Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 235 The sequence is very important!Tina is anxious

Okay, it seems that you guys are quite competitive!
It didn't make Lao Tzu too uncomfortable!
Happy events come one after another, and I feel much better in spirit!

Lloyd then set off and headed towards the naval training base alone. Because the distance was not too far, Lloyd chose to fly alone to avoid the embarrassing scene at the train station last time!
Mike's head suddenly became dizzy. The six masters had been arguing since the morning, and there was no sign of letting it go!

I don't know where the energy comes from to maintain such an excited state.

Crockdale has gone back to her room to rest.

Robin was still watching with relish on the training ground. She silently calculated the fighting power of the people in front of her, and then came to the conclusion that the Straw Hats would be wiped out now!

It is said that there are still 100 such people in the Wolf Fang Regiment.
I can't help but worry in my heart, I hope that Luffy and the others will not be impulsive this time.

"It seems that you are in good spirits!"

Lloyd appeared on the scene wearing a pretentious coat, full of energy!


The six people collectively turned into shining eyes, and they all looked at Lloyd!

"Silver Wolf, tell me, who can go this time!"

Yaxiu widened his eyes excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, obviously it was me first!"

"I am the first one!"

The scene was about to quarrel again!


"Here we come, Master Luo!"

Lloyd said hello, and the kid ran over in a hurry.

"Tell me, what is the order in which they are arranged?"

Lloyd asked with a smile.

Mike just wanted to talk, but he found that he had been locked on by six burning eyes!

There were two streams of cold sweat streaming down his forehead in an instant, and then he whispered, "Master Luo, Mike, I am so weak that I really can't tell the difference!"

Then those six paths nodded silently with somewhat heavy eyes.

Lloyd glanced at Mike with a smile, and said, "You know how to fool me with them, hehe!"

Mike grinned hastily, then bowed his head and backed out!
The six of them held their heads high at this time, they had already made up their minds, the instructor must be calling names indiscriminately, and it will be fine if he refuses to admit it when the time comes!
Who wouldn't play tricks?

"You think I can't tell the order?"

The corners of Lloyd's mouth curled up, he smiled and closed his eyes!
The scene was very quiet for a while, and even Robin held his breath, she didn't understand how Lloyd could tell if this guy didn't come to the scene?

Could it be nonsense?
But if there is no reliable evidence for this situation, it is estimated that these people can fight on the spot!

What is Lord Luo doing?
Master Luo is actually recalling the system log!
It records the task completion progress in detail!

Lloyd checked for a while, then opened his eyes, and said with a smile: "Worth, Du Barry, Randy! It's just you three!"

Wallace and Du Barry were silently relieved!

Randy was surprised. Could it be the power of love?He hurriedly cast his eyes on Du Barry, but what he got back was a big white eye!


Yaxiu was the first to yell out, "Hei Xuanfeng and Hei Niu are in the front, so I will bear with it. Why is this guy Randy, this is impossible!"

Jusses also frowned and echoed, "That's right, how is this possible?"

"Who do you call a black girl?"

Du Barry's eyes widened immediately, and said angrily.

"Ahem, instructor, did you read it wrong?"

Rector also gritted his teeth, quite unwilling to give up!
Obviously Gundam is right in front of your eyes, but you miss it, wouldn't it be so uncomfortable to die?

"Hmph, I'm going to be wrong? Are you itchy?" Lloyd said with a sneer.

"Don't dare!"

The crowd replied in unison.

"It's just that, I don't accept it!"

Yaxiu still stuck his neck and said stiffly.

"That's it!"

Usses and Recter are equally unhappy!
"Hmph! It seems that if I don't tell you today, you are not finished yet, do you think I didn't pay attention at all during your training?"

Lloyd snorted twice and then said: "The knowledgeable domineering training is to the extreme, and every insect and weed hundreds of kilometers away can show cilia! Is it such a short distance that I don't know? I have been staring at you this morning. A bunch of trash, it took so long to dare to call out? Humph!"

It's so far away. Can you still observe it through the sea?

Don't be kidding me anymore?

This absurd idea suddenly surged in the hearts of everyone, this could become the realm of God!

Oh my God.
Lloyd saw the changing faces of the people, and he felt secretly refreshed, and pretended to say: "You really think I don't know anything, and tell you, your every move is under my surveillance! Robin, you have been watching for two days, and you come and tell them whether what I said is right, I believe you should see it clearly!"

Robin glanced at the six people, then nodded silently.

Hmm, it really is worthy of being a top female student, and it still has a little effect, Lloyd thought silently in his heart.

"Hmph, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't bother you about questioning me. Next time, I'll make you look good. Let's go now!"

After all, he turned around and strode away, Mike hurriedly trotted to follow!
Robin hesitated and chased after him!

Wallace, Dubali, and Randy were as excited as flying birds, and immediately followed them chirping!
There are three people left, you look at me, I look at you, and those with depressed faces also chased after them!
After all, you can't play it, so it's good to see first-hand information.

Rector sighed softly on the road: "Don't be discouraged, we will be there sooner or later!"

Tina, who is a guest in the 154th branch of the Navy, is a little absent-minded in the guest room. Why is Lloyd still not leaving? What if the big event is delayed?
"Bru. Doo Doo. Blue"

The phone was blocked, Tina frowned tightly, and muttered to herself: "What's the matter, why can't I always get through to the guy who is the Silver Wolf lieutenant general recently, Tina doesn't understand!!!"

What she didn't know was that last time her phone bug and Lloyd's phone bug communicated secretly, and they would never answer their calls from now on!

They didn't have any psychological burden at all when they fell into the phone bugs, they really weren't human beings!
"Phew, Little Iron Fist, why don't you ask where Lieutenant General Silver Wolf is going? Ask carefully, Tina always feels that something is going to happen today!"

Tina took a puff of cigarette, and then ordered.

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