National Luck: Summon the fourth natural disaster at the beginning

Chapter 202 The 32nd partner, the light and dark twins Qi (qì)


PS: (Thank you very much to the reader 'Magic Ying' for designing this character for this book!)


On this day, two of the most outstanding young people met.

On this day, the most powerful collision broke out between the two forces of gods and demons.

On this day, the two most outstanding figures in the God Realm and Demon Realm disappeared.

No one could be found.

until one day.

An explorer saw three men in a Jedi.

Two adults and one child.

It seems like a family.

However, these three people are very strange.

There are two huge white wings behind the man.

There are two huge black wings behind the woman.

And that little girl had two wings behind her, one was black and the other was white.

When the explorer told this matter to his partner.

They all said he was bragging.

Everyone in the whole continent knows that it is impossible for people from the God Realm to combine with people from the Demon Realm.

It is even more impossible to have crystallization.

His friends didn't believe it.

However, a spy from the God Realm who happened to hear the news believed it.

He hurriedly told the news to the God King of the God Realm.

Thus, the Divine King of the God Realm led the army of the God Realm to kill that Jedi.

Knowing the movement of God Realm, Demon Realm can't sit idly by.

No matter what the God Realm wants to do, the Demon Realm will definitely stand on the opposite side of them.

On this day, the Son of God and the Holy Maiden are teaching their children Qi exercises.

Suddenly, Shenzi paused.

At the same time, the saint also looked at the Son of God.

"Qi, you go to the secret room first, remember, put on a mask, and don't let the outside world see you."

The saint grabbed her daughter's arm with her right hand and said in a low voice.

"Mother, what's wrong?"

Qi asked in surprise.

"Daughter, remember, go and don't come out."

As soon as Qi finished speaking, Shenzi said anxiously.

The next moment, the Son of God spread his wings and soared into the sky.



The saint also shouted anxiously, and then also rushed into the sky.

"what on earth is it?"

At the age of 19, she has never been exposed to the outside world, and she doesn't know anything about the outside world.

Qi looked at the sky in surprise, then turned back to the secret room.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she was right to trust her parents.

Entering the secret room, she put on that very nice mask.

What she didn't know was that this mask had been with her all her life.

Outside the Jedi, the Son of God stood on the cliff.

In front of him was the God Realm warrior headed by the God King of the God Realm.

"Son of God, come back with me."

"Go back to what?"

The voice of the God King just fell.

A voice appeared behind everyone in the God Realm.

The crowd looked back.

The Demon King is leading all the demon generals, slowly approaching everyone in the God Realm.

"Shout! Isn't this the Son of God? Tell me, where did you take our saint?"

As he spoke, the Demon King slowly approached the Son of God.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Miko looked at them and said with arms folded.

"Capture my saint, court death, kill!"



Two stops at the same time.

One belongs to the king of gods.

And another.
"Hmph! The saint is indeed captured by you, quickly hand over the saint."

"Devil King, be careful when you speak, I suspect that you saintesses have captured our Son of God."

Just when the Demon King and the God King were fighting each other.

Both the Son of God and the Holy Maiden showed bitter expressions.

"Sir, today we seem to be doomed."

"Miss, with you, I don't regret it."

The two looked at each other affectionately.

"Hmph! Kill their witch and save our son of God."

"Protect our saintess and kill their son of a bitch."

Two loud shouts interrupted the Son of God and the Holy Maiden.

"See you in the next life!"

"See you in the next life!"

I saw the army rushing towards the two of them.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then
"He actually committed suicide?"

Everyone was stunned by the scene before them before rushing to the two of them.

"Father, mother!"

Just when everyone was still surprised, a loud shout came from the sky.

The crowd looked up.

A woman with a mask, a pair of black and white wings on the back, red eyes and black and white hair appeared in everyone's sight.

"Catch her."

The God King and Demon King glanced at each other, then shouted at the same time.

"You, you actually killed your father and mother, you..."

"Damn you!"

One moment is still a person, the next moment.

The people within their line of sight became two.

A woman with black hair, black wings, and red eyes.

A woman with white hair, white wings, and blue eyes.

"Quick, kill them!"

The God King and Demon King suddenly changed their orders.

Because they discovered that this girl's energy actually surpassed them.

"Damn you!"

Another loud shout.

Everyone saw a purple and red scythe suddenly appeared on the right hand of the black-haired girl.

And a white sword appeared in the hand of the white-haired girl.

"Excalibur of the God Realm? Demon Realm Demon Scythe?"

Seeing the weapons that appeared, everyone became even more crazy.

Because, they are artifacts.

A chaotic battle broke out in an instant.

Although qi is very powerful, she still can't use her power well.

After a while, Qi knelt down in front of his parents.

Her clothes were already stained with blood.

She also became a person again.

"Father, mother, Qi, here we come!"

at this time.

in the battlefield.

The six-pointed star is broken.

A woman dressed strangely, with wings on her back, and a mask appeared in front of everyone.

"With such power, why didn't my parents come over?"

After Qi digested the energy delivered to her by the system, she murmured to herself with tears in her eyes.

The next moment, Qi raised his head.

"Since this place is so weird, I'm going to stand at the top of this place and see if my parents can come over."

At this moment, Qi has grown up.

"Hi, I'm Zhang Yao, your summoner, these are all"

Seeing this masked woman named Qi looking up at him, Zhang Yao hurriedly introduced herself.

"Hi, hello, my name is Qi."

Qi nodded to Zhang Yao, then looked curiously at the people in front of her.

"Why don't they have wings?"

Of course, this is her idea.

"Well, Qi, what is your occupation? Can you wear equipment and learn skills?"

Although he could see Qi's curiosity, Zhang Yao would not ask why.

"My profession is the Twins of Light and Darkness. I have weapons and armors that I can wear, but I don't need skills."

Qi looked at his attribute panel and said to Zhang Yao.

"Okay, then I'll raise your level first."

As he said that, Zhang Yao raised his eyebrows with Qi.

The next moment, everyone felt a huge energy rushing towards them.

Then, it disappears in an instant.

Qi slowly opened his eyes.

"so amazing!"

She looked at her hands and stroked her wings again.

She clearly felt that they had all become stronger.

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