Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 222 Take off your pants and fart!come to fight

After the Warring States finished speaking, he stared at Lloyd with scorching eyes.

Alas, I was given a job as soon as I took office, these bastards who are not sons of men
Lloyd nodded and said: "No problem, but I have a question, Blackbeard, he wants to join Qiwuhai by doing this, right?"

"That's right!"

Sengoku nodded!

"Then the world government didn't take off their pants and fart?" Lloyd immediately sneered.


The others immediately let out a surprise, and Zhan Guo coughed again, and said lightly: "Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, you must not slander the World Government indiscriminately."

When Huang Yuan heard Lloyd say this, he suddenly felt a little happy again. This kid really has no apparent awe of the World Government.

Akainu gave Lloyd a strange look.

"The reason is very simple. The public execution is to deter the pirates, and then cooperate with the pirates. This world is really strange. Of course, I have accepted this task, and it is my duty!"

Lloyd said with a smile.

Zhan Guo nodded and said, "That's good, I hope Lieutenant General Silver Wolf will return victorious."

"The task is not difficult at all, but"

Lloyd stopped in the middle of speaking!

"Just what?"

Staff Officer Crane first asked curiously.

"It's just that if I go, Blackbeard will definitely die!"

Lloyd suddenly opened his eyes and said.

The others looked at Lloyd in a daze, all in disbelief!

"If you have other characters you like, then it's good to prepare in advance, but according to me, there is no need for Qiwuhai to exist at all!"

Then Lloyd's voice came out!

"Arrogance! I don't know what capital you have to talk like that!"

Akainu rolled his eyes and said.

"People are not arrogant, but I don't know what Admiral Akainu means by saying that?" Lloyd responded with a smile!

A huge slap hit the table!

Akainu roared angrily, "Come out with me!"

Naval Headquarters Martial Arts Arena!
The surrounding naval soldiers who were training stopped their independent training at this time, and looked at the two people standing in the middle of the arena strangely!

Discussions one after another!
"What's the matter? Who is that person? Does the lieutenant general have such a person?"

"You are stupid, isn't this the newly appointed Lieutenant General of the Silver Wolf?"

"So young. Don't go through the back door anymore?"

"Back door? A general-level officer has already measured it by combat power, how to go through the back door, idiot!"

"Then what are Lieutenant General Silver Wolf and General Red Dog doing?"

"I don't know, it looks like a competition?"

"It must have been a fight!"

Everyone was discussing without realizing it, and unconsciously became excited!
The red dog is tall and straight, and said lightly: "I met you once in the Chambord Islands before. At that time, I didn't think how strong you are? Now you speak wildly, I have to give it a try!"

Not far away, Huang Yuan opened his mouth into an "O" shape, and said with a smile: "Lieutenant General Silver Wolf, the old man is optimistic about you!"

"Everyone step back 100 feet!"

Akainu held up his hands and said loudly.

The surrounding naval soldiers were shocked immediately, and hid away in a panic!

But their eyes revealed their extremely excited mood at this moment!
With his hands behind his back, Lloyd stared at Akainu with the same tall and straight figure, secretly thinking in his heart, after hard training (hard training by other people), I am no longer the same as before!


Akainu squinted his eyes, and felt uncomfortable looking at Lloyd's easy-going expression, so his stature skyrocketed, and he rushed over quickly!
Lloyd stood still, his fists covered the thick armed domineering look like a tiger descending the mountain, and directly hit the arms of Akainu!

A loud noise erupted in the center of the Martial Arts Field!
The hurricane formed by the shock wave blew the surrounding people upside down!
Akainu's lava fruit was not used for the time being, and he exchanged several tricks with Lloyd using both hands and feet!
Every move hits the flesh!
There were bursts of loud "bang bang" noises!
After another violent impact!
The two of them took a step back, and Akainu shook his sore hands, and put away his underestimation in his heart!
This guy, what a strong physique!
There is simply no flaw!

Akainu snorted coldly, his arms suddenly boiled, sending out waves of scorching air!
The fluctuations formed by the air waves shone on everyone around, making them unable to open their eyes, as if their eyelashes were going to be melted!
"General Red Dog is about to use the ability of the lava fruit! Lieutenant General Silver Wolf really lives up to his reputation!"

"How do you say that?"

"You idiot, this shows that General Akainu can't suppress Lieutenant General Silver Wolf with his physical skills alone, and he made this judgment in just a few rounds of confrontation, which is enough to show the strength of Lieutenant General Silver Wolf's physical skills!"

Some knowledgeable naval soldiers around have already started dubbing!


The huge fist formed by the scorching lava suddenly hit Lloyd's chest!
Lloyd's hands spread out with his arms, and the strong domineering seemed to wrap Lloyd's whole body!
The ghost spider exclaimed at the flying squirrel from a distance: "Silver wolf, this guy is so domineering!"

The flying squirrel nodded silently and said: "Yes, it can be seen that he is really talented, but he should not be the opponent of General Akainu. After all, the lava fruit is the ceiling of the devil fruit's attack power!"

Tao Tutu also looked over in surprise, clenched her fists tightly, and a fighting spirit surged in her heart inexplicably!
The three of them saw the noise in the headquarters, so they hurried out and watched from the sidelines!

The dazzling white light seemed to blind Lloyd's eyes, and Akainu's lava fist poured on Lloyd without hesitation!

The gestures of Lloyd's hands are very strange in Akainu's eyes. Sometimes they are palms, sometimes they are fists. The intersection of fists and palms will resolve Akainu's offensive!

It was as if his strength had been taken away!
Hit in the air!


Lloyd's sudden punch hit Akainu's lava arm, causing Akainu to stagger a few steps!

The people around were suddenly shocked!
What kind of trick is this?
It feels very strange!

No one has ever fought like this!
Lloyd's feet circled, his right leg popped out, and he put his hands in a posture of holding the bird's tail!

Tai Chi!

"what is this?"

Akainu's eyes are full of doubts!

Of course you guys don’t know each other. This is the real Tai Chi that I practiced before. It’s not just a show for self-cultivation.

PS: I don’t eat squirrel fish anymore, I really can’t afford it, I hope I can buy a bottle of Coke today

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