Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 281 Departure! 2 electronic stamps

"Yeah, that's what I said wrong."

Sauron shook his head and stopped talking.

"What to do in the future?"

Nami asked with some confusion.

"Let's not talk about that, I brought some food, eat quickly!" Robin said, and handed over the food basket in his hand!

"Cough cough cough, then again, how can we get out?"

Luffy saw two chicken legs, his eyes turned into little stars, and he swallowed them in one gulp, almost choking to death.

Robin sighed silently, and she said, "You guys stay here for a while, and I'll find a way to get you out!"


"You are safe, that is the most important thing now."

Robin didn't explain anything, then slowly turned and left.

The lights go away.

Usopp tremblingly asked: "Robin, she won't ignore us, will she?"

"Nonsense! I trust Robin!"

Luffy immediately retorted.

"Me too!"

Nami paused and said.

The next morning was sunny and sunny.

Lloyd sat on the captain's seat of the "Spike Fang", and the first mate Macias and Kevin stood behind Lloyd respectively.

"If you go back to Master Luo, everything is ready." Kevin said with a big belly and a smile.

Lloyd nodded, and asked, "Worth, are they all ready?"

"No problem, Captain. I have already dispersed all the elites under my command on the six 'Shenlong Dreadnought' frigates to ensure that the sailing is safe." Macias pushed his glasses and replied.


Lloyd squinted his eyes and looked at the sea outside. The "Spike Fang" and six frigates formed a small fleet. This was the first step towards the journey!
Looking at his small fleet is riding the wind and waves!

At this time, Lloyd felt a feeling that everything was under control.

On the other hand, at this moment, Sharon was staring at Crockdale and Robin.

"Master, drink some water." Sharon brought a cup of tea with a smile, and put her hands in Lloyd's.

With a charming posture and a bright smile, a small tongue is exposed to lick his lips from time to time, and a pair of cat eyes with vertical pupils reflect an intoxicating light. The hearts of other people in the bridge seem to be moved, but they immediately devote themselves to their work seriously.

Can't look, can't look!
Machias coughed awkwardly and left, saying that he was checking the work of other people in the ship.

Kevin hesitated, and said that he would go to see his old friend Indigo.

Sharon immediately curled up at Lloyd's feet, kept rubbing her head against Lloyd's calf, and then raised her head from time to time to look at Crockdale as a victor.

Crockdale just stood aside with her arms folded and sneered, she didn't look as knowledgeable as Sharon at all.

Robin's brows were furrowed, obviously he was worried, Robin still asked to go to Fishman Island this time, after all, there is such an attractive thing as the text of history.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Lloyd pretended to cough twice, then drank the tea silently, thinking to himself, Sharon, you are so coquettish, does your family know?
This time Sharon seemed to have liberated her nature, and she no longer pretended to be innocent.


There was the sound of a phone bug.

Lloyd picked up the phone, and Tina's voice came from inside.

"Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, Tina finally got through."

Tina's voice seemed a little tired.

"What happened? Colonel Tina!"

Lloyd asked curiously.

"Hey, in order to get through to you, Tina has changed two phone bugs, and the thing is like this."

Tina's first thing was to briefly talk about the content of the Navy meeting, and the focus was to convey the news that Whitebeard had returned to the top.

The second thing is that because of Roswald St.'s activity, the high level of the Navy Headquarters is now shaking, and it is said that it has already alarmed the world government's army commander Steel Gu Kong.

The pressure from the world government is very high. Originally, Gang Gukong was very optimistic about Marshal Warring States, but now he has to consider letting him take the blame and resign.

Although the pressure from White Beard at this stage is not small, everything must first appease the anger of the Tianlong people.

"So, what do these two things have to do with me?"

Lloyd asked with a smile.

"You're a busy person. Tina thinks that the re-election meeting will probably be held in a few days. Lieutenant General Silver Wolf needs to attend the meeting according to the rules!"

Tina replied a little speechlessly.

"Who will take over as Admiral of the Navy?"

Lloyd asked casually.

"It is said that the Marshal of the Warring States period recommended General Aokiji to the commander-in-chief of the whole army." Tina revealed a piece of information that she thought was very confidential.

"Well, I see!"

Lloyd hung up the phone noncommittally!

"Hey, hey, hey? What's the matter if you know it? Hey, hey? Beep beep beep"

Annoyed, Tina immediately wanted to throw the phone bug away, and the phone bug shrank her neck in fright. Tina thought about it and held back, after all, this was the third phone bug she had replaced.


The voice of the phone bug rang again, and Lloyd's eyebrows trembled a little. He answered the phone bug angrily, and then sprayed: "I said I got it, got it, Tina, is your butt itchy?"

"Huh? Senior Tina provoked you?"

Ain's cold voice came from the phone bug.

"Oh, no, no!"

Lloyd immediately put on another face, and replied with a smile on his face.

"Oh, dear, why did you call? What's the matter?" Lloyd asked with a smile.

"I said, are you suffering from some serious illness? Can you talk properly?"

Ai En turned around and spit.

"Okay, okay, no problem, what's the matter with you?"

Lloyd calmed down and asked.

"Did the Straw Hats get it?"


"I didn't get through Teacher Z's call bug."

"Do you suspect that something will happen to Mr. Z?"

"Well, I suddenly feel uneasy today."

The two started a normal communication, which made Lloyd secretly relieved, otherwise he really didn't know how to talk to Ain.

But what the hell is Zefa doing?

Could it be that he is about to act so soon, can't help it?
"Ai En, then you can contact Mr. Z, and I will try to contact him too!"

Lloyd frowned.

"it is good!"

Ain's answer was still very brief.

"Be careful yourself!"

"Thank you for the gift, and you should be careful!"

"Then let's do this first?"

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