National Luck: Summon the fourth natural disaster at the beginning

Chapter 102 Grassland Upgrade Desire, Hope and Disappointment

When Buyu saw the scene on the grassland.

Everyone noticed that her eyes were shining.

"Wow! So many delicious monsters, if they are all dead, can we go in and pick them up?"

Just when she had just finished speaking.

Everyone felt that all the animals in the grassland had a meal.

Then, Buyu died.

"what's the situation?"

Zhang Yao asked after resurrecting the steps.

"I don't know? It's just a voice telling me that the curse failed and I was backlashed."

Bu Bu said, looking at the grassland in a bulging tone.

"Well, Bu Yu, let me teach you a little bit. When Lin Fei enters, you can curse that all monsters attacking Lin Fei will die. See if you can succeed."

Bai Yu came to Bu Yu's side and said with a smile.

"Oh? Can you?"

Bu Yu glanced at Bai Yu, then at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei let go of Zhang Yao's hand, and then walked slowly into the jungle.


There was a roar of beasts.

A large pack of wild wolves rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Hmph! A pack of big wolves, let's all die!"

Buyu pointed at the wolves and said loudly.


The wolves didn't stop and ran to Lin Fei's side.

Then, a pack of wolves all die in a frenzied act of self-mutilation.

Zhang Yao and the others started staring at the experience bar when the wolves rushed to Lin Fei's side.

"It works!"

Zhang Yao and Bai Yu glanced at each other, and then said in surprise.

"Hahaha, good job, grassland upgrade plan, start!"

Of course, everyone didn't stay in the grassland much.

They have to kill those bosses first, and then go to farm some suits.

Level 45 suits are their best gear right now unless they have a level 35 suit.

When killing the BOSS, the step language is a bit difficult.

Because the monster level is higher than them.

As soon as all the steps are cursed, they will be backlashed to death, and as soon as they speak, they will easily trigger the curse.

For a while, Buyu didn't dare to speak.

It's a little bit interesting.

Buyu was not afraid of Lin Fei's aura.

Maybe it's because she is a curse master herself.

Lin Fei was very happy to have another person who was not afraid of himself.

However, he is very shy.

He listens to Buyu very well.

What the step language refers to is where Lin Fei went.

"Lin Fei, go, pick that flower for me, don't fall to your death!"

Buyu's curse skill was successful, and Lin Fei's passive skill was successful.

In the end, Buyu died.

"Yeah! Why is it always me who dies?"


Everyone laughed when they saw Bu Yu's angry expression.

"Hmph! Laugh at me, and you will die too."

She was backlashed to death again.

"Woooooo~ I won't play anymore, it's not fun at all."

"Okay, okay, let's kill the monsters and take you to the grassland to play later."

Zhang Yao touched her head and said in a low voice.

"Wow, wow!"

For this big brother who is not affected by his curse, Buyu still likes it very much.

"The last boss, kill!"

Following Zhang Yao's order.

The last boss that Wang Fang marked was killed by everyone.

"Wang Fang, Li Ming, the two of you are still looking for the boss. This time you can go deeper and look at the monsters in the depths of the jungle. Also, I don't think there are many swallows left. We need a new group of monsters." . Focus on finding some strange groups.”


"Bai Yu, you take Sun Yurou, Sun Xiaoxiao, Tang Li, Feng Xiyan, Qin Meng, and Ma Xiaoqian. Your task is to kill the swallows and kill all the remaining swallows as quickly as possible so that you can proceed to the next step of the plan."

"Got it, boss."

"Zhan Tian, ​​take Wu Chen, Song Xiaojian, and Yu Liehuan, and go to the surrounding area to clean up those monsters."

"Roger that!"

"I'll take these two little guys, Shan Xiaodao and Li Dazhuang to try the grassland."

Zhang Yao pulled a little guy by the hand and said.

"Boss, then be careful!"

Everyone said worriedly.

"Don't worry, with the two of them here, believe me, it's hard to die!"

Zhang Yao said with a smile.


"I will definitely protect my brother, and I will definitely not let my brother be in danger."

Lin Fei said softly but firmly.

"Hmph! Those who dare to come to die, I admire their courage."

Buyu said arrogantly.

Everyone laughed when they saw the tone and expression of the two little guys.

"Okay, let's go do our own thing, Lin Feibu and I will go and see if the grassland can be upgraded."

After finishing speaking, the five of Zhang Yao came to the grassland deep in the jungle.

"Lin Fei, Buyu, you two try. Lin Fei is in charge of attracting monsters, and Buyu curses the monsters around Lin Fei. Buyu must pay attention, you should not curse on a large area, and don't curse people higher than your level. That way you will be vulnerable to backlash. What Lin Fei needs to pay attention to is that the monsters you attract must not be higher than yourself. Do you two understand?"

"Understood, brother."


"Okay, let's start fighting!"

After Zhang Yao finished speaking, Lin Fei walked slowly into the grassland.


In an instant, a large group of monsters attacked Lin Fei.

"Buyu, you can start."

Seeing many monsters running towards Lin Fei, Zhang Yao glanced at Buyu and said.

"Hahaha, fun! Look at mine!"

As he spoke, Buyu pointed to the leopard running in front.

"You will be trampled to death by the monster behind!"


There is nothing wrong with the leopard.

"how is this possible?"

In disbelief, he pointed at the leopard again.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw that the leopard lost its front legs and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

The monsters behind stepped on the leopard.

The leopard was trampled into a meat paste.

At the same time, Zhang Yao heard a ding.

"The curse is delayed!"

Seeing this scene, the corners of Zhang Yao's mouth twitched.

"Ah! You all go to hell!"

At this time, he suddenly heard a scream.

Buyu was devoured to death.

"Buyu, didn't I tell you? Don't go to the group to curse, your level is not enough, you can't curse."

"Hmph! A group of monsters dare to bully my little brother. Of course I want them all to die."

Looking at Buyu with his arms akimbo, he has an expression that says I'm right.

Zhang Yao was helpless.

"Take your time, don't rush, you come one by one!"

"All right!"

Amidst Zhang Yao's rambunctious talk, the step language finally began to clarify.

With a single finger, whoever you touch will die.

However, if she encounters someone with a high level, she will also be killed.

As time went by, Zhang Yao found that this was not possible.

Not as fast as killing monsters on a large scale to gain experience.

For a moment, Zhang Yao felt a little lost.

It seems that you can't be opportunistic!
After thinking for a while, Zhang Yao greeted Lin Fei to go back to Yanzi.

But the step language does not allow it, because she hasn't played enough.

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