Pirates: My Domineering Breaks Through the Sky

Chapter 208 Yellow Ape's attitude is very ambiguous!Lieutenant General Silver Wolf

"The old man feels that just because he knows Mr. Zefa, he can't deny his sincerity to the navy. Commodore Lloyd has made a lot of contributions before. The old man feels that the headquarters is now rearranging his positions according to his strength, such as alternate generals and the like!"


As soon as this remark came out, the others were completely stunned. Not only did Huang Yuan not check Lloyd, but he even strongly recommended it. No one would believe that the two of them didn't have PY!

But what the hell is Huang Yuan's inconsistent attitude?
Akainu frowned and thought carefully, and Sengoku and others also lowered their heads and thought.

It is true that Lloyd is a person with high combat power and strong ability from the intelligence point of view, but now he is running his own forces in the East China Sea, the United Kingdom and Zefa are hidden dangers.

"If the old man doesn't want to retire, it would be more appropriate for him to take the position of general!" Huang Yuan smiled and dropped another bomb!
Almost leveled the conference room!
The noisy voice rang again!

Zhan Guo was startled, Huang Yuan is going to kill Paul Yde?
This kid is so charming?

Actually bought the yellow ape in just half a day?

Staff Officer Crane was also taken aback, and looked at Huang Yuan with his eyes wide open in surprise!
I couldn't see through this guy before, and now I can't see through it even more!

Zhan Guo took off his glasses, rubbed his sore eyes, pondered for a while and said: "General Huang Yuan's suggestion still has certain reference value, after all, Commodore Lloyd has his own value!"

"Now let's vote with a show of hands. If you agree with Lloyd's promotion to lieutenant general (alternate general), please raise your hand!"

Following the announcement of the Warring States Period, Huang Yuan first raised his hand with a smile!

Akaken took a look at Kizuru and raised his hand, thinking that he must meet this kid next time!
Seeing that the two generals agreed, the others raised their hands hesitantly!
It's just that many people are convinced and dissatisfied!

"Okay, let's pass it collectively. First, Lloyd will be promoted to lieutenant general (alternate general), and his code name will be 'Silver Wolf'. Let that kid come to the Navy headquarters to report immediately!"

"The specific position will be discussed later!"

With the final conclusion of the Warring States period, this matter will be settled!
The people in the conference room gradually dispersed!
The red dog narrowed his eyes and looked at the yellow monkey and said, "You don't know how to release water, do you? The last time I saw this kid in the Chambord Islands, how could he be so powerful!"

Huang Yuan hastily shook his hands exaggeratedly and denied: "How come, Sakaski, don't talk nonsense, can the video be faked?"

"Then you said, is it possible for him to take the position of Teacher Zefa?" Akainu asked with a frown.

"Hehe, he must have done it, but I don't think he may be willing to do it!" Huang Yuan replied with a smile.

"Let him do it, how dare he turn against it? As a navy, how dare he disobey the order? He doesn't believe that I killed him?" Akaken snorted coldly.

"Well, don't be so angry! Besides, you may not be able to kill him!"

Kizaru smiled and patted Akakenu on the shoulder and left.


Only Akainu remained serious for a while!
The Navy Headquarters is about to explode today!
Just heard a very exciting news!
It came from a high-level meeting!
"Have you heard?"

"Well, I just heard that the youngest general candidate in the history of this department was born!"

"It is said that the strength is very strong! He can fight General Huang Yuan!"

"Damn, have we lived on dogs for so many years?"

"I want to hurry up and see what kind of god he looks like!"

"Look for the internal reference or "Donghai Daily" a while ago, there is a photo of him!"

Many people were looking for Tina to scan, even Major General William came to inquire about it, and he was very happy after confirming it!
After all, my son is messing around with others, so why did the eldest disciple start as a major general, and he is almost catching up with his father!

I am really happy and a little bit envious in my heart!
Not long after, Tina rushed to the East China Sea with the letter of appointment and the notice from the headquarters!
And he must personally escort Lloyd to report to the Navy headquarters immediately, waiting for dispatch (disposition)!
I am! !
Marshal of the Warring States Period, let's discuss it, can we use another coolie?
Tina has been complaining in her heart, how can she take care of her mother in such a difficult job!

But she didn't expect that she would miss out
Khalifa has been depressed recently. As a CP9 spy, she has received inhuman training since she was a child. Although she feels sorry for her former colleagues, it is the most meaningful for her to be alive!

She thought that Lloyd would reuse her no matter what, it would be a big deal to change her face or something, hiding her identity is simply a small case!

Unexpectedly, he was thrown into a place called Kaiwen Ocean Trading Co., Ltd. as the chairman's secretary!

The flamboyant smile on that stinky murloc's face looks like he's about to sexually harass him, it's really annoying!But it is said that this guy is still Lloyd's right-hand man, so he silently endured it!

"Kalifa, there are some problems with these documents, please correct them again!" Kevin ordered solemnly.

"Yes! Chairman Kevin!"

Although Khalifa complained, she was still meticulous about her work, her stiletto heels rang out, and she silently took the documents from Kevin's desk!
Think while walking!

Kevin Ocean Trading Co., Ltd. is not as simple as it seems on the surface. It was just a small equipment store before, and it has achieved such results in a short period of time!
This would have been a miracle!
After further investigation, the change was completely changed when Lloyd and Kevin hooked up!

So to conclude, Lloyd is really an unfathomable man!

With a crisp sound, someone lightly patted the round buttocks!
Khalifa's face turned red in an instant. She looked at Usis who was running over on tiptoe and asked, "Little brother, don't you need training?"

"Huh? What are you training for? The Silver Demon is on a business trip! Besides, what's wrong with me coming to see my own woman?" Usses said with a smile on his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about? Who is your woman?"

Khalifa's face immediately turned red. Since she was arrested, her temper has suddenly softened a lot. People who know her will definitely exclaim if they see her now. Damn, this is a typical case of Stockholm Syndrome!

Youses smirked and said, "Why is she not my woman anymore? You know my length, and I know your depth."

PS: Calm down and continue~~~~ Has the combat power collapsed?Isn't the main character invincible?Anyway, I don’t make money, so I just write for fun, but I still hope that someone can send me a call, after all, I have leaked a lot of electricity, alas~~~

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