Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 229 Here's Your Number Plate!upside down mountain devil

Lloyd's mouth twitched.

"No, right? That would be difficult. Our secretary-general usually doesn't see visitors."

Fleur replied with a smile.

"You two silly girls, this one is."

Mike became anxious as soon as he heard it, and jumped out quickly with his eyes wide open.

With a wave of Lloyd's hand, Mike stopped the impatient Mike, then cleared his throat and said, "Ahem, cough, please pass it on if you are troubled."

Jiali silently tugged Laflei's sleeve, looking a little nervous, but in the end Fleur comforted her very calmly.

She turned around and said with a smile: "That's okay, I'll give you this number plate, and you can just wait for the number to be called later. After all, it depends on your luck if you don't make an appointment. The secretary-general will meet you when you are free. Look over there, there are also a few people waiting for the number!"

Lloyd heard the words and looked, and there were indeed a few big men sitting in the corner of the hall, with tattoos of dragons and tigers on their bare arms, which was not a good thing at first glance.

Carrie and Fleur left Lloyd with their number plates, turned their buttocks and walked away!
Lloyd was a little dumbfounded holding the number plate!

"Master Luo, this is outrageous. I'll go in and ask Da Siqi, who gave her the power!"

Mike was still angry.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Rules are rules, let's just wait!"

Lloyd slapped Mike on the head, then silently walked to the corner of the hall and sat down!

Robin was surprised when he saw that Lloyd was a bit deflated. Who is this Da Siqi?
To make this vice admiral wait obediently?

"Hey, if we can't register today, our Peak Pirates will really have no way out!"

One of the big men whispered.

"Hush, you're crazy, how dare you say it's the Pirates here?"

"Yesterday. Upside Down Mountain has been sealed off. It is said that it is surrounded by people and no one can get in!"

One of them whispered.

"Rows of super cannons, whoever goes will die! When our Peak Sea Adventure Group saw the scene, we immediately recognized the situation and came back," the big man said with a shudder in his heart.

"Really? Brother, don't scare me!"

A person passing by at this time asked.

The big man frowned and said, "Why don't you go and see for yourself? Anyway, my brothers don't go to the Great Airway anymore, so there is really no way to go. Otherwise, why come back and register quickly."

"You don't want to find 'One Piece'?" the man then asked with a smile.

"I don't want to. I just want to live!"


Lloyd silently listened to the whispered discussions of the crowd, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. It seems that there are still many people who are aware of current affairs these days!
Isn't that good too?

Staying in one place for a long time will inevitably create a sense of belonging, and the chance of doing evil things will be greatly reduced.

Robin also listened carefully to the conversation of these pirates, feeling a little dazed.

Lloyd whispered, "Brother, is the Upside Down Mountain really that cruel?"

"That's not true. I saw with my own eyes that the lighthouse on Shuangzijiao was destroyed by a salvo from the sea fortress. All the old men who looked at the lighthouse were arrested!"

Lloyd's mouth twitched a little, and he asked, "Who is the commander of the sea fortress? Do you know?"

"Heh, the rumors have been going crazy these two days, saying that the lunatic navy woman who turned the mountain upside down is really a fucking beauty, she is a beautiful woman, she is."

The big man was about to brag excitedly, but when he turned his head and saw Lloyd's pretentious overcoat and Mike's navy uniform, his mouth closed immediately!

Lloyd came to his side with a smile, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Hey, don't think I'm a navy, but don't you change it into an adventure group? As long as the laws and regulations are followed, everything is easy to talk about. We can still have a drink when we have nothing to do. Don't be afraid!"

The big man silently breathed a sigh of relief, and then bragged: "Hey, brother, you don't know, the female devil who reversed the mountain is very famous now, all the pirates in the East China Sea, the adventure group dare not go there, and there are those who are not afraid of death and want to see beautiful women, but they are all turned into scum! It's really unreasonable!"

"Oh? So famous?"

Lloyd suddenly became interested!
"That's not true. I guarantee it with my reputation. I took a look at it from a distance. It is indeed a beautiful woman, but I dare not go there! Hahaha"

The big man started to talk, he laughed and patted Lloyd's shoulder, Mike's eyes trembled, and Lloyd stopped him just as he was about to attack.

The big man patted, and then his eyes fell on the shoulders of Lloyd's pretentious coat, and his face changed instantly!

"Brother you? Middle?"

Speech has become a bit stuttering.

"Hey, do you understand cosplay? This doesn't count, I usually wear it myself!"

Lloyd laughed suddenly.

The big man took a long breath and said miserably: "Brother, you scared me, yes, how could the lieutenant general appear here, alas, don't blame me, I have Navy stress disorder now!"

"Hahaha, it won't happen in the future. If you are a good citizen, you don't have to be afraid of the navy. Go on."

Lloyd said with a haha.

"Hey, there is still a huge banner hanging on the sea fortress. It says that the pirates are approaching, and they will go straight to heaven. The adventure group can pass, but they have to pay 100% tax. My God, this female devil who turned the mountain is simply not giving a way!"

Oh my god, Ai En, even if you are a ruthless old man, I wouldn't even dare to cheat like this!
The big man went on to say: "Originally, our Peak Sea Adventure Group planned to go to the great route to try our luck, but in the end we had to come back!"

The people around immediately joined the discussion, most of them denounced the upside-down mountain girl for being incompetent!
Carrie and Fleur went to the bathroom with a smile, and at the sink outside, they ran into Alita dressed as a bunny girl washing her hands.

Carrie looked more curiously!

Alrita felt the gaze behind her, turned her head to glance at the staff member Jiali, curled her lips and said nothing.

After all, when newcomers come, they will always be curious about their outfit. There is no way, she has experienced it many times.

At first, I will be furious, but then I gradually get used to it.

Why not change into normal clothing?
Tashiki also tried to persuade her, but Alita said that she didn't get Lloyd's permission.

so dare not

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