National Luck: Playing the Sword of Heaven and Earth at the beginning

Chapter 68 The first player with double A-level abilities

The green crystal, called the recovery crystal, seems to be the essence power item specially used for the recovery power.

Chen Fan has the item Tianshan Snow Lotus in his hand, which can also be used by Qingcheng's recovery ability.

But Tianshan Xuelian's props are a bit high-grade, and he can upgrade the B-level recovery ability to A-level.

Of course, it's not that it can't be used for C-level recovery abilities, but it's a bit wasteful, and it can only upgrade C-level abilities to B-level.

And the appearance of this recovery crystal just made up for the gap in Qingcheng.

"What a stroke of luck."

Chen Fan smiled slightly, and put away the recovery crystal first.

A Taidao that exudes lightning, named Raiqie, high-quality goods.

This has little effect on Chen Fan. Although he can use it, he is not used to it.

Put it away as a collection first.

A bead surrounded by fiery red ripples, named Yan Lingzhu, is a prop for evolving fire-type abilities.

It's a pity that it is a primary item, and it can only evolve C-level fire abilities to B-level.

"If you meet Qingzhu, you can use it for her."

This apprentice is a bit weak now, because the ability is the same, so if it is just a master-apprentice contract relationship, Qing Zhu's strength will not increase at all.

If Chen Fan hadn't taught her swordsmanship, it would be very difficult for Qing Zhu to survive in the forbidden area now.

It is also good to mention her abilities.

Putting away the Yan Lingzhu, Chen Fan picked up a dagger that gave off an ominous atmosphere.

"The Ominous Blade, a high-quality weapon..."

"A cursed weapon, might it turn back on its master?"

"This thing..."

"It does feel ominous."

Chen Fan's spiritual sense made him realize that this dagger might indeed bring bad luck to its owner.

Even putting him in a backpack might get in the way.

"How dare Yinliu put this kind of thing in the package."

Chen Fan shook his head helplessly, threw his hands, and inserted the dagger into a tree trunk in the distance.

"Probably because it is a high-quality weapon, so you are reluctant to throw it away?"

Not everyone has Chen Fan's keen spiritual sense.

Chen Fan picked up another handful of scales emitting a faint light.

"Silver Dragon Lin?"

"It really came from dragon scales?"

"It's still a prop for evolutionary abilities?"

"The silverization ability that can evolve silver flow, it seems that he may be C-level at the beginning?"

"This Silver Dragon Lin should be the rest."

"It's just, how did he get the dragon scales?"

"Get certain achievements, the rules give rewards?"

"That's the only way to explain it. I haven't seen a dragon in this forbidden area yet."

"If there is a dragon, it is also the Dragon King of Great Xia."

"I've received it, it seems to be quite valuable."

The glowing items are gone, but among those seemingly ordinary items, there are also good ones.

"Shinto tea tea cakes, make tea and drink, the maximum increase in physical fitness is 50."

"Inferior devil's heart, shards of resentful souls, primary will-o'-the-wisps, incomplete will-o'-the-wisps..."

A lot of things were put away by Chen Fan and sorted out.

Looking up at the edge of the big pit, Qingcheng had been standing by the pit worriedly waiting.

Chen Fan easily jumped and landed beside Qingcheng.

"Okay, it's finished."

"Master, did you kill them all?"

"Of course I want to kill him."


Qingcheng let out a soft oh, a little discouraged.

"Why, haven't you adapted to the cruel environment of the forbidden area?"

Qingcheng lowered her head, a little aggrieved:

"Why should I be selected into this game?"

"I just want to live in peace."


She sobbed softly.

Until now, she still has a strong resistance to this forbidden place in her heart.

Chen Fan sighed, temporarily blocked the live broadcast, and said, "Some things are independent of people's will."

"Whether you like it or not, you've already come in."

"Whether it's complaining or avoiding, it won't bring any benefit to your life in the forbidden area."

"So far, no player has left the forbidden area alive."

"The more than 800 people who left this game all left with their lives."

"Perhaps, in the end, only one person can get out of this game alive."

"If you think about it worse, maybe in the end, no player will be able to leave this game alive."

"But, is this our reason for escaping?"

"No, that's precisely why we attacked."

"If you don't go to the end, who will know what the final result will be?"

"Perhaps the last is the era when Blue Star will fully recover."

"It's also possible that it's the era when the Blue Star people rushed out of the Blue Star and rushed into the universe."

"Or maybe the Blue Stars have completed evolution, and everyone in Daxia is like a dragon."

"The unknown future is the driving force for us to move forward."

"Of course, this is too far away, you may not care."

"But the most realistic thing right now is that if you don't become strong, you will be bullied and hunted down."

"This, you have already experienced it just now."

"After entering, we have no way out."

"Without the peace of Daxia's life, there is no rule to limit the evil in people's hearts."

