National Luck: Summon the fourth natural disaster at the beginning

Chapter 84 Flesh of the Giant Eagle, Flying Dream Comes True

Following the death of the giant eagle, everyone slumped on the ground.

"Quick, get all out."

Everyone in Zhang Yao endured their exhaustion and quickly left the jungle.

In the city, in the room.

Everyone leaned tiredly on their chairs.

Although tired, Shan Xiaodao, who is full of combat power, is excitedly handling the giant eagle that was brought back by them.

"Xiaodao will deal with the giant eagle first, let's make a summary."

After resting for a while, Zhang Yao stood up.

"First of all, welcome to our new partner Zhao Bafang."

After the applause, Zhao Bafang stood up.

"I am Zhao Bafang, one talisman can shake the sky, one talisman can split the earth, one talisman can make the five elements use for me, and one talisman can stop the sun and the moon from turning. The path is right!"


"It's really tempting!"


"Okay, okay, you can sit down now."

Zhang Yao couldn't take it anymore.

"Today's harvest is still okay, but they are all at level [-]. When the level is up, I will give it to you again!"

"I exploded a very awesome thing here, take a look."

With that said, Zhang Yao took out something like a tree stump.

【Wooden Dummy】

Rating: 0
Binding Occupation: Boxer

Attributes: When fighting, put it on the battle scene, the attack will be doubled, the attack speed will be doubled, and the critical strike rate will be increased by 20%.

Introduction: Practicing boxing does not practice pricks, practicing boxing does not practice pricks, um, what do you practice!

"Can you not take out the things you don't need? Are you greedy for us?"

Li Ming glanced at it and said loudly.

"Exactly! Li Er is right."

Zhan Tian echoed loudly.

"Fuck off!"

Zhang Yao scolded them and put away the wooden dummy.

He took out another thing casually.

As soon as this thing came out, everyone looked at Song Xiaojian.

Song Xiaojian's body trembled.

【Essence of the Dragon Hunting Eagle】

Level: 40 (65)

Attributes: After use, it can enhance its own blood. If the level is too high and the energy is too large, please use it with caution.

Introduction: Essence blood with a trace of dragon blood, do you dare to try it?
"Xiao Jian, the opportunity to soar into the sky has come."

With that said, Zhang Yao handed the blood to Song Xiaojian.

"Wooooow, thank you boss."

Song Xiaojian, who was in tears, took the blood tremblingly.

Carefully looked at it, and then put it into the backpack.

Now they are only level 32, although they are still 8 levels behind.

But is that a problem?

Just when everyone laughed at Song Xiaojian.

A burst of aroma came.

"Come on, try it!"

Shan Xiaodao put a plate of meat in front of everyone.

【Grilled Eagle Meat】

Rating: 30
Attributes: After eating, you can fly for a short time.The flight time is 3 minutes, and the cooling time is 30 minutes.

Introduction: Let me help you realize the dream of flying in the sky!
"Fuck, Xiaodao, you are a god!"

Li Ming yelled loudly.

"Knife, how many more?"

Zhang Yao looked at the meat, then looked up at Shan Xiaodao.

"A lot, I will divide it out and bring it to everyone."

Of course Shan Xiaodao knew what Zhang Yao meant.

"Well, this can be used as a hole card."

Zhang Yao nodded and said.

"Okay boss, I'll separate out now."

Saying that, Shan Xiaodao turned and left.

"What's the hole card but not the hole card, I'll taste it first, and then feel the feeling of flying!"

The people couldn't stand the temptation, they all ate the barbecue and flew around outside.

After playing for a while, everyone fell asleep and began to rest.

The next day, early in the morning.

On the square, in front of the six-pointed star.

The crowd waited patiently.

A petite figure appeared in the middle of the six-pointed star.

at this time
There is a blue star deep in the universe.

There is a country above the blue star.

This country, deep city.

In a well-known boxing gym.

A petite girl with a bursting figure is practicing boxing.

This person is the owner of this boxing gym, Yu Liehuan.

She is upright and decisive.

Be strict when training others.

Although the quality is good, it is also very annoying.

Three days ago, a man came to the boxing gym.

I want to learn boxing in a boxing gym.

On the first day, it was normal.

On the second day, he began to tease Yu Liehuan with words.

Let Yu Liehuan beat him up in the name of training.

On the third day, he was even more physically harassed.

In a rage, Yu Liehuan broke his ribs and sent him to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, this person is the son of a very powerful local gang boss.

He was wronged in the boxing gym, so...
"Master, someone sent you a letter!"

Just as Yu Liehuan was practicing boxing, a man walked in.

"Oh? Is it a love letter again? Throw it away!"

Yu Lihuan said without turning her head.

"It is not."

"How do you hesitate, give it to me!"

Yu Lihuan stopped, wiped her face with a towel, and walked over.

She took the letter, and a line of red letters came into view instantly.

"Your sister is so pretty!"

She tore open the envelope in an instant and opened the letter.

"Damn it, dare to play dirty. Ah Hui, housekeeper, I'll go meet them!"

Yu Liehuan threw the letter on the ground and rushed out without changing her clothes.

Ah Hui picked up the letter on the ground, and the corner of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Of course, Yu Lianhuan didn't see it.

Yu Liehuan has a younger sister who is a freshman in freshman year. She looks sweet and very beautiful.

If it weren't for her strong sister, she would be harassed every day.

At this time, her younger sister was tied up in a factory by the son who came three days ago.

The letter clearly stated to let her go by herself, otherwise, he didn't know what the consequences would be.

When Yu Liehuan came to the factory, dozens of people suddenly surrounded him.

Of course, these people are not enough for Yu Liehuan.

"Where's my sister?"

Yu Liehuan looked around and asked with arms folded.

'crack bang bang~'

Applause came from the depths of the crowd.

"The owner of the jade hall is really trustworthy! He really came here alone."

A man came out from the courtyard, it was the man who harassed Yu Liehuan.

"I'm here, let my sister go!"

Yu Liehuan didn't answer his words.

"Okay, it really is sisterhood! Bring it out~"

The man laughed, and then yelled inside.


A very beautiful beauty stumbled out.

"Sister, are you alright?"

Yu Liehuan quickly walked a few steps to support her sister, and asked loudly.

"I'm fine!"


Yu Liehuan was about to ask another question.

Suddenly, the gate of the factory was knocked open by a car.

"Master, get in the car!"

Ah Hui came to rescue them in a car.

"Want to leave? Have you asked me? Keep them!"

The man shouted loudly, and everyone rushed up.

"Sister, get in the car first!"

Yu Liehuan saw the crowd rushing up with the dick, pushed her sister and said.

"Sister, hold on!"

Seeing her sister getting into the car, Yu Lihuan finally felt relieved.

"Ah Hui, take my sister and leave quickly."

Yu Liehuan said loudly without looking back.

She didn't see her sister's expression at this time!

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