
A loud roar opened the prelude to the second siege.

"Li Ming, do it!"

Zhang Yao let out a loud roar, and raised his bow with both hands.

"Puppy dogs, here I come."

As he spoke, Li Ming rushed towards the dogs in an instant.

"Li Ming, be careful, this time there are 20 of them."

"Don't worry, Zhang Yao, they can't catch up with me."

Seeing Li Ming rushing forward, Zhang Yao also hurried forward a few steps.


Seeing Li Ming rushing, the dogs roared and all rushed towards Li Ming.

"Well done, kill!"

Li Ming slashed at the first big dog.


There was a scream, accompanied by 60 drops of blood falling.


Just when Li Ming was about to make up for it, there was a sudden roar from the side.

Two big dogs jumped at him from the sides in an instant.

Li Ming quickly retreated.

"Whoosh, poof!"

Just when Li Ming regretted not killing the big dog.

An arrow suddenly shot at the big dog.
The words 50 appeared on the big dog's head.


Li Ming quickly turned his head to see that Zhang Yao was drawing his second arrow.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing the vicious dog, experience +100, get a dog tooth knife, a dog tooth necklace, a piece of dog meat, and 3 blood recovery pills. 】

"Li Ming, if you kill another one, you will be upgraded."

Zhang Yao took the second arrow and shouted at Li Ming in the distance.

"Okay, that's it."

As he spoke, Li Ming turned around and slashed at a big dog behind him.

"Whoosh, poof!"

Following Li Ming's knife, an arrow followed the wind.

With a sound of "ow", the big dog fell to the ground.

With two "swipes", both Zhang Yao and Li Ming were upgraded.

Without hesitation, Zhang Yao put on all the fifth-level equipment.

In an instant, the attributes increased a lot.

"Li Ming, take a detour, I'll equip you."

"it is good!"

Li Ming replied, and quickly ran to the right city wall with a group of big dogs.

Zhang Yao quickly ran towards the city wall, and put the equipment on the ground before Li Ming came over.


Seeing that the equipment was ready, Li Ming quickly came to the city wall. Li Ming, who added four points of agility, was obviously much faster. He picked up the equipment and put it on immediately.

"Drink! Big dog, come on."

A big knife with a length of one meter was pointed at the group of dogs.


The big dog roared and rushed towards Li Ming.

"You will do this too."

As he said that, Li Ming slashed out.
A blood volume of 80 appeared on top of the big dog's head.


Zhang Yao saw Li Ming draw out his saber, and then shot out with an arrow.

On the battlefield, Li Ming and Zhang Yao cooperated better and better.

And outside.

"The people of our Dragon Kingdom are awesome, have you seen it? What is speed?"

"What do you have in Dragon Country? You cheated and used two people. Look at our country of America. What does it mean that a woman does not give way to a man?"

"It's still our aunt Jinguo who is so powerful, she has already killed two big dogs."

"You all stand aside, look at the people of our Xiong Kingdom, one RPG will kill several people."

The nonsense on the Internet did not affect the discussion in the official conference room.

"Old Long, it has been confirmed. The first wave is over, and the physique of our countrymen has increased. Just now, everyone tested it on the strength machine. Before, it can hit 200KG, but now it can hit at least 350KG. And the speed and response are both excellent. There has been an increase, and this is without adaptation."

"Okay, good, good, hurry up and make a national announcement, launch military boxing, let everyone learn. Military boxing will be added to the school curriculum."

"Yes, Old Long!"

With that said, the visitor hurried out to notify.

"Hahaha, with Zhang Yao, I want to make the people of my country like a dragon."

"Mr. Long, we are lucky to have Zhang Yao!"


The faces of other people in the conference room were also flushed.

The discussion outside did not affect Zhang Yao and Li Ming on the battlefield.

"Zhang Yao, this one."

"Roger that!"

When he strikes with a knife, he follows with an arrow.

A perfect fit, plus a powerful attack.

Almost a knife and an arrow is a big dog.

"Hold on, there are three left."

Seeing that Li Ming was a little collapsed, Zhang Yao hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Do not worry!"

As he spoke, Li Ming slashed at the big dog again.

"Whoosh, pop!"

Two more white lights flashed.

The two upgraded again.

"Level 8, it seems that this wave will not reach level ten."

As he said that, Zhang Yao ignored Li Ming and shot an arrow at a big dog.

With a sound of "嗤~", the words -100 appeared above the big dog's head.

"Damn it, it's a second!"

Li Ming got excited, roared, and slashed at the big dog beside him with a knife.

"Brush" - 100 HP appears.

Kill the big dog in seconds.

[Reminder: Congratulations to Zhang Yao of the Dragon Kingdom for successfully killing all the attacking monsters, and rewards all citizens of the Dragon Kingdom with a 20-year increase in lifespan. 】

The three reminders made Long Guo boil instantly.

"What about this country or that country, let's look at our dragon country!"

"Hahaha, Long Country Bull B, Dragon Country No. [-]. Zhang Yao, I love you to death."

"Added 20 years of life, hahaha, I can live another 20 years."

All the people in Longguo obviously felt that their bodies had undergone obvious changes.

For a moment, all troubles are forgotten.

Only carnival, cheering.

[Reminder: Congratulations to Joe Ryan of the United States for successfully killing all the attacking monsters, and rewarding all citizens of the United States with a 15-year increase in lifespan. 】

Three more reminders.

After Dragon Kingdom, America is crazy again.

"It's still us in the United States that is powerful, directly adding 15 years to life span."

"The United States is the best, come on, the United States!"

"Invincible, invincible, invincible!"

Other countries looked at messages on national platforms.

That's called a sour, and after the Dragon Kingdom came the Rice Kingdom.

[Reminder: Congratulations to Aunt Towel Country Hebian Yezi for successfully killing all the attacking monsters, and reward all citizens of Aunt Towel Country with a 10-year increase in lifespan. 】

After three prompts.

Aunt Jinguo began to cheer.

[Reminder: Congratulations to Ivan Raku of the Bear Country for successfully killing all the attacking monsters, and rewarding all citizens of the Bear Country with a 10-year increase in lifespan. 】

Just as Aunt Jinguo was cheering, three more reminders sounded.

It seems that not only Long Guo, but also some powerful players!

Don't underestimate any player!
In the battlefield.

"Li Ming, did you hear that? They are all amazing!"

"Yes! But, so what? I can resurrect infinitely!"

"Hahaha, you!"

With that said, Zhang Yao took out the oven he bought from the system.

outside world.

"Damn it, what is Zhang Yao doing? Is it grilled?"

"No way? Who can tell me how he got his oven?"

"Damn it, it's awesome, bake something on the battlefield."

"Holy shit, it's really roasted, look, he still has cumin."

Everyone outside looked at Zhang Yao who was grilling meat and was speechless.

Others are beating their lives to death, you are here to eat barbecue, are you polite?

Of course, they said that these things would not affect Zhang Yao who was grilling meat.

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