Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 226 Robin, the Sea Fortress, and Blackbeard

Robin lowered his hands covering his ears. Lloyd's voice was so penetrating that he couldn't help but listen to it!
Robin looked at Lloyd coldly, and asked tremblingly, "You're not going to let me go, are you? Just kill me!"

Lloyd shook his head lightly and said: "Although I don't want you to talk too much, there is no point in killing you. You should follow me for a while now, look with your eyes, and make a decision after a while!"


Under Lloyd's gesture, Mike untied Robin's sea tower stone shackles!
Robin rubbed his sore wrists, and asked with a tangled expression, "But I don't know how to do things like up and down and slaps!"

"Hmph! I have my own hands, what are you thinking about? You, I'm not interested in older women!" Lloyd immediately sprayed.

Robin glanced at Lloyd with a complicated expression, then slowly got up and walked to the side.

Crockdale silently breathed a sigh of relief, and then suddenly realized, what is the old lady doing with relief?
Before they left, Lloyd patted Walpo's shoulder with a smile and said, "Keep working hard. When you have prepared enough spare materials, I believe you will be able to go out soon. How about I give you a big beauty?"

Walpo's eyes lit up immediately, and he pointed at Robin and said, "Muhahaha, it's just her, it's just her!"


Lloyd slapped Walpo on the forehead and said, "What are you thinking about!"

Lloyd took several people to the underground laboratory under the leadership of Kevin!

Go through a large elevator and go down to the top-secret laboratory!
On the road.

Lloyd smiled and asked Kevin, "By the way, Ain, where did she go? Do you know, Kevin."

"Miss Ain, she has gone to Reversing Mountain. Since Master Luo made a policy last time, Miss Ain has led people to start building the railway from Nitre Island. Now it is said that it is about to reach Reversing Mountain. A sea fortress has been built there. It seems that the progress is quite fast!"

Kevin replied with a smile.

Lloyd: "."

This chick is as mobile as ever
Even I don't know.

Kevin then added: "Miss Ian also took away 50 460mm main guns, saying that it was to strengthen the defense of the sea fortress."

Lloyd: You fucking blasted Upside Down Mountain!

Lloyd directly took out the phone bug and dialed the number silently, but it didn't work for a long time!
Forget it, do whatever you like!

Upside Down Mountain Twin Points!

Ain smiled and looked at the lighthouse at Gemini Point from the sea fortress, and then suddenly sneezed several times!
Um. Lack of exercise recently, have you caught a cold?

Ai En frowned his pretty eyebrows, thinking silently in his heart.

"Ahem, Admiral Ain! The old man on the opposite side won't move, and that big whale is very troublesome!"

The officer behind him reported.

Ain nodded silently, squinting his eyes and looking at the lighthouse not far away, the entrance to this great shipping route!
Her delicate face snorted coldly, and asked, "Is the main gun installed?"

"It will be ready in no time!" replied the officer.

"Send someone to negotiate and make an ultimatum!"

Ai En's cold expression showed anger!

Brocas sat under the lighthouse and stared blankly at the sea fortress that was built not far away in a few days!

"What the hell is this?"

The former ship doctor on Roger's ship can't even read the newspapers now, and he just listens to the sound of "jingling" all day long!

And just now someone came to give him an ultimatum?

Let yourself move?
What the hell?
Just kidding, I'm going to die here!
Brokas touched the whale Rab's big head with a smile, and said, "You are with me now! Hahaha!"

After a while, Brocas felt a palpitation!
The huge main gun barrel of the sea fortress started to move!

The sound of "creaking" seemed to come from afar!

Brocas' eyes widened, his sunglasses almost fell off, and he clearly saw that the muzzles of the pile of main guns were all facing his house!

"I fuck your mother!"

Brocas breathed out his mouth and jumped up hastily. With his previous super strength, he was able to jump on Rab with a single dodge!

Desperately patted Rab's head and shouted: "Run! Run!"

Rab didn't know, so he was still hitting the red earth continent to play, but he was urged by Brokas and swam away in a hurry!
"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly bursts of artillery fire sounded!

The shells from the sea fortress blasted out one after another!

In an instant, it flew to the top of the lighthouse!


A few shells exploded instantly!

The huge explosion seemed to burst Brocas' eardrums!
Whale Rab was frightened and wailed loudly!
Red light flashed!

Pieces of explosions!
The smell of gunpowder immediately filled the surroundings!

The billowing gunpowder smoke gradually dissipated!

Brocas looked tremblingly at his home and the lighthouse, and suddenly found that there was nothing there, not even the island.
There are only bursts of gunpowder smoke and the endless sea!


Brocas roared angrily, and cursed: "I'm not a son of man, I'm not a son of man, I haven't even brought out my coffin!"

He slapped Rab on the head angrily, and drove towards the sea fortress in an instant!

Panama Island!
"Hee-ha-ha! Why did the Navy come so slowly?" Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach yelled while sitting on a big wooden barrel drinking beer!

"I don't know, I have already contacted the world government as soon as possible, and I should send someone here soon! The captain can finally achieve his goal this time!"

"Devil Sheriff" Lafitte said with a smile.


Black Beard took several sips of beer again, and laughed loudly: "Joining Qi Wuhai is only the first step, and I have already planned the rest of the plan! Ha ha ha ha!"

Poison Q and Van Oka, the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates, were also grilling and drinking at this time.

"It's all about fate!"

Van Oka said.

They turned their eyes to Huoquan Ace, who was dying and unconscious in the cage, and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"It's our honor to be able to follow the captain in this era of great pirates!" Lafitte flattered without any pain!

It made Blackbeard laugh out loud in a good mood!

Blackbeard laughed for a while, squinted his eyes and said, "Wait a little longer, or we'll go directly to the Navy headquarters, laughing!"

"Navy Headquarters. Can't go there!"

PS: I wanted to take off, but I fell down and the dog gnawed mud!

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