Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 271 The Veteran Slaps Him Twice!capital night

"Tsk tsk tsk, sending off a girl this time is simply a stroke of genius!"

"Look at how that guy Lloyd will fight against me in the future, hehehe, but will the man of destiny really be the same as the divination shows?"

Li En took out a notebook while talking to himself, on which was written "Devil Fruit Test Record", he opened the page of Mirage Dragon Fruit, and scored an S on it.

After finishing speaking, he turned to the next page, where the Zhenzhen fruit was impressively drawn!
The capital of the Erebonian Empire at night is brilliantly lit!
In a short period of time, since the establishment of the United Kingdom of Ereville, people all over the country can see the difference.

First of all, there are surprisingly few pirates, all of them have been changed into adventure groups, and they seem to be very friendly to ordinary people. Many pirates actually went ashore and started business, which surprised ordinary people in the capital.

Secondly, the life happiness index in the capital has risen sharply, and the living standard has also improved significantly. This is mainly due to the prosperity of trade, and partly due to the credit of the adventure group.

Lloyd carried the unconscious Sharon to the gate of the capital slowly. Since it was inconvenient, two dodges teleported in from the main gate!

The guards on duty felt a gust of wind blowing in front of them, and they couldn't notice it at all.

Princess Emma is sitting quietly on the terrace of the palace, looking at the lights and joy of the family below with a somewhat melancholy expression!

"Your Excellency Ozborne, where do you think His Majesty the King is now?" Emma's fingers kept drawing circles on the table, looking a little uneasy.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The left prime minister Ozben coughed and said: "The king is incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and it is really hard for His Royal Highness!"

"Your Excellency Ozborne can't speak ill of the king, it's all my fault!" Princess Emma's eye circles seemed to be red, she quickly turned her head away!

Ozborn was immediately angry, turned from behind Emma to the front, and said seriously: "What's wrong with Her Royal Highness? Besides, what can't be said about this??? The king is a ruthless guy. Her Royal Highness has sacrificed so much for the prosperity of the empire, but now the king doesn't even come to show his face?"

"Maybe His Majesty the King has important things to do, and it's the best result for me not to trouble him!"

Emma said with a somewhat sad expression.

"How can this be done? Your Highness, please don't stop me. If the king appears here, the old minister will slap him twice! Even if he dies, he doesn't care! Your Highness is too miserable!"

The guy Ozborn became more and more angry as he talked, and he got into the drama without knowing it, and even shed two tears.

"your Highness?"

It's just that after acting for a long time, Princess Emma didn't respond at all, which made Ozborn have a little doubt about his acting skills!
As soon as Ozborn raised his head, he saw Princess Emma covering her mouth desperately, trembling all over, with an expression of anger and joy.

Just when he was about to ask what was going on, Ozben heard a teasing voice behind him.

"Oh, what a coincidence, why don't you do it now?"

Relying on the good qualities he had cultivated over the years, Ozborn turned around hastily, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty the King is back, don't let me know, let me serve Your Majesty well."

"Blame me? Besides, how do you want to serve? Slap me twice?"

Although Lloyd carried Sharon on his shoulders, he still asked with a smile.

"Ah? What you said, this old minister was worried about His Majesty's wedding for a while, so he couldn't help but make a slip of the tongue."

Ozben looked a little embarrassed, and hurriedly replied with a smile, he knew that Lloyd would not make things difficult for him.

"Your Majesty the King!"

Princess Emma wanted to get up and salute immediately!
But he was stopped by Lloyd, and then Lloyd put Sharon on a chair beside him, and said with some guilt: "Princess Emma, ​​although Prime Minister Zuo didn't speak very nicely, what he said is also very reasonable. To you, I should actually apologize!"

"Your Majesty, you must not say that. I am willing to do this, even if I have been waiting for you!"

Although Princess Emma was a little embarrassed and didn't know where to put her hands, her words were very powerful.

Lloyd sighed and said, "Princess Emma, ​​you."

"Ahem, cough, old minister, leave!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was going well, Ozborn hurriedly withdrew and left without taking a cloud with him.

After Ozborn left at the speed of light, the atmosphere in the field became a little ambiguous.

Princess Emma's big eyes seemed to be filled with tears, constantly reflecting faint light, that kind of attachment and resentment seemed to turn into water!
Lloyd gently sat down in front of Princess Emma, ​​and smiled silently.

At this time, thousands of words came to his lips but nothing came out.

After thinking for a while, Lloyd said with a smile: "The last time I was in Sam's Town, Princess Emma specially prepared the steak for me, and I haven't eaten it yet."

"Don't call me princess, just call me Emma, ​​that, shall I ask my servants to prepare again?"

Princess Emma said in a low voice, her face flushed.

"No, it's too late. Besides, Emma prepared it yourself. I can feel it after eating a little!"

Lloyd replied with a smile.

"Is it really that obvious?" Emma's head was almost buried in the big rabbit, and when Lloyd saw it, four large characters appeared in Lloyd's mind. It's delicious!
"Of course, because I'm not familiar with it, hahaha!" Lloyd immediately teased.


Emma's face became even redder, and her breathing became a little short.

The atmosphere became a little more harmonious, and Lloyd looked at Emma seriously, saying that it would be a lie to say that he was not tempted, but in Lloyd's inherent concept, he had never tried such a straight-to-the-point approach.

I really don't know how to proceed.

Alas, it seems that I am really not born to be a scumbag.

The delicious food is in front of you, but you don't know what to say!

It was very uncomfortable to be unable to get up and down, and the most important thing was that Luo Er Er seemed to be more interested in big rabbits, so it was even more uncomfortable to hold back.

Such a comparison is more enjoyable with Ain!
Lloyd was a little distracted, and Princess Emma glanced up, and suddenly she was a little lost!

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