Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 267 Man-made?I really don't want to catch anyone

"After Lord Luo gave me this devil fruit last time, the analysis work is in progress. Thanks to the development and application of silicon wafers, certain results have been achieved!" Indigo said with a smile
It turned out that after the last time Blackbeard was eliminated, Lloyd grabbed the condensed dark fruit and handed it to Indigo to see if he could do some analysis. He always felt that things like devil fruits were abnormal.

Kevin and Robin's interest also raised.

Indigo continued: "According to the analysis results, I think the devil fruit should not be formed naturally, but manufactured!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked!
Lloyd frowned slightly, which reminded him of a person, Caesar who may still be in Punk Hazard has been making artificial devil fruits.

How come genuine devil fruit is also man-made?

Could it be that "Smile" is a substandard product among substandard products?
Indigo went on to say: "I analyzed the cell composition of the devil fruit, and found that the devil fruit has very serious signs of artificial intervention, otherwise, how could such a wonderful thing be formed out of thin air in this world."

"Aren't these called devil fruit?"

Robin couldn't help but asked with some doubts.

"Devil's fruit? Heh, who knows? From a scientific point of view, this is unreasonable!"

Indigo curled his lips in disdain, more and more like everyone here is garbage.

Lloyd nodded slowly.

Indigo said: "Through analysis, the devil fruit should cause a certain burden on the user's body."

"Will it affect life expectancy?"

Lloyd frowned and asked, his first reaction was his old lover.

"That should have a relatively small impact, but it will definitely lead to a shorter lifespan than normal people."

Lloyd then nodded, as long as the influence is not too big, you see, Jusses and Ashura, you two eat too fast.

Even if it doesn't affect much.

Lloyd didn't think too much, but said to Kevin: "Okay, bring all the Gundams, Kevin, prepare yourself, and set off with us in a few days!"

Kevin suddenly looked surprised, and asked, "Master Luo, where are we going?"

Lloyd smiled and said, "Murloc Island, your hometown!"

When he returned from Nitpeter Island, Lloyd returned to the 154th branch of the Navy after a long absence and said hello to Colonel Mulla.

The popularity of the branch is very strong now!
Major Patrick gave a grand welcome to Lloyd and his party!
Along the way, the naval soldiers lined up on both sides kept looking at this legendary general candidate who had never been seen before!

Many people are still discussing in low voices.

This made Mike who was following Lloyd very excited.

"This is my hometown, why are you being so polite?" Lloyd pointed to Patrick and said with a smile.

"Hey, Lieutenant General Silver Wolf has returned to his hometown, so we should welcome him!" Patrick rubbed his hands and laughed.

"You bastard, how can I be regarded as the inspector of the 154 branch, this position has not been withdrawn, how embarrassing I am!"

Lloyd walked with a smile on his face, but he really didn't care at all in his heart.

After a while, in the branch colonel's office.

Colonel Mulla chatted with Lloyd who came to visit with a normal expression.

Mike still always accompanied Lloyd.

Mu La sighed and said: "I didn't expect you to grow to such a degree in a short period of time. It seems that our group is really old!"

Generally, the elderly must have something to say when they are sad.

"No, no, without Colonel Mulla's vigorous cultivation, where would I be today?"

Lloyd didn't point out, just watched Colonel Mulla's performance quietly.

"Hey, old man, old man, it's useless. Speaking of which, you are my superior now? It's really like the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead!"

Colonel Mulla got up and stood by the window looking at the bright sunshine outside, then sighed.

"How could it be old? Colonel Mulla can still work for a few more years!" Lloyd responded with a smile after taking a sip of tea.

"Hey, we are old and don't have much aggressiveness. I shouldn't have said that, but there is one thing I want to ask you."

Colonel Mulla turned around and looked at Lloyd with a smile.

I'm coming!

Come on
Lloyd immediately sat upright and said, "If the old leader has anything to say, please speak up. I, Lloyd, will listen to you!"

Colonel Mulla's face was a bit tangled and he asked, "Did you have any misunderstanding with Lieutenant General Garp recently? Last time I called Karp, he seemed very angry with you. After all, Lieutenant General Karp valued you very much at first."

Hey, just this shit, is that Cap guy not done yet?
Lloyd narrowed his eyes, took another sip of tea and sighed: "It's not something that can't be said. It's just that his grandson Luffy's pirate group was caught by me. It stands to reason that they should be turned over to the headquarters, but I actually let it go for Lieutenant General Garp's sake."


Colonel Mulla asked with a frown.

Lloyd nodded slowly, and continued: "I don't know why Lieutenant General Garp is so indulgent to his grandson. If it were him, I would have beaten him to reincarnation!"

"Hey, you don't know Lieutenant General Garp's son, their family is not worrying!"

Colonel Mulla said with a sigh.

I know. Isn't it the leader of the Revolutionary Army?
Colonel Mulla then asked: "Then why is Lieutenant General Garp still so angry? It shouldn't be. He should know the virtues of his own son and grandson best. It stands to reason that you have let them go."

"Hey, maybe I let Lieutenant General Garp lead the people by himself."

Lloyd put on an innocent expression.

"Hey, let's talk about it when you come back. This guy Karp probably doesn't really hate you."

Colonel Mulla shook his head and said.

"Actually, what I said is not good. If I see it next time, I will have to catch it. Why don't you catch pirates if you become a navy?"

Lloyd squinted his eyes and snorted.

"Forget it, I've met that kid Luffy, he's not bad in nature, it's a general trend to become a pirate, it's the fault of this era!"

Colonel Mullah began to speak kindly.

Lloyd nodded and sighed: "I didn't want to have such a deadlock with Lieutenant General Garp, but I think there is nothing wrong with my principle!"

"Yeah, you're right!"

Colonel Mulla agreed.

"But the old leader, you have already spoken. Next time I see Luffy, I will never do anything to him, okay?"

Lloyd said with a smile.

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