"If you want to survive, you can only become stronger."

"Become the strongest."

Qingcheng choked again, raised her red and swollen eyes, and said:
"Master, thank you."

"Actually, I have thought about some of what you said."

"I also know that once you enter this forbidden area, there is no way out."

"I shouldn't be so weak."

"I'm going to try to be strong."

Chen Fan nodded and said, "Let me give you some gifts for the teacher."

He took out the recovery crystal and Tianshan snow lotus and handed them to Qingcheng.

Qingcheng covered her mouth in surprise.

"These two things can make your C-level recovery ability evolve to A-level."

"Coupled with the A-level fire attribute ability you inherited from me, you will become the first double A-level ability player in this forbidden area."

"Without the mysterious power, you can compete for the first place."

Qingcheng's tears flowed down again disappointingly.

"Master... thank you."

"Don't cry, even in this cruel forbidden area, we have to live with a smile."

"Look at me."

Qingcheng raised her head and looked at Chen Fan with teary eyes...

Ah, just these two blushes...

Qingcheng: Well, I don't want to cry anymore.

She wiped her tears and asked Chen Fan:
"Master, what is the mysterious power you just mentioned?"

Chen Fan thought about the three special humanoid monsters he met in the restricted area, shook his head, and said:

"It may soon cease to be a mystery."

The forbidden land is also learning, or analyzing their power.

Qingcheng heard it in a daze, but seeing that Chen Fan didn't want to say anything, she stopped asking.

She took the props in Chen Fan's hand, and used two props under the prompt of the system.

Without a game announcement, Chen Fan could only ask Qingcheng:

"How about it, is there any special reward?"

Qingcheng shook her head and said, "There is only 15 reward points."

Chen Fan sighed, a little disappointed.

What about double A-level ability players, why don't they give special rewards and resource rewards?
It seems that he thinks too much.

In other words, Qingcheng is not the first player with double A-level abilities?

Have other players already possessed double A-level abilities?
Chen Fan looked through the game announcement a lot, but he didn't find such an announcement.

It seems that this kind of achievement is not considered a system achievement and will not be rewarded.

I'm afraid there will be rewards only after the first S-level ability comes out, right?

Chen Fan looked at Qingcheng and said, "Use your flame ability and let me see how far you can use it."

Qingcheng nodded, pointed forward, and sprayed out a pillar of fire.

A pillar of fire erupted ten meters away, quickly burning a tree to ashes.

"anything else?"

Qingcheng held his breath and forced out another fireball, and then the fireball began to shrink.

Compressed to the size of a tennis ball, another burst of flames continued to compress...

It was the nine-turn red lotus bomb that Chen Fan taught her.

This time, Qingcheng condensed five times and shot the fireball.

A five-meter pit was blown out.

"Any more?"


Qingcheng froze for a moment, recalled Chen Fan's operation, and pointed to the sky again.

A crimson flame gradually expanded in midair.

One meter, two meters...

Ah, just two meters.

Looking at Qingcheng's blushing face, Chen Fan said helplessly, "Okay, take it back."

Qingcheng retracted the flame into her body, her face was still red.

I don't know if it's tiring or embarrassing.

Compared with the big fireball that Chen Fan gathered before, it was too far behind.

"I'm sorry, Master, I've embarrassed you. I used such a powerful skill like this."

Chen Fan shook his head, and said, "Emperor Yan's skill is not considered strong, and its rating is only B-level."

This skill can be said to be Ace's unique skill, but Chen Fan also understands that his Emperor Yan and the Yan Emperor who eats the sky are just in vain.

In other words, all the players with fire abilities who use Yandi are all in vain.

Because there is no real analysis of the composition of Emperor Yan. If there is, there is only a simple formula of Yan Jie and Yan Zhu.

One hundred players can play one hundred Yandi.

This is different from Chen Fan's role-playing system. Every sword and every skill has a strict and complicated aura operation structure.

Even if that anime doesn't have it, the impersonation system has been figured out.

Of course, if some players delve into this handsome-looking Yandi skill, they may be able to evolve this skill to the level of A-level skills.

Just like Chen Fan's Vulcan Finger, its internal composition is also complicated.

But when Chen Fan used Emperor Yan, it was just a temporary idea.

The fireball can reach ten meters because Chen Fan's own mental will is strong enough.

Qingcheng naturally cannot compare with him.

Chen Fan stopped paying attention to this, and asked, "What is your current combat power assessment?"

Qingcheng said: 556.

"Only 556?"

"I'm sorry, Master, for embarrassing you."

Chen Fan waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's already pretty good."

Maybe Qingcheng is really not suitable for fighting.

Qingcheng was afraid that Chen Fan would be disappointed, so he hesitated for a moment, and summoned up his courage to say, "Actually, Master, I have a trick I just thought of."

"Oh? Really? Use it to see."

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