Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 239 Instakill in Different Senses


Then the main angel instantly transformed into a humanoid mecha form, and landed on the ground at high speed. The huge impact blown away the remaining trees and houses around!

Vores landed on the main angel, took out the GN beam saber, fired the engine, and rushed towards Poison Q as fast as a flash!

"What is this?"

The Blackbeard Pirates were stunned by the sudden appearance of the steel mecha, and Blackbeard Tiki's eyes widened even more!

"Poison Q, dangerous!"

Lafitte shouted hastily.

Poison Q felt the breath of death from this 20-meter-tall steel mech!
The huge GN beam saber smashed through Poison Q's body in a blink of an eye. The high-frequency vibrating GN particles possessed invincible destructive power!

With a slight touch, trees, buildings and other things evaporate instantly as if they were roasted by charcoal!

Countless scorched marks appeared on the ground!
Poison Q's knowledgeable domineering power is at its peak, but he can't read the attack direction of the steel mech on the opposite side!




GN saber triple cut!
Vores excitedly manipulated the main angel to fight with Poison Q, while laughing wildly: "Hahaha, it's so cool, poor bug!"


The GN beam saber finally hit Poison Q's super-large poison blade "Barbara", and the high-frequency vibrating GN particles stirred gently, and "Barbara" who ate the devil fruit was cut off immediately!

It was broken cleanly!

Including Poison Q holding it!

"Poison Q!!!"

The eyes of Van Oka and Lafitte were wide open, and great fear surged in their hearts!

Poison Q looked at his body that had been divided into two, the scorched section seemed to be cooked, the two pieces of the body were slowly separated, internal organs, intestines and so on slowly flowed out!
But there is no blood!

His eyes were filled with disbelief, and then fell into endless darkness!
"Clang clang clang!"

Countless bullets poured on the main angel's body!

Van Oka shot desperately, but they were all bounced off by the steel mecha!
A joke, the whole body of "Valpo Alloy" can be shaken by your bullets?

"Hmph, one of the scumbags died!"

Vores sneered and turned his gaze to Van Oka, and then the head of the main angel slowly turned to Van Oka!

Then there is a string of head machine guns!
"Da da da da da!"

Fan Oka's figure flashed twice, and then disappeared in place!

Lloyd scratched his head while looking at it from a distance. How could such a multi-functional restraining archangel be played into melee combat by you, Worth?

Or bring back the Angel (Exia Melee Enhanced) and give it to Voreth.

Um. How did you score Gundam?

What happened during the short time I was away?
Robin squinted his eyes to see the might of the main angel, and his heart sank even more. This is just one. If they form a legion, then who in this world can stop Lloyd in his footsteps?
Mike was trembling all over, he was so excited, the most correct thing he did in his life was when no one paid any attention to Lord Luo that day.

Mike took the initiative to talk to Lloyd!
So the choice is the most important thing in life.

Time moves forward a short distance.

Indigo pointed to the main angel, force angel and de angel and said: "Except that the energy angel is Luo Ye's toy, you can choose these three mechas, and the focus is not the same! For example, the main angel can transform, the fastest speed, suitable for containment! The force angel is a shooting enhanced type, with the most powerful sniper rifle! De angel is."

It's just that at this time, Vores, Dubali and Randy didn't listen to what Indigo was saying!
Du Barry pointed to the fattest Deangel and said, "This belongs to my old lady, I feel safe just looking at it!"

Then flashed onto the cockpit in an instant!
Don't give Wallace and Randy a chance to react at all!
When Randy saw it, he stepped into the cockpit of Angel Angel, completely ignoring the expression of Usses who was staring at him, because Angel Angel was the closest to Angel Dede!
Vores was more fond of German angels, but he had no choice but to dodge into the cockpit of the main angel!
Indigo was speechless for a while, "You have to choose according to your own characteristics" but didn't say it!

Rector, Jusses and Ash are jealous
Van Oka hid his figure, and the hair on the back of his neck exploded in an instant!
That is a warning sign of danger!
The domineering color of knowledge is running crazily!

Where is the danger?
Van Oka's face suddenly turned blue!

A loud bang!
In an instant, a very thick beam of GN particles flashed!

Then Van Oka's head disappeared from his body as if it had been erased!

His consciousness is still at just now!

Li Angel standing on the bow of the "Spike Fang" still maintains a sniper posture!
Li Angel's ten-meter-long GN sniper rifle was trembling slightly!

Randy's hands were shaking non-stop, not only because of the arrogance of the sniper, but also because of the excitement!

"Really accurate! Didn't expect my father with such a bad shooting score to be so accurate?"

"Aiming Assist System is simply a BUG!"

Randy yelled excitedly in the cockpit, muttering in his mouth: "Where is the next one? Where is the next one?"

Jusses looked at Angel Li half kneeling on the bow to snipe, and finally couldn't help roaring: "This should belong to me!!! Violent waste!!!"

Rector and Yaxiu nodded approvingly, this time surprisingly they didn't hate Usses!

After all, Jusses has the best shooting results at any time!

"Poison Q!!!"

"Van Oka!!!"


The eyes of Blackbeard Tiqi are almost bursting out with real anger. The death of the two main forces has caused Tiqi's thinking to fall into a crazy mode!
Lafitte's eyes were almost popping out, and there was only one thought in his mind, and that was to run!run!

Blackbeard Titch frantically rushed towards the main angel (Worth) who was also rushing towards him!
The pace became faster and faster, which was very uncoordinated with his huge figure.

The black holes on the hands gradually became huge!
Worth squinted his eyes, and his knowledge and domineering energy began to work. In the premonition picture, it seemed that the arm of the main angel was sucked in by the black hole!
It turned out badly!

Worth made a decisive decision and immediately controlled the main angel to transform into an MA fighter, and the GN solar furnace was running crazily!
It flew out in an instant!

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