was like scratching an itch.

Kerla of the Revolutionary Army looked from a distance, covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Wow, what an exaggerated armor!"

Kaku also frowned and said: "It seems that murloc karate is also very difficult to break the defense!"

Sabo thought to himself, just wondering if his Dragon Claw Fist could do it?

Kerla whispered: "If our people equip this armor, wouldn't it be invincible?"

Looking at Rector and the others, they squinted their eyes and looked at the huge crowd, without moving a bit under their feet.

"It's nothing to do with anyone, retreat quickly!"


"Countdown three two one, kill without mercy!"

"Countdown three two one, kill without mercy!"

The Spikes immediately raised their automatic rifles!



Finally, someone among the protesting crowd couldn't stand the pressure of these black-armored soldiers. They were usually ordinary people, but today they were just joining in the fun, and there was no reason to risk their lives. Seeing what they meant, they really wanted to kill fish!


A lot of people ran out towards the surroundings!

When one person started, many people followed, and in an instant, most of the protesters were gone!
The rest of the people looked at each other, and there was a fierce light in each other's eyes, and the rest were the pirate brothers who usually stir the horse spoon in the same pot!

"Kill them all!"

"For the glory of the murlocs!"

"Let the hateful humans see blood!"

Almost 5000 pirates, led by a few guys, rushed towards Rector and the others!
The scene was once quite spectacular!

It's just that Rector here gave an order!
"Da da da da da!"

Dozens of automatic rifles plus a Gatling shooting net have been deployed!
Countless bullets roared towards the pirates.

Pirates keep falling!

In particular, Gatling in Vores is simply a weapon of massacre!

A round of magazines was empty, but the Spike Group did not replace it, but pulled out the red-tasseled broadsword collectively!


The red-tasseled knife pointed straight at the sky, and then the tip of the knife slowly aimed at the pirates!

The arrogant pirates ignored the group of compatriots lying in a pool of blood, frantically drew their swords and muskets, and rushed towards the wolf teeth group desperately.

"Good come!"

Rector sneered at the corner of his mouth and shouted loudly.

"Break in two!"

"Spike Charge!"


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