He stretched out a hand, and there were hot flames gathering between his five fingers.

A half-foot-sized fireball was formed.

"Give me big!"



The fireball got bigger and bigger, and finally became two meters in size.

Blitz could also make it bigger, but instead of doing that, he stacked another hand on top of this one.

The energy of the thunder surged into the flames, turning the ball of fire into a ball of thunder and fire.

However, the ball of thunder and fire expanded less than three meters before it began to deform and was no longer spherical.

Sometimes elongated, sometimes flattened.

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of Blitz War, thunder and fire intersected, the destructive power was stronger, but it was also more difficult to control.

"Stop playing, the monster is coming soon."

Listening to his teammate Diamond Diamond's reminder, Blitz Zhan gritted his teeth and withdrew his energy.

In front of the crystal, the trees moved, the soil rolled, and three roads were opened up by the rule system.

Above each road, there is a countdown plaque floating.

At this point, 2 minutes and 53 seconds remain.

"Let's discuss how to keep it."

A player from the Divine Bull Kingdom stepped forward, led his teammates, and pointed to the middle path.

"We have a large number of people, so this road is entrusted to us in the Divine Cow Kingdom."

Immediately someone stood up and objected: "Why should I rely on you?"

"Are there so many people?"

"What about the number of people, there is not a single A-level."

"Bah, a bunch of rubbish, things that can't even guard the country's gate."

Shenniu Kingdom wanted to monopolize a way, but was scolded by everyone.

The faces of the eight players turned red, and they retorted:

"You fart, we have double B grades!"

"We guard the gate of the country!"

"Many people are powerful!"

"Whoever refuses to accept comes forward to fight!"

Listening to the most powerful player from the God Ox Country speaking, Chen Fan and Langya took two steps forward silently.

The player from the Divine Cow Kingdom was choked instantly.

A player with double A-level abilities and a combat power rating of 737, a player who ranks first in the forbidden area and whose combat power rating doesn't even show up, is not a good guy no matter how you look at it.

I can't afford it.

Chen Fan said: "Maybe the middle road is the road with the most monsters?"

Langya said: "Maybe, even if not, we still need strong players to sit in the middle army, so that we can support both sides when there is an accident."

Chen Fan raised his head and looked at Shenniu Kingdom:

"Step aside."

The Shenniu country player swallowed, took two steps back, and looked at his teammates.

No one dared to stand up.

Forget it, forget it.

He walked away dejectedly.

Chen Fan greeted Qingcheng, Qingzhu and other big Xia players, looked at Niu Sheng and Sharon, and asked:
"Would you like to come with us?"

Niu Sheng and Sharon glanced at each other and said gratefully, "Thank you, Chen Fan."

Chen Fan nodded and looked at Xue Qiangwei: "Do you want to come over?"

Xue Qiangwei patted her chest and said: "We also have our responsibilities, Master. Leave the road on the left to me."

Langya said: "But there are only three people in your beautiful country."

Indeed, there were only two companions standing beside Xue Qiangwei.

Most of the beautiful country players in this forbidden area were killed by Xue Qiangwei.

There were four remaining, and within these two days, another one died.

The strength is indeed a little weak.

However, Xue Qiangwei patted himself on the shoulder and said, "I'm a double A-level right now, and I don't intend to monopolize my way."

He turned to look at some players from other countries next to him, and said, "Friends from afar, is there anyone willing to guard the left side with us?"

Some people disdain it, but some people are eager to embrace the thigh of the beautiful country.

Players from Nan'ao Country, Divine Cow Country, and Lion Country all stood behind Blood Qiangwei.

There are a total of 13 people, which can be regarded as a large force.

On the road on the left, there is a double A-level supernatural player like Blood Rose, and there is also a veteran A-level supernatural player like Golden Lion King, so it should be safe.

the right side...

Chen Fan looked at the newly recruited apprentice and blitzed:
"You are also double A-level now, and the machine empire will defend the right side, how about it?"

Blitz nodded without hesitation: "Willing to play."

"Those who are willing to guard the right can stand there."

Chen Fan's words immediately caused those idle players to run to the right.

In some countries, there are only one or two people, and they are really scattered.

Of the players who have not been assigned yet, there are only two countries left.

The polar bear country and the Fuso island country.

The players in the Extreme Bear Kingdom looked to the left and then to the right, who wanted to follow.

