Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 248 Confrontation with Rayleigh Freedom!escape trip

"Come out, I've been listening to it for a long time!"

Lloyd's expression turned cold, and he looked towards the dense grass in the distance!
"Oh, it looks really old, hahaha!"

There was a rustling sound, and an old man with silver hair came out, drunk.

He walked over staggeringly, squinted his eyes at Lloyd, and said in his mouth, "I'm really old, such a young lieutenant general, it seems that a new generation replaces an old one, how is the Warring States period?"


Mike turned around with staring eyes and shouted loudly.

Robin frowned and took two steps back silently. She felt that the old man opposite was not simple.

"Marshal Warring States is fine."

Lloyd replied lightly.

The person who came was actually another "Pluto" Rayleigh, the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates, a legendary pirate (retired).

Lei Li hiccupped, squinted his eyes and said, "Young lieutenant general, I have been listening for a long time just now, and there is a contradiction in what you said, so I have to refute it!"

"Oh? All ears!"

Just as Mike was about to yell angrily, he was stopped by Lloyd. This kid really likes to bluff, what if Rayleigh slapped you to death?
Lei Li chuckled and said, "Among the boys, you said that the Tianlong people who raise slaves in captivity are weird, so if you move the murlocs to other places to raise them in captivity, is there any essential difference between them and the trash Tianlong people you mentioned?"

"Rayley, are you confused? You are not as sneaky as you in changing concepts!" Lloyd squinted his eyes and said bitterly.

Master Luo was very angry. His good intentions were misunderstood by this guy!
"You know me?"

Lei Li's eyes suddenly narrowed sharply, and his whole body exuded a fierce aura, even his drunkenness seemed to be two points better.

"Aren't you the best coating craftsman in the Chambord Islands?"

Lloyd asked with a sneer, the two of them knew each other, and of course Raleigh would not naively believe Lloyd's words.

Lei Li snorted coldly, and continued loudly: "This old man secretly changed the concept? You forcibly moved the murlocs away and tried to destroy their home, which is to deprive them of their freedom! Do you know what is most important in this world? That is freedom!"

Rayleigh seemed very angry, and shouted out with all his strength!
Lloyd frowned and sighed, and said with a smile: "When did I want to raise the murlocs in captivity? I want to give them another way of life and a new home. You told me that they have no freedom? So you guys don't understand anything after all!"

"What did you say, bastard?"

Rayleigh's eyes seemed to be able to emit light. If he was Cyclops, then there would definitely be countless holes on Lloyd's body now!

"There is no real 'freedom' in this world!"

Lloyd sneered and continued: "People living in the world must be within the rules and under the bondage. Whether it is legal regulations or moral constraints, neither of them has anything to do with freedom! The 'I want freedom' that you pirates keep shouting is actually deceiving yourself and others, causing many unnecessary sacrifices and killings, all of which are causing trouble for others. You **** pirates, do you understand?"

"What the hell are you talking about? How dare you tarnish the 'freedom' we are after?"

Lei Li instantly rushed towards Lloyd like a cannonball, and his domineering fists hit Lloyd like lightning!

Lloyd swung his left hand with one hand, and flung Mike and Robin lightly into the distance, and then his right hand was instantly covered with exaggerated armed domineering, and collided with Lei Li's fists fiercely!

An extremely exaggerated shock wave erupted from the intersection of the two fists, like explosions.

Both Robin and Mike were blown around in the distance!
Lloyd bent his arms and clenched his fists, and slammed towards Rayleigh's face fiercely, shouting while attacking: "The 'freedom' you pirates talk about is rubbish!"


Rayleigh shouted angrily!

"Bang bang bang!"

There were bursts of air explosions, and the two fists clashed!
The two exchanged several tricks unknowingly, and the surrounding trees and bushes were affected and fell down one after another!

There are many big trees that have been directly turned into powder!


Lloyd's heavy punch directly made Rayleigh take many steps back!
Then his figure disappeared instantly and appeared in midair!

"Burning Heart!"

Lloyd opened his eyes and shouted angrily, and instantly transformed into a scarlet demon god, and immediately transformed into a hundred-foot demon god around him!

In the blink of an eye, Baizhang Demon God's thick and domineering arm turned into a palm and slapped Lei Li like lightning!

The ground collapsed in an instant, and countless cracks slowly spread towards the surroundings!
The entire shampoo land was in a tremor!

"An earthquake? Or a volcanic eruption?"

Countless people in the Chambord Islands are in panic!
Marin Vando!

Worth and others fled all the way. Although they were extremely fast and blessed with "shaving" and "moon steps", they were quickly discovered by many naval soldiers in a place like the "enemy" base camp!

"What the hell, if I bring De Angel, I'll give Marin Fando a blast!"

Dubali stared angrily.

"Ahem, didn't you say it before? The Angel of Virtue is suitable for me to drive. The teacher said so. Besides, how can Marin Fanduo explode?"

Wallace did not forget to correct him while fleeing for his life.

"Go away, let's come back and roll the dice to decide!"

Others also echoed.


The five people teleported instantly and sneaked into a private house that was temporarily empty!

"What happened to you?"

Rector came in cautiously and somewhat embarrassed, and hurriedly asked: "I saw the code you left at the Golden Flower Casino, and I followed you all the way. If you go to the casino to play, you will be wanted by the headquarters? The heifer is on the wire!"

"Tsk, trouble, it's like this."

Wallace briefly said a few words and introduced the matter!
"Recter, have you seen it? Who is it that has been chasing us? It's like a lunatic! What the hell!"

Ash immediately sprayed.

If they hadn't relied on his bubble formation many times, they would definitely have been caught up by that lunatic, after all, that man was wearing the same navy coat as Silver Wolf.

"Well, that's Vice Admiral Tea Pig!"

Rector said with a sigh.

"Damn!!! It's none of his business, that bitch lieutenant general didn't say anything, he's like a fucking lunatic, seeing us is like killing his father and enemy!"

PS: Alas, 50 words is not enough. It’s so easy~~~

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