There, Chen Fan's clothes were not stained with dust, and against the blue ice and fire, he looked like a fairy born in the world.

Langya said: "Master, I'm going to use my ultimate move."

Chen Fan nodded and said, "Please."

Langya let out a roar, and his body spun quickly.

The flames formed a whirlwind and rapidly expanded towards the surroundings. Wolf claws and light blades were mixed in the whirlwind. If they touched a little bit, they would be cut directly.

The wolf claw flame whirlwind expanded to tens of meters away within a second, and all the trees and weeds were ignited by the flames and cut into pieces by the light blades within.

The flame and light blades raged, but at the next moment, they suddenly scattered.

The hand whose wolf teeth had turned into scarlet wolf claws was still swinging the light blade, but it just stopped there.

Just now, he was lightly patted on the back by Chen Fan, and his big move was broken in an instant.

"The claw blades are still not dense enough. If you encounter a bold and cautious opponent, you can break through your claw blade defense net."

Chen Fan's voice came from behind Langya, making Langya feel a bit down.

"Master is still a master after all, I lost."

Chen Fan said: "It's already very strong. I'm afraid the skill should have an A-level evaluation, right?"

Wolf Fang nodded.

"But don't be superstitious about this rating."

"Your skill foundation is very good. If you can narrow the range and make the claw blades more orderly and dense, it will be more effective against masters."

"It's just in this state, but it can kill ordinary monsters quickly."

Langya hummed, nodded vigorously, humble and receptive.

"Okay, I probably understand your strength, it's very strong."

Langya asked expectantly: "How is it better than a magician? My combat power evaluation has surpassed him now."

Chen Fan directly gave Lang Ya a brain break, and said, "I told you not to trust this assessment of combat power too easily, magicians are very strong."

He recalled the big rift valley that the disciple of Shushan used last in the restricted area, and said: "The power of cutting is very strong, and it has an advantage in attack."

"Your wolf claw light blade may not be comparable in terms of attack."

"Besides, I'm afraid the magician has put too much effort into this ability, and you can't compare it for the time being."

"To put it bluntly, although you have dual abilities, if you play one-on-one, you might really lose."

Langya was a little discouraged.

Chen Fan patted Langya on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged. You have dual abilities now. Once you develop them, you will definitely be much better than a magician in the future."

"Although the assessment of combat power is not absolutely credible, to a certain extent, it is also credible."

"At least your current physical strength should be no worse than that of a magician, and in terms of the speed of killing monsters, you should also be stronger."

Langya said: "Then I can upgrade faster."

"At that time, the level will pull the magician far away, smooth the gap between experience and skills, and be like a master, directly crushing with absolute strength."

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, "You can't fly, but magicians can fly."

Langya's face froze.

Chen Fan laughed and said, "Just kidding, the types and numbers of monsters now are much more than those on the first day. Flying does have a little advantage, but it's not that big."

Langya's face softened.

Chen Fan unsheathed the Blood Shadow Sword and said, "Okay, I'm leaving, there are other things to do."

Langya looked at the time and said, "Master, it's almost three o'clock, and it's time for today's activities, so let's take a rest."

Chen Fan was taken aback for a moment, as if it was.

"Ah, wait a minute then. Have you eaten yet?"

Langya shook his head.

"While there is still time, eat something and make it for you as a teacher."

Chen Fan rolled up his sleeves, wanting to show off his skills.

Watching Chen Fan take out electronic kitchen utensils one by one from the package, Langya was stunned.

Soymilk machine, wall breaker, pressure cooker, air fryer...

Finally there is a gas range!

"Master, don't be so troublesome, right?"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Fan took out the reserved wolf meat, and said, "It must be used. I was finally rewarded with a set of kitchen utensils. How can I not try it?"

Spike: ...

Well, master, as long as you are happy.

Chen Fan cut the wolf meat into small pieces, put them into the electric pressure cooker, and...

No then.

Forgot to use electricity.

Seems like you need a battery pack?

How many points are there?take a look……

Fuck! 20 points!Grab points!
Chen Fan looked at the electric pressure cooker with an extremely exciting expression.

However, he was wearing a mask, and the wolf teeth could not be seen.

It's just that Chen Fan looked at the pot of wolf meat in a daze, which made Langya a little confused.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Chen Fan took a deep breath and said, "It's okay.

He shouted in his heart: "Play the system, I need a battery pack."

【Ding!System prompt: Due to the previous miss, the rule system is in a state of vigilance, and it is difficult to start. 】

Chen Fan: ...

The impersonation system doesn't work either.


Looking at Langya's puzzled expression, Chen Fan took a deep breath and said, "Let's still barbecue."

"No electricity."

Spike: ...

"Master, leave it to me, anyway, I am also a chef outside."

Chen Fan could only nod helplessly.

As a result, he watched Langya take out a bunch of kitchen knives, iron pans, frying spoons and other simple kitchen utensils, as well as various seasonings.

These are also exploded by him killing monsters.

The rule system may really explode things according to personal characteristics.

Chen Fan watched Langya skillfully cut meat, mixed seasoning, and looked at the pile of electric kitchen utensils he made, feeling a little embarrassed.

In the live broadcast room, the audience had long been amused by Chen Fan's behavior:
"There's no electricity in the forbidden area, I'm so happy!"

"All gods have their moments of deflation."

"I can't help it, hahaha..."

"Looking at Fanshen's artistic barbecue, I don't think he can cook."

"Am I the only one who thinks all gods are blessed? First, there was a beautiful young lady who cooked for him, and now a chef cooks for him."

"Fan Shen, I am willing to cook for you for the rest of my life."

"I feel that Langya is also a male god. He is so powerful, he can cook, and he is from the army."

"Love, love, love all of them."

It had not been two hours since Daxian finished eating the beef rice. Looking at Langya's handiwork on the screen, he felt hungry again.

"Guys, I'm hungry again."

"If I had known, I would have waited two hours before eating. Seeing the movement of the wolf's teeth shaking the spoon, it is quite satisfying to eat."

"It's really... I can't take it anymore, I want to order another takeaway."

And the barrage:
"Daxian, don't eat any more, be careful and change back again."

"That's right, it's hard to lose weight, don't let down the reward that the gods gave you."

"We want Bing Xin, not tanks!"

Daxian was so amused that he turned off the M group on his phone.

After the wolf god finished his meal, Chen Fan ate some more.

The rice cooked by Qingcheng tends to be light and nutritious.

And the dishes made by the chef Wolf God are full of color, fragrance and taste, which makes people's index fingers move.

Too tempting.

The two had a full meal, lay quietly on the ground, looked at the sky, and waited for three o'clock in the afternoon.

[Game Announcement: The Crystal of Destiny descends on the forbidden area, attracting monsters to besiege it.Players are asked to go to the front of the crystal and guard the crystal from being destroyed. 】

[If the crystal guard is successful, Blue Star will gain huge benefits; if the crystal is broken, disaster will befall Blue Star. 】

[Adventurers, come and protect your homeland! 】

The event is finally here.

Defend the destiny crystal?

Is it another action similar to guarding the country's gate?
Chen Fan looked at Langya and asked, "How about we form a team first?"

Langya nodded, and the two teamed up.

Then, they clicked on Send together.


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