"Ooooh, guys, I got a tip."

"Fan God is going to communicate with me!"

"Guys, I'm a little nervous."

"What should I say?"

Daxian was overjoyed, coughed lightly, and clicked on the connection option.

"Ahem, hello, Fanshen."

Officially connected, Daxian became serious instead, with a calm voice.

"Hello, Daxian."

"Your side, do you know what happened to the magician? How did he kill several players? And their own country?"

"Also, what the hell kind of title is a dictator?"

Hearing Chen Fan's doubts, Daxian rebroadcasted the picture of the Dragon King in the live broadcast room and explained:
"The magician, his slaves are reversed."

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "The slaves are rebelling? How many slaves does he have?"

"It seems to be 14, 4 were killed, and there are 10 more."

Chen Fan: ...

The magician is really crazy, the number of slaves he accepts is twice as many as the number of apprentices he accepts.

No wonder his points rose so fast, no less than his own.

However, it is obvious that although this kind of relationship can plunder more resources and points, it can easily lead to backlash.

Now that he has played big, the slave players have risen to resist.

Perhaps, the master-student relationship should be more stable.

In just 30 seconds, Daxian narrated the process of the Dragon King calling on them to resist.

Listening to Daxian's narration, Chen Fan smiled.

However, he just heard the game announcement that the magician won the title of dictator, and he also got a god experience card.

Chen Fan also asked about this, but Daxian couldn't explain why.

He could only watch the live broadcast of the Dragon King. In the endless wind and sand, two golden lights shot out, and the Dragon King had the upper hand.

Daxian told Chen Fan about the situation.

However, just a few seconds after he finished speaking, there was a "bang" sound on the broadcast screen, and the wind and sand exploded, and the vision gradually became clear.

[Game Announcement: Player Dongfang (CN141) kills player Nanguo (AU05) and gets 1 point, Daxia gets a reward: oil reserves +1, Nan'ao gets a penalty: forest -1. 】

Listening to the game announcement, Chen Fan quickly asked Daxian what happened there.

Daxian said:

"Over there, A-level players from the Eastern and Extreme North Bear countries have been besieging the A-level players from South Australia."

"The big sandstorm was also caused by the player from South Australia."

"Now, the wind and sand have dissipated, and the picture is clear again."

"Oh oh oh, it's over, it's over!"

"Wow, the sky is falling apart!"

Daxian's sudden scream made Chen Fan startled, and asked what happened.

"The magician... he used the God Experience Card!"

"Is this... is there really a god?"

"How is this still playing?"

"Wow! Not good, the Dragon King..."

Daxian's voice stopped abruptly, making Chen Fan feel uncomfortable.

60 seconds is up.

What happened to Dragon King?
It was the Dragon King who resisted the magician before, could something be wrong?

Chen Fan gritted his teeth and took out another small cross-armor horn.

"Huh? Fan Shen? Can you still talk to me again?"

Hearing Daxian's voice, Chen Fan hurriedly asked, "How is the Dragon King?"

"He survived, but with a broken arm."

"The magician in this god state is really strong."

"It's the same as opening and hanging."

"The four A-level supernatural players can't stop them."

"It's not fair."

Chen Fan frowned. What kind of existence are the gods in this forbidden place?
"Fan Shen, can you come and help me?"

"How did you get to Li Wudi's forbidden area last time?"

"Can you help me this time?"

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, "I'll give it a try."

He looked at the remaining 20 seconds of the call time, and said to Daxian: "By the way, let me ask, how much is my current asset?"



Daxian really didn't have this data, so he asked Miss Cheng Ying.

The result was the answer:
18 billion!
As a result, Chen Fan almost fell off the flying sword.

Are you really a billionaire now, or a billionaire?

"Is this money given by the state?"

Daxian replied: "There are rewards from the state, and donations from various business leaders."

"Fan Shen, you have earned a lot of physical fitness and lifespan rewards for the Great Xia players."

"This kind of reward should be more important than money to those big shots."

Chen Fan took a deep breath and said, "Very good, thank them for me."

Daxian continued: "Your assets have already been set up by the state, and an investment company has been established, and the top financial masters have been invited to help you manage them. Don't worry too much."

Chen Fan let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thanks to the motherland."

"If possible, let that financial guru use some of it for charity."

Daxian showed a knowing smile on his face, and was about to praise him when he heard Chen Fan say:
"Don't take it all out, I have to spend it myself."

Daxian: ...

Image, Fanshen your image, so many viewers are looking at it.

However, Chen Fan's last sentence made the audience love it even more.

There is kindness, and it is not artificial.

Such a mortal god does not seem like a noble and revered god, but a kinder and more likable person.

Is a very normal person.

Daxian looked at the screen broadcast by the Dragon King and said:

"Fan Shen, if you can, come and help a group of Dragon King and Dongfang."

"Magician, he is invincible."

After saying this, the time of 60 seconds is up.

Chen Fan took a deep breath and flew back to the Fate Crystal.

Xuanyuan still guarded the rear, calmly watching the battle ahead.

Chen Fan fell down and said to Xuanyuan, "I'm afraid I have to leave again."

Xuanyuan seemed to know what Chen Fan was thinking, and said, "Don't worry, leave this to me, and you can help me at ease."

Chen Fan smiled and said, "With you here, I feel at ease."

Xuanyuan punched Chen Fan lightly, and said, "Big Xia is now ranked first, and his wood is better than the forest. There must be some people who don't like it and want to make trouble."

"Leave the guarding of the house to me, and let you punish those who don't have eyes."

"Let them take a look, I, Daxia, am not so easy to bully."

Chen Fan laughed, took out a jar of keel wine, poured half of it, and then handed the other half to Xuanyuan.

Afterwards, he took off with his sword and flew straight into the sky.

Flying to the top of the zenith, Chen Fan pulled out the Zhanmei sword and pointed the sword at the sky:
"Zhu, will you come out by yourself, or will I force you out?"

【drop!Manual service access...]

【Ha, I knew it, you would definitely come to me. 】

【How, are you ready? 】

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What are you going to do?"

【You think I don't know what you want to do?Don't you just want to teleport to another forbidden place to help the Dragon King fight the magician? 】

Chen Fan smiled slightly and said, "That's right, it's easy to think about. But this time you agreed so easily?"

【certainly. 】

"Aren't you afraid of deducting wages, being fired, or squatting in a small job?"

【Hey, it's different this time. Not only do I want to send you there, but I also want to send you there in an open and honest manner. 】

Chen Fan:? ? ?
Is Chen Zhu stupid?

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