The relationship with the beautiful country is not good, and it is not good with the machine empire. It is caught in the middle, expressing that it is very uncomfortable.

They want to dominate the middle lane, but now they can't afford to provoke Chen Fan.

"It's such a hot dog."

The leader of the polar bear country player, Ice Wolf, couldn't help cursing.

"If you don't mind, you can guard the center with us, but we must be the main ones."

As soon as Chen Fan opened his mouth, the first half of the sentence made Ice Wolf's eyes brighten, but the second half of the sentence made his face collapse.

It is impossible, absolutely impossible for our fighting nation to listen to your words!
Then, he watched his teammates walk towards the Great Xia players in a friendly manner.

Ice Wolf: ...

Damn it, I just care about my teammates, and I'm definitely not greedy for resources in the middle lane.

Gritting his teeth, the ice wolf also walked over.

Chen Fan looked at the four players from Fusang Island.

Among the four players, the strongest is her apprentice, Chidori.

I just don't know why, Chidori didn't come over to say hello after the teleportation, and didn't even look at Chen Fan.

Before, the players first paid attention to the battle between Batie Kingdom and Shenniu Kingdom, and then the battle between Chen Fan and Blitz. No one paid any attention to what happened to the players from Fusang Island Country.

The moment Chidori teleported over, two other players from Fusang Island came towards him.

Chidori saluted with the ancient etiquette of Fusang, in exchange for the contempt of his teammates:
"Chidori, you are a disgrace to the empire."

"How can you worship Chen Fan as your teacher?"

Chidori was questioned by their accusations, and frowned and said, "I haven't caused any loss to the empire."

"Baga! You are a disgrace to the empire if you worship a Daxia person as your teacher, and the people of the empire will never forgive you!"

"You are not worthy to be a warrior!"

Chidori bit her lower lip tightly and said nothing.

With a mustache and nicknamed Kameda, the player from Fuso Island slowly walked up to Chidori and said sternly:

"You have made an unforgivable mistake, but it can be undone."

"Soldiers of my empire would rather shatter jade than bend their knees."

"Now, go and kill Chen Fan."

"Kill the number one player in the forbidden area, and Daxia will definitely be devastated."

"Chidori, the time has come to pay for the empire."

'Tell me, do you still have an empire in your heart? "

Chidori gritted his teeth and said, "Of course! But why did you have to kill Chen Fan?"

"Because he is an obstacle to the glory of the empire and must be eradicated."

"With him around, it would be impossible for the players of the empire to reach the pinnacle."

"Chidori, don't let us down, don't let the prime minister down, don't let the emperor down."

Chidori gritted her teeth tightly and didn't move, her heart was at war with heaven and man.

Kameda snapped: "Why, have you forgotten the glory of the empire? Have you forgotten your glory as a warrior of the empire?"

Chidori shook his head: "I haven't forgotten! Even if I don't kill Chen Fan, I have the confidence to bring more resources to the empire."

Kameda yelled directly at Chidori: "It's not enough, don't you understand?"

"Now, the Great Xia Kingdom is the strongest in the forbidden area, and the points and resources Chen Fan has brought to the Great Xia Kingdom have already accounted for more than one-third!"

"Only when he is dead, and only when the players of the Great Xia Kingdom are destroyed, can the players of our empire stand out. Do you understand this?"

"Not long ago, Lord Cheating Heaven and Lord Yinliu died at the hands of Chen Fan, you should avenge them!"

He leaned forward, stared at Chidori face to face, and lowered his voice: "No matter what, Chen Fan will die!"

"Here, only you can do it."

Chidori almost collapsed, and his words were crying: "I can't do it, you don't know how strong Chen Fan is."

"Wow! You are a warrior of the empire, you practice your sword day and night, isn't it just for this moment to get out of the scabbard?!"

"You are still Chen Fan's apprentice, with double A-level abilities!"

"Chen Fan, it's just a pure A-level fire element. Why can't you kill him?"

Chidori shook his head, with tears in his eyes: "You don't understand, Chen Fan's strength makes people look up to him."

"Chidori! Do you still have the dignity of a samurai?! Do you still have the honor of a samurai?!"

"If you don't dare to use a knife, then just do seppuku!"

"The guy who brought shame to the empire, the empire doesn't need a cowardly person like you!"

Kameda actually took out a seppuku knife from the package and handed it to Chidori's chest.

Chidori trembled all over, his expression even more struggling.

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