Enter the ant cave again.

But the strength is no longer what it used to be.

Zhang Yao and Li Ming are at level 20, Wang Fang and Zhan Tian are at level 18 and will soon be at level 19, and the little monk Wuchen will be at level 17 soon.

Such a team can be said to have greatly increased in strength.

In fact, if they don't come today.

What Wang Fang meant was to let the little monk Wuchen come here to have a grand opening tomorrow.

But, I didn't expect that Zhang Yao and Li Ming would be able to rise to 20 today.

After a few people went in, it was the first time they found ants.

Li Ming was dealing with three ants there.

One of the ants had full blood, and the other two, one lost more than 500 drops of blood, and the other lost more than 200 drops of blood.

And Li Ming himself lost more than 300 drops of blood.

For Li Ming who has 1600 drops of blood, 300 drops of blood is neither too much nor too little.

However, Li Ming can't stand taking medicine!

【Red medicine (small)】

Rating: 0
Attributes: Increase 50 drops of blood per second, last for 10s, cooldown time is 20s.

The monster exploded a lot of this medicine, and the system also sold it.

Moreover, the system also sells traditional Chinese medicine and big medicine, but there are restrictions on the use level.

Level 30 for traditional Chinese medicine and level 50 for large medicine.

And there are special medicines, which are used at level 80.

The small medicines sold by the system are very cheap, and one gold coin can buy 9 of them.

But now, if they kill a monster, the rabbit can get 5 gold coins, and those who are at level 10 or above may get it.

There are more than a dozen, and there are more than 20.

Therefore, Zhang Yao can still afford to upgrade everyone's drug use.

"Li Ming, are you on drugs?"

Zhan Tian asked as soon as he came in.

"Nonsense, I've had 2 of them. Please help."

Li Ming said loudly.

"Wang Fang, how long have they been fighting?"

At this time, Zhang Yao looked at Wang Fang and asked.

"About 3 minutes."

Wang Fang said without hesitation.

"3 minutes, two medicines, 1300 drops of blood loss, and three monsters. That is to say, if Li Ming is one-on-one, he can almost win without taking drugs."

In an instant, Zhang Yao figured it out.

"You can fight, Wang Fang, the old plan, you lure the monsters, but this time, it is to lure the army of ants that came over after a while, and we will lure them to the entrance of the cave to fight."


Wang Fang agreed and walked inside.

"Zhantian, Wuchen, the two of you are going to get soy sauce first, gain experience, and prepare to upgrade to level 20 here."

After speaking, Zhang Yao waved his hand, and a big red bow appeared in his hand.

One end of the big bow was set on the ground by Zhang Yao.

This big bow is taller than Zhang Yao who is 185cm tall.

Zhang Yao was standing behind the big bow, just in time to strut the string and shoot an arrow.

【Giant Power Bow】

Rating: 20
Attack: 125-140
Introduction: Insufficient strength, you can't hold it, let alone control it.

This bow was one of the equipment that the three ants exploded when they first came to this ant cave.

This is a heavy bow with full attack power.

Although Zhang Yao has been adding points to Quan Min.

But you must know that his abnormality is not an upgrade, but a reward for killing a monster in this universe and adding a little bonus to all attributes.

Since coming here, they have killed no less than 100 monsters.

Although many rabbits later did not add attributes to him.

That also led to his current strength reaching 210 points with the blessing of equipment.

So he chose to try this heavy bow.

From the beginning until now, he has insisted on adding points to all agility.

Because there is a bug in the reward mechanism of this universe, as more and more people he summons, his attribute points will become more and more abnormal.

However, the people he summoned were not treated so well.

The reward mechanism of killing a monster and adding a bit of all attributes is invalid for them.

Then Zhang Yao took out his big bow.

Not only Zhan Tian and the others were taken aback.

Even the outsiders were startled.

"Fuck, this bow? Isn't this the one pulled by several people who attacked the city in ancient times?"

"If Zhang Yao can pull it away, I doubt now whether the ants here can stop it."

"Oh! Suddenly I feel sorry for the ants."


Dragon Kingdom, conference room.

"It seems that this Zhang Yao is still hiding his strength!"

Long Lao looked at Zhang Yao in the live broadcast, nodded and said.

"He should still have a large part of his strength not shown."

Mr. Li also said.

"Okay, at least it can prove that Zhang Yao is a capable person, so why not analyze it! Just be strong."

Elder Zhang said loudly.

"Old Zhang is right, hahaha!"

Zhang Yao didn't know, he just took out a bow and caused a discussion in the outside world.

Facing the three big ants that were dealing with Li Ming, Zhang Yao directly aimed at the one that lost more than 200 drops of blood.

"I want to see if I can kill it in seconds."

Thinking about it in my heart, I squeezed my hands hard.


A voice that made people feel toothache came from Zhang Yao's hand.

"Zhang Yao, how much strength did you add? So powerful?"

Zhan Tian grinned and said.

"Amitabha, Zhang Yao's benefactor, excessive force will damage the muscles and bones!"

The little monk Wuchen also stood aside and said.

Zhang Yao looked at the two of them, raised his eyelids, and didn't speak.

He is now concentrating on aiming.


With Zhang Yao's soft shout, the arrow that leaves the string is as fast as a thunderbolt.

With a puff, it penetrated into the soft flesh of the big ant's waist.


I only heard the big ant scream and fell to the ground.

A big -526 appeared in the sky above the big ant.

The instant kill directly cleared all the blood volume of the big ant.

"Huh! I still can't try my best skill!"

Saying that, Zhang Yao loaded his second arrow.

This time he aimed at the one full of blood.

"Li Ming, don't hit the one with full blood, I'll try my maximum output."

I saw Zhang Yao took a deep breath, and with a strong right hand, he directly pulled the giant bow completely.


There was another soft drink, and a black shadow flashed past.

"Pfft" sound.

The bow and arrow shot directly into the eyes of the big ant.


Hearing the scream of the big ant, he lay down directly on the ground.

"Damn it, instant kill!"

Li Ming yelled loudly.

"This attack power, awesome!"

Zhan Tian also nodded and said.

"Amitabha, Zhang Yao's benefactor, divine power!"

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Seeing the big ant full of blood in seconds, Zhang Yao gasped for breath instantly.

"This bow can only be pulled two or three times, and I can't pull it anymore. It can be used as a nirvana before level 30."

After Zhantian and the others finished speaking, Zhang Yao directly put away the [Giant Power Bow].

He took out the level 20 bow he was going to use frequently.

【Flying Feather Bow】

Rating: 20
Attack: 75-93
Introduction: Lightly draw the bow to the full, and the cold arrow shoots the flying feathers.

Although the attack is weak, but the bow is light, the speed of archery is fast!

Because he learned a level 20 skill.

【Double shot】

Rating: 20
Introduction: After launching the skill, you can shoot twice in a short period of time, the first attack is 120% damage, the second attack is 150% damage, the critical strike rate is 10%, and the cooling time is 300s.

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