The word Conferred God is an unfamiliar word to most players outside of Great Xia.

Because in their myths and stories, the so-called gods are inherited by blood, rather than cultivated by their own efforts.

Xue Qiangwei asked: "Master, what is the matter of conferring gods? Are you going to seal us?"

Langya stood up and explained: "Conferring the gods means canonizing the gods. Is it to make you gods?"

Zhuanlun asked: "I seem to have heard of this, but Chen Fan, the god you canonized is not the same as the real god, right?"

Among the players, there are some who have already come into contact with the definition of gods, at least the kind that can destroy a civilized planet.

Chen Fan said: "The god I conferred is a duty and a right."

"I want you to become gods in various regions of Blue Star and manage one side."

The soldier king Xu Fei was a little surprised and said: "Oh, what about our upper echelon? I can't imagine such a thing."

"Also, we people should not be good at governance, right? What we are strong is only our personal strength."

Qingzhu stood up and said: "Master, I don't like this kind of thing either, I like to be alone."

Diamond Diamond stood up and said, "Oh, Master, are you telling the truth? Do you want us to rule our Blue Star?"

Elephant God: "Are all of you Daxia people so pure-hearted and ascetic? Leader, you can make me the god of the God Ox Kingdom, and I am willing to listen to you."

Chen Fan said in a serious tone: "Correct your mentality, what I give you is not only rights, but also responsibilities and obligations. I want you to protect your own country."

"As my Bing Wang said, we people are not good at governance, at least not all of us are good at governance."

"This can be seen from the power we have developed. Ask yourself, is your power developing well?"

Dongfang stood up and said, "I think my power is developing pretty well."

The Dragon King said: "It's really not bad, but compared with the upper level of my Great Xia, it's still much worse."

"East, don't be fooled by power."

Dongfang: "Yes, Master, I'm arrogant. I don't think I can do it if I want to manage the whole Great Xia."

Xue Qiangwei said: "Master, can I understand this way, you let us protect our own country, do you want us to be our own country's superheroes?"

Blitz: "When you put it that way, I seem to understand a little bit, superhero, very good looking."

Chen Fan: "..."

Well, he made a mistake. In terms of cultural output, it is true that the blockbuster films of the Beautiful Country have the first-mover advantage, spreading more widely than the myths of Great Xia.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "You are right in saying that, the most important thing is to protect the people in your country."

Xue Qiangwei said: "Oh, Master, I like this profession very much, let me become a superhero!"

Chen Fan: "...You can understand it as a superhero, but to the outside world, we still have to call ourselves gods."

Qing Zhu: "Master, those who call themselves gods are usually big villains."

Chen Fan: "..."

Why are there so many pressing things?

He asked again: "Okay, let me ask again, is anyone else planning to give up? Go back to Blue Star and be an ordinary person?"

No one answered.

Chen Fan wants to become a god, which is a huge temptation. Even if they are dissatisfied with the soul seed, this temptation is even more fragrant to them.

Who doesn't want to experience the feeling of being superior?
Langya said at this time: "Master, there is a problem. Currently there are only 15 players in the forbidden area. What about other countries? Don't they need gods?"

Chen Fan said: "I don't intend to canonize the gods of every country. After all, there are too many gaps between countries."

"Can you compare Xiaolijia with the polar bear country?"

Zhuanlun: "I like this sentence. Chen Fan, I would be happy to choose one of the players in my Extreme North Bear Country and let him be the god of Xiaolijia."

Chen Fan said: "Everyone's strength is already extremely strong on Blue Star. At least one person can destroy a city. It's not difficult."

"But for me, it's not enough."

"You need to build up enough prestige."

Blitz said: "Master, I think I am very strong now. My combat power is more than 600."

Chen Fan said: "Not enough, I want you to have the ability to destroy a continent."

There was collective silence in the chat group.

Obediently, destroy a continent?
Could it be that Chen Fan was joking?

Chidori said: "Master, I believe you can do it, you control the forbidden area, our life and death are in your thought."

"It's just that if a person has such a huge power, what should he do if he wants to destroy Blue Star with evil in his heart?"

Xue Qiangwei said: "Oh, you have said it yourself, our life and death are in the master's thought, if someone wants to destroy Blue Star, they will definitely die in an instant."

Chen Fan said: "This is the truth, Chidori, the seed of the soul, is not such a simple thing, it can lead people to be good."

Chidori stopped talking.

Chen Fan said: "Of course, when I say conferring gods, I don't want all of you players to become gods. Seven continents, if you don't count the Antarctic Iceland, probably only need seven gods. Others , as well as other responsibilities.”

Blitz: "Can I recommend myself?"

Chen Fan did not answer him, but continued: "In addition to the gods of all parties, I also plan to establish a headquarters in the Heavenly Court, and have the most important people sit in the headquarters and lead the world."

As soon as Chen Fan said this, everyone became thoughtful.

Does this mean that there are two types of people?

One is an important official of the imperial court, and the other is a big official in the frontier.

Which one should I choose?

Chidori stood up and said, "Master, I want to enter the Tianting headquarters."

Blood Rose: "Hey? Is it fun to stay in one place? How good is it to be a superhero in your own country?"

Chidori didn't speak, but Chen Fan could probably guess Chidori's thoughts.

Probably someone who has no face to face Fusang island country.

After all, worshiping Chen Fan as a teacher and obeying Chen Fan's words, even though Chidori has super strength and brought a lot of resources to his country, it is still unpopular in Fusang island country.

That country, alas...

I really want to slap my hand into the sea.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan said: "Okay, you are allowed to enter the Heavenly Court."

Dragon King: "Then I will also enter the Heavenly Court. Although, I can't stay in Blue Star for long."

Dongfang: "Master, what should I do?"

Dragon King: "I suggest you enter the Heavenly Court."

Qing Zhu: "Master, I want to stay in the forbidden area, is that okay?"

Chen Fan thought of the exercises Tuo Shen gave Qing Zhu, and said, "Yes."

Elephant God: "Leader, can I recommend myself as the God of the Eastern Continent?"

Chen Fan thought for a while and said, "The Eastern Continent is too big and has too many people. You can't do it alone."

Elephant God: "Then I will shrink it a little bit, just the god of my own country, the god of the god of the cow country."

Chen Fan laughed, this Xiangshen is a reality.

Chen Fan said: "It is possible, but..."

Xiangshen: "Leader, if you have any requests, just ask."

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