National Luck: Summon the fourth natural disaster at the beginning

Chapter 42 3 Qiu Guoshang, Dragon Kingdom's Aid

In the beginning, I came here to survive.

The current Zhang Yao can say that as long as he does not commit suicide, his life is not threatened.

When he came from Zhantian, his mentality changed once.

This time, it can be said that he awakened himself.

It can also be said to be sublimated.

The embryonic form of the king, domineering side leak.

For a moment.

Everyone outside who was watching the live broadcast was stunned.

"Zhang Yao seems to have changed!"

"There is an indescribable feeling."

"It's like, I saw my class teacher, I dare not look directly!"

"Don't tell me, it really looks like it!"

In fact, not only ordinary people have discovered it, but the bosses have also discovered it.

At this moment, Longguo, the meeting room.

"Hahaha, this little guy suddenly had an epiphany. Do you think it's interesting?"

Long Lao patted his legs and laughed loudly.

"Is this a general about to be born before our eyes?"

Old Li said with a smile.

"I don't think it's as simple as a general! At that moment just now, I saw the aura of a king."

Qian Lao narrowed his eyes and said.

"Emperor and overlord, my dragon kingdom will surely rise!"

All of a sudden, the way Zhang Yao looked at Zhang Yao in the meeting room changed.

Zhang Yao from the outside world doesn't know.

He didn't even know that it was because he wanted to understand something that caused such a big reaction from the outside world.

At this moment, everyone in Zhang Yao is fighting monsters and upgrading.

This is already the second wave of big rats they have attracted.

This wave is relatively small, only 11 monsters.

There is less pressure on everyone.

Just when everyone was talking and laughing, fighting monsters and upgrading.

[Note: Sanqiu Kingdom player dies, Sanqiu Kingdom National Games -1! 】

Pay attention three times, making Zhang Yao and the others stunned.

"How did you die?"

They don't know, but the outside world is clear.

The injured player from Sanqiu Country lost his life because of his serious injuries and bleeding.

Seeing a person bleed to death like this, everyone's heart is very sad.

It's not that people from other countries will be fine.

Because they are also human beings, everyone is unwilling to accept this way of death for a while.

This also led to when everyone watched the people in the live broadcast.

No more scolding them for being cowardly, no longer laughing at them for not being able to see monsters.

Instead, stop worrying about them all the time.

I am afraid that one day, they will die for some reason, and they will never be seen again.

"Hey, I really hope players from all countries can get through it safely."

"Yes! Anyway, they are fighting for their country."

"In a small way, they are fighting for their own country. In a big way, they are fighting for human beings."

All of a sudden, the atmosphere on the Internet suddenly turned positive.

At this time, the Dragon Kingdom is electrifying the Sanqiu Kingdom.

ten minutes later.

A piece of news appeared on the Internet.

"How much money, how much food, how much energy, etc., etc., will be subsidized by the Dragon Kingdom to the Sanqiu Kingdom!" '

After seeing this news, the Internet exploded.

"Fuck, my dragon country is domineering, and my dragon country is the best."

"Support, this is the benevolence and righteousness of our Dragon Kingdom."

"Sanqiu Kingdom stand up, I will also donate some."

"I donate too, you know that when the earthquake happened in my Long Kingdom that year, the Sanqiu Kingdom donated 30% of their national tax revenue!"

"Damn it, I don't even know if you don't tell me. I just looked it up, really! It must be donated."

For a time, the entire Sanqiu Kingdom was surrounded by donations.

Other countries have also begun to follow the example of Longguo and prepared some materials for donation.

Because of the national luck -1.

As a result, the resources of the Sanqiu Kingdom were quickly reduced by one-third.

The donation this time can be said to have solved the urgent need of the Sanqiu Kingdom.

Zhang Yao and the others don't know what happened outside.

They are now ready to fight the monster.

"Be careful, this time there is a level 29."

I saw Wang Fang running ahead and said loudly.

"It's okay, you can all be lured here! Li Ming, hang on to that level 29!"

In no time, Zhang Yao made the assignment.

"Squeak, roar, roar~"

A scream came from a distance.

"Not counting the one at level 29, there are 13 in total. Zhan Tian, ​​Wu Chen, Qin Meng, and Song Xiaojian are three each, and the rest is for Wang Fang."

Zhang Yao shouted, and then took out the giant bow.

This time, he aimed at the level 29 elite monster.

【Jungle Gopher】


Rating: 29
Vitality: 2300/2300
Attack: 163-180
Defense: 92
Skill: Dungeon (Quickly enter the ground and attack the enemy from behind!)

Skill: Soil Attack (Let the soil around you wrap yourself, and then crash into the enemy.)
Description: A group of rats that live underground and are common in jungles.

"Possess two skills? Awesome!"

Zhang Yao muttered something, and then shot an arrow.


The elite gopher roared at Zhang Yao.

"Hi! Your opponent is me."

Just when the elite gophers turned their heads.

Li Ming slashed it instantly.


The elite gophers were enraged all of a sudden, and they would not let go after chasing Li Ming.

"Hahaha, come and chase me!"

While dodging, Li Ming teased the big mouse.

Zhang Yao took aim, afraid of accidentally hurting Li Ming, so he didn't shoot the elite gopher again.

Instead, he turned and looked at Song Xiaojian.

I saw that Song Xiaojian had already killed two of them.

There are two left, and one of them has consumed half of its health.

Zhang Yao aimed directly at the man full of blood, and shot an arrow.


Hit the mouse directly in the eye, and an arrow shot through the mouse's head.

"Swoosh, poof~"

Then came two more arrows.

These two arrows were not issued by [Giant Force Bow].

It was shot by Zhang Yao's [Flying Feather Bow].

This is Zhang Yao's level 20 skill, which allows him to shoot two arrows in a row.

Three arrows hit the big mouse, instantly killing it!

"Boss is amazing!"

Song Xiaojian saw a mouse full of blood, so Zhang Yao instantly killed it.

My heart trembled, and then I thought of something.

He waved his two front paws vigorously.

Get ready to kill the last big rat fast.

"Song Xiaojian, go and help Li Ming!"

Zhang Yao took the flying feather bow and glanced at Li Ming's direction, and said to Song Xiaojian.

"Okay, boss."

Song Xiaojian agreed, without even looking at the mouse that was rushing towards him.

Go straight in the direction of Li Ming.

"Whoosh~ whoosh~"

Two more arrows, and the mouse whose blood volume had bottomed out was directly shot to death by Zhang Yao.

Afterwards, Zhang Yao turned and looked at Song Xiaojian.

After rushing to Li Ming's side, he jumped directly at the elite mouse.


The elite mouse was in danger, and with a loud roar, it gave up on Li Ming and came towards Song Xiaojian.


Song Xiaojian knew that Zhang Yao must be watching him, so he really wanted to show himself.

As soon as it comes up, it is an all-out attack.

One front paw went straight into the mouse's eye.

Then, with a sharp tug.

A bunch of unknown things were pulled out by Song Xiaojian.


A scream.

I saw the elite big mouse retreating again and again.

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