Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 237 There is no one on the island, artillery bombardment

Lloyd's complexion was very ugly. After all, the smell of blood in the air and the extremely quiet surroundings all pointed to a problem.

This place has been slaughtered!

His gaze was very indifferent, and he completely sentenced Blackbeard and the others to death in his heart!
Mike regretted coming here with Lloyd, after all, it was okay to be a power tool, and he felt a burst of horror as soon as he got on the island!
It was an evil breath, the island was too quiet!
Robin frowned and said, "What a bloody smell! Could it be here?"

Lloyd nodded at Robin expressionlessly, saying that he knew it a long time ago.

Blackbeard Titch was very happy when he saw the pretentious coat coming over, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey ha ha ha ha! The navy is finally here!"

Lloyd walked up to Tiqi slowly, glanced at this tall and strong man, and asked coldly, "Are you Blackbeard?"

"Hehehe, little guy, it's me, why did the navy send a young boy over?"

Blackbeard Titch patted his thigh and laughed wildly.

"Such a young vice-admiral?"

Lafitte narrowed his eyes and smiled.

After speaking, everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates looked at Lloyd.

Tiki's eyes showed interest too!

"Where's Ace?"

Lloyd frowned and asked very briefly.

"Hee-ha-ha, it's over there!"

Tiqi pointed with his big hand, and in a cage in the distance, the son of Ace-Roger, who is now a little weak, was imprisoned. Now he is lying on the ground very weakly, wearing the sea tower stone shackles!

Hearing this, Ace looked up at Lloyd, frowned and closed his eyes again!

Yo, there are even stone shackles on the sea floor, where did you get the black beard?

Could it be that the world government gave it to you?

Lloyd knocked on the fence and said, "Ace, wake up, it's time to go!"

"Damn navy, you can kill or cut whatever you want, so why don't you talk to me!" Ace opened his eyes and replied.


Lloyd sneered, this guy looks like a dick now as a prisoner.

So he ignored him, turned around and said to Blackbeard Titch: "Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, has been confirmed now, and it is me. I'm going to take him away now. Do whatever you like!"

Blackbeard Teach:? ? ?

He was stunned, how could this be different from what he said?

So he looked at Lafitte suspiciously.

"This... lieutenant general?"

Lafitte poked his head out and asked strangely.

"My name is Silver Wolf."

Lloyd replied with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, did you make a mistake? Why didn't you bring the documents about our captain becoming Qiwuhai?"

Lafitte gave a one-handed salute, then asked with a sinister smile.

Lloyd raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "I don't know about that. I'm here today just to take Ace away."

After all, hold the iron cage with one hand and leave!

"and many more!"

Van Oka immediately took out his sniper rifle, pointed the muzzle at Lloyd's head, and said in a deep voice: "Don't go, we haven't finished talking, fate guides us to meet here, so we must speak clearly!"

"I have nothing to say about trash!"

Lloyd's mouth grinned!

The members of the Blackbeard Pirates were stunned. They didn't understand how the vice admiral could talk like this alone with two guys who were obviously supporting roles.

Poison Q smiled sullenly and drew out his Odachi!


Blackbeard Titch slammed the cup on the barrel and said with a grin, "Hey haha, it's really interesting. No one has been able to talk to me like this for a long time!"

Lloyd looked at everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates as if they were dead, and then said softly, "Do it!"

Immediately, Vooreth's voice came from the tiny phone bug next to his ear: "Teacher, you are still there, are you not in danger?"

Randy: "Yeah!"

Du Barry: "Do you want to withdraw first?"

Rector: "Listen to the instructor! After all, it is mainly a test, otherwise the instructor will shoot them to death alone!"

Ash: "There is no one on the island anymore, right?"

"There is no one left, don't worry about us, do it!"

Lloyd ordered with a sneer.

Yossie immediately jumped onto the bow of the "Spike Fang", immediately took out a Type 26 rifle, squinted his eyes and aimed at the tall man who was also holding a sniper rifle!
The corner of his mouth curled up, and he muttered: "It's been a long time since I showed off my power, this time I have to shoot hard!"

Usses' field of vision suddenly enlarged, and Van Oka's head gradually enlarged!

Pull the trigger!
"BANG!" A gunshot!
The bullet spun rapidly and shot out instantly!
Van Oka was in a trance for a while, and when Usses locked him, he felt palpitations for unknown reasons, and then the gunshots from a few kilometers away came over, so he widened his eyes, turned his head, and dodged!

"Enemy attack!"

His figure exploded, and he fired two shots at the source of the sound with his backhand!

Blackbeard Titch was immediately slapped down, and said angrily: "Does your navy want to unilaterally tear up the contract?"

"Contract? The contract is only valid for the living, the dead have no contract!"

Lloyd said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lloyd just finished speaking!

Countless shells were fired from the "Spike Fang", and the 460mm main gun conducted a round of artillery bombardment under the leadership of Husky!
Lloyd smiled and dodged, and kicked Ace's iron cage away with one kick, and instantly landed on the mackerel head No. [-] by the pier.

Then he hugged Mike in one arm and Robin in the other!

"Shaved" and "monthly steps" are like no traces!
Take off in place!

Immediately flew to No. [-] mackerel head!
Speed ​​like silver lightning!

Poison Q's slash couldn't catch up with Lloyd's speed, that slash flew towards the sky without even touching the shadow of Lloyd's clothes!
"Just enjoy and enjoy!"

Only Lloyd's ethereal voice came from the sky.


Fan Oka ignored Usses's sniper attack, hurriedly warned, and then locked the scope crazily, and sniped desperately towards the flying giant shells!

Although Poison Q always looks sick, he is actually a hidden great swordsman, and equipped with his poisonous blade "Barbara", a saber with poisonous apple fruit, is a difficult guy with poisonous apples in his slash!

At this time, his saber energy slashed countless times into the sky, transformed into the shape of an apple, and then collided with the shells!